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Kain makes his living as a shirushigami, a clerk in the afterlife. His main responsibility is to keep track of the lifespan of humans on Earth, so that the shinigami know when and where they may be needed in order to help the souls of the recently deceased reach the Wheel of Reincarnation.

However, while no part of Kain's job requires him to take part in field work of any kind, he has taken it upon himself to bring down the rogue Damashigami Company. As a boy, Kain's mother found herself engaged to Sabato Rokudo, the father of Rinne and leader of the Damashigami. Sabato used Kain's mother, consantly borrowed money for her, and stuck her with little money to provide for herself and her son. While Kain's mother naively believes Sabato to be a good man, her money has provided the financial backing for the Damashigami Company. Kain is forced to work in secrecy, and enters the field, covertly hunting damashigami in hopes of destroying the group without anyone finding out about his family's connection to the group.

Kain develops a grudge against Rinne because of Sabato, and once he encounters the shinigami, attacks him, stealing his lifeflame in the process. As someone who works in the afterlife, Kain shows little regard for the rules as he attempts to end Rinne's life early, and shows no remorse when an innocent human bystander like Sakura gets gets caught up in their battle. He shows little care towards his co-workers as Kain's cold, cruel personality shows itself when he criticizes other shinigami for being unable to do their job and bring an end to the Damashigami Company.

Kain has a slowly blossoming connection with Renge, who he mistakenly believes is an upright, stalwart young lady, though in reality she works directly for his hated Damashigami Company.

The Meaning Behind the Name - 架印

Kain's name is a combination of two characters that mean "support" and "stamp". Possibly related to his desk job within the realm of the afterlife.

Soma Saito

Known for playing Yuutarou Tsumugi in Aldnoah.Zero, Soma Saito has also portrayed Tasuku Ryuenji in Future Card Buddy Fight, Shadow Joker in Mysterious Joker and Yuzuru Tenpoin in Tribe Cool Crew.