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Shampoo's Sudden Switch! The Curse of the Contrary Jewel Shampoo Hyouhen! Hanten Houju no Wazawai シャンプー豹変! 反転宝珠の禍 The story features a brooch that makes Shampoo feel the opposite of her true feelings for Ranma. Ranma begins to panic at the thought of losing one of his fiancees, and plans to tell Shampoo that he loves her. Forseeing this, Cologne invites all his friends, so once he confesses, he'll be unable to back out of their engagement. This benefits Ryoga and Kuno as well, as they plan to sweep Akane away once Ranma makes his supposed feelings for Shampoo public. Gainax handled the animation for the first six OVAs. |
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Tendo Family Christmas Scramble Tendo-ke Scramble Christmas 天道家 すくらんぶるクリスマス Kasumi has a dream that Santa Claus asks her to hold a Christmas party at the Tendo Dojo. Practically everyone from the series is invited and chaos ensues. Ranma's fiancees become jealous of one another, Akane thinks Ranma hates her handmade present, and Ranma doesn't feel like singing kareoke with the other girls. In the end Ranma and Akane get a few moments alone, and everyone appreciates the beautiful show of shooting stars which was Kasumi's present from Santa for throwing the party. |
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Ranma vs. Akane! I'll Be the One to Inherit Mother's Recipes! Ranma vs Akane Okaasanno Aji ha Watashi ga Mamoru! あかねVSらんま お母さんの味は私が守る! Kasumi falls ill, and leaves the Tendo home without a chef. It's a blessing when Nodoka Saotome, Ranma's mother, pays a visit and offers her assistance during Kasumi's illness. The family isn't too happy though when she offers to help teach Akane how to cook. Akane's desire to learn to cook is even more intense, because she recently discovered her mother's old cookbook. Ranma (disguised as the Tendo's cousin Ranko) decides he should help in the kitchen in order to insure Akane doesn't accidently kill his mother with her notoriously bad cooking. |
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Stormy Weather Comes to School! Growing Up with Miss Hinako Gakuen ni Fuku Arashi Adult Change! Hinako-sensei 学園に吹く嵐! アダルトチェンジひな子先生 Hinako Ninomiya, Furinkan High's new homeroom teacher, is able to absorb battle aura from delinquent students like Kuno and Ranma and grow into a twenty-something version of herself. Of course, Ranma wants to learn her secret, but when Happosai reveals that Ranma would never be able to execute it, Ranma takes it upon himself to strike Hinako's pressure points (some of which happen to be very near her breasts) and stop her from draining the students. Hinako winds up draining almost the entire school in her battle with Ranma before he manages to strike her pressure points. Of course Happosai never told him he would have to repeat this almost every day for a month to permanently stop her. This story was originally featured in volume 25 of the manga. |
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The One to Carry On (Part 1) Michi wo Tsugu Mono (Zenpen) 道を継ぐ者(前編) The Nerima district has been suffering from food thefts. Once it's revealed that Natsume and Karumi have been stealing the food because they're starving, the Tendo's take them in. It comes as a shock that Natsume and Karumi begin to say that they are searching for their father, Soun Tendo. |
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The One to Carry On (Part 2) Michi wo Tsugu Mono (Kouhen) 道を継ぐ者(後編) Soun becomes quite upset when Natsume and Karumi defeat Akane and Ranma for ownership of the dojo, and then after a few harsh comments from Ranma, Akane runs away. Akane refuses to give up and begins to train with Ryoga, a fact that Ranma isn't too thrilled about. |
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Reawakening Memories (Part 1) Ranma 1/2 Special Yomigaeru kioku (joukan) 道を継ぐ者(後編) The story was originally serialized in volume 25 and 26 and was voted in Japan as the storyline fans wanted to see animated the most. "Reawakening Memories" deals with Akane suddenly remembering a trip to Ryugenzawa when she was a small child. While there she was saved from a giant platypus by Shinnosuke. Akane travels back to Ryogenzawa and once again meets Shinnosuke, who falls in love with her. Akane blames herself for Shinnosuke's life-threatening injuries, and decides to stay and help out. |
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Reawakening Memories (Part 2) Ranma 1/2 Special Yomigaeru kioku (joukan) らんま1/2 SPECIAL よみがえる記憶(下巻) Soun becomes quite upset when Natsume and Karumi defeat Akane and Ranma for ownership of the dojo, and then after a few harsh comments from Ranma, Akane runs away. Akane refuses to give up and begins to train with Ryoga, a fact that Ranma isn't too thrilled about. |
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Oh, Cursed Tunnel of Lost Love! Let My Love Be Forever Ranma 1/2 Super Aa! Noroi no harendou, waga ai wa eien ni らんま1/2 SUPER ああ呪いの破恋洞! 我が愛は永遠に This is the first of three Super OVAs, Shampoo and Ukyo arrange to travel to a cave that is legendary for breaking up couples. They hope they will cause Ranma and Akane to break-up and Shampoo hopes to ditch Mousse the same way. When Ryoga arrives Ukyo tells him what's happening and he happily joins in to help wreak Akane and Ranma's relationship. Ranma and Akane become convinced that Ryoga and Ukyo are now a couple and wish them the best, and the ghosts haunting the cave wind up attempting to break up Ukyo and Ryoga instead of Ranma and Akane. |
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The Evil Oni Ranma 1/2 Super Jaaku no Oni らんま1/2 SUPER 邪悪の鬼 An Oni (that wears a tiger-striped diaper just like the Oni of Urusei Yatsura) escapes its sealed box and begins to possess people in the neighborhood. Fortunately, the demon can be expelled from its host with a punch. The Oni hops from Genma to Kuno to Ryoga and then the priest before finding its way to Kasumi. Of course no one in the house would dare to hit gentle Kasumi. Soun attempts to draw it out but fails. Finally the Oni leaves Kasumi in order to gather more power from an even greater evil- Happosai. |
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The Two Akanes, "Ranma Look at Me!" Ranma 1/2 Super Futari no Akane "Ranma, atashi wo mite" らんま1/2 SUPER 二人のあかね「乱馬、私を見て!」 Ranma disturbs a doll that takes revenge on anyone that shows it disrespect. In order to teach Ranma a lesson, the doll possesses Akane and tries on many occasions to attack him. Evil Akane sees that she'll never beat Ranma when his guard is up so she attempts to seduce him before she goes in for the kill. We see a very different side of Akane in this OVA with an excellent job done by both Noriko Hidaka and Miriam Sirios, Akane's Japanese and English seiyuus. They both provide a very convincing sensual side to Akane. While the evil doll controls Akane, the real Akane is transfered into the doll where she tries to seek help. P-chan arrives and realizes what has happened just in time to help doll-Akane stop Evil Akane. |
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Nightmare! Incense of Spring Sleep Akumu! Shunmin ko 悪夢!春眠香 Akane comes home with some sweet smelling insense, which piques Happosai's interest. He tries to share some of his special brand with her, but Ranma fans it in his face causing him to pass out. It seemed he had planned to molest Akane while she slept. That night, after he awakens, Happosai sneaks into Ranma's room and mixes the "Incense of Spring Sleep" intending to cause Ranma to sleep all through spring. Ranma manages to evade the fumes, but Akane is caught with them. At school Akane falls asleep and everyone is concerned that will sleep through her exams. Soon they realize that she is able to fight while sleeping, and upon reading the instructions they learn that the incense was actually designed for those who were forced to stay awake in order to evade assassins. Soon Akane begins to attack Ranma as she dreams of him flirting with Shampoo and Ukyo in a giant harem where she is being forced to serve. Everyone tries to make Akane sleep comfortably and sooth her bad dreams, but no matter what they do, her dreams seem to drive Akane to attack those around her. Nabiki arrives and offers to sell Ranma a special "Incense of Coming Summer" to trick Akane into believeing summer has come and it is time for her to wake up. The incense works, but only after everyone realizes it was merely a mosquito coil Nabiki tricked Ranma into buying. |
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The below releases are video specials that are not technically classified as OVAs. Many of them contain music videos, openings, endings, clip shows and interviews from various phases of the series. |
Hot Songs Contest Nettou utagassen sono 1 & sono 2 熱闘歌合戦 その1 & その2 This was comprised of original music videos developed for the Hot Songs Contest album. This was one of the most widely available of the specials released. Clips of the music videos are available in the lyrics section. The first part was released on November 7, 1990, and the second was released November 21 of that same year. When they were later released on DVD both volumes were placed on one disc. |
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DoCo Music Video DoCo Myuujiku bideo DoCoミュージックビデオ This was a collection of the opening and ending OVA themes performed by DoCo, the musical group made up of Ranma 1/2 cast members. Also included is an interview with the cast during their recording of the "Tunnel of Lost Love" OAV. The interviewed voice actors included: Kappei Yamaguchi, Megumi Hayashibara, Noriko Hidaka, Keniichi Ogata, Minami Takeyama, Kikuko Inoue, Ryunosuke Obayashi, Hiromi Tsuru, Rei Sakuma, Toshikiko Seki, Miyoko Asou, Koichi Yamadera, Hirotaka Suzuoki, Saeko Shimazu, and Shigeru Chiba. |
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Tendo Family's Annoying Acquaintances Tendo-ke no oyobi de nai yatsura! 天道家のおよびでない奴ら! This features a Nabiki narrated review of the series where she discusses various characters that the Tendo family has had to tolerate spliced with new animation of Nabiki hanging around the house, taking a bath, and wondering about the true identity of P-chan. It was available through the Kitty Animation Circle. |
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TV Titles TV Titles TV タイトルズ Like many of the specials seen here, this laserdisc was available through the Kitty Animation Circle. This contains all of the opening and ending animation and songs without the cast and crew information overlayed. |
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Battle at Togenkyo! Get Back the Brides!! Best Scene Video Chuugoku nekonron daisakusen! Okite ya buri no gekitaouhen!! Saikou-teki Bamen bideo 中国寝崑崙大決戦! 掟やぶりの激闘篇!! 最高的場面ビデオ A video preview of the first movie shortly before it's Japanese release. The video was available through the Kitty Animation Circle, and showed a few of the highlights of the film. |
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1994 Music Calendar --- --- Unlike the 1991-1995 calendars, the 1994 editions of all Rumiko Takahashi series were released on VHS. Series clips were shown along with the music that freeze-frames when a new move is shown. The writing at the bottom says "Anything-Goes Martial Arts Technique/Trick Picture Scroll". This was put out by the KAC (Kitty Animation Circle), and so it wasn't commercially available in stores. If you see it online with a different cover, that is because it comes with interchangeable covers with the back-side featuring a different month of the year (so a different cover online is the same release). |
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Huge Battle 29 Unteachable Fools Batoru Kaiibai 29 Hitou Korinai Yatsura バトルがいっぱい29人の懲りないやつら This special, known in Japan as "Batoru Kaiibai 29 Hitou Korinai Yatsura," was available through the Kitty Animation Circle making it a difficult item to come by. It contained clips from twenty-nine of Ranma's most memorable opponents from the television series. |
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Best of Memories Besuto obu memoriizu ベスト・オブ・メモリーズ This is another collections of "Best Of" moments from throughout the series. This one focused on romantic moments, and shifted between the scenes with interviews with Kappei Yamaguchi, Megumi Hayashibara and Noriko Hidaka. Also interviewed are Rei Sakuma, Koichi Yamadera, Saeko Shimazu, and Yuuji Mitsuya. |
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Ranma 1/2 Drama Ranma 1/2 らんま1/2 This ninety minute live-action special was a retelling of the early manga volumes interwoven with new scenes and an original villain. You can read a full summary, cast and crew list of the live-action special here. |
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