overview: Ranma 1/2 was cancelled due to poor ratings, and was taken off the air to be retooled which also saw the exodus of director Tsutomu Shibayama who left to work on Chibi Maruko-chan (where he stayed from 1990 until 2012). Additionally the budget was cut and much of the animation work was sent overseas causing a noticable decline in quality compared to the prior 18 episode series.
The show was relanched as Ranma 1/2 Nettohen (this "season" was dubbed Anything-Goes Martial Arts in English) with a few changes in the staff. A new director was brought on, and Kenji Kawai was brought in as well. Kawai's other music work includes many of Mamoru Oshii's films including Patlabor and Ghost in the Shell. The core art team was retained even though their were subtle differences in their work that became more obvious. The biggest name amongst them is Atsuko Nakajima, who got her start in character designs on Ranma 1/2 and had directed a single episode of Urusei Yatsura late in the series run. She then moved on to do Molediver, Haunted Junction, and You're Under Arrest. These episodes were shifted around a somewhat when they were brought to America to hue closer to the original order of the stories in the manga and also to avoid having a multi-part storyline broken up over more than one VHS tape (which only had two episodes on each release). Below they are listed in the order they were released in Japan, with the episode numeration beginning again due to this technically being a seperate show (in name only).
Episode 1: 激突! 出前格闘レース
Gekitotsu! Demae kakutou race (Clash of the Delivery Girls! The Martial Arts Takeout Race)
Years ago a starving Genma traded baby Ranma to a man named Kinnosuke for some fish, rice and pickles. After his meal Genma stole Ranma back and ran away. Cut to the present day, as the man arrives to claim his "son," Ranma. Now if Akane cannot win the martial arts take-out race Ranma will have to marry Kaori, Kinnosuke's daughter. When Akane becomes injured in the race, Ranma has to overcome his pride, turn into a girl, and enter the race to help Akane win.
Episode Staff:
Director: Kazuhiro Furuhashi (古橋一浩)
Animation Director: Atsuko Nakajima (中嶋敦子)
Script: Toshiki Inoue (井上敏樹)
Storyboards: Koji Sawai (澤井幸次)
Originally Aired:
October 20, 1989
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
This is the first episode to use the "Ranma You Pervert" Opening Narration rather than a theme song. The narration is performed by Tadashi Nakamura (中村正).
Kaori and her father Kinnosuke both debut in this episode.
In the original manga story much of Kaori's part was portrayed by Shampoo. The story of how Kaori and Ranma were engaged was taken from the background of Ukyo Kuonji who had yet to debut in the anime but appeared in the manga in chapter 85 which was published approximately four months prior to this episode's air date. To further drive home the Kaori/Ukyo connection, they are both voiced by Hiromi Tsuru.
The company sponsoring the race is "Kinkadai Hanten" (金華大飯店) or "Kinkadai Chinese Restaurant/Cafe".
Kaori's father, Kinnosuke, mentions that he has no heir for the Daikoku School of Martial Arts. Daikoku (大黒, sometimes known by his full name "Daikokuten" [大黒天]) is one of the Seven Lucky Gods (七福神/Shichi Fukujin), in particular he is the god of wealth. Depictions of Daikokuten show him with large ears, just like Kinnosuke is depicted as having.
When Ranma punches Genma after he reveals he sold Ranma for food, we see flashing images of an eggplant, panda Genma eating a bowl of rice, a fish and two pickles (what he traded Ranma for), followed by a fist, and another image of a beaten up panda Genma eating a fish for a fraction of a second.
"I don't want any hard feelings. I'll give you consolation money." - "Consolation money" (手切れ金/degirekin) is money paid for breaking off a relationship with a mistress.
"It's a warrior art that comes from the Aizu fief in the Edo Period." - THe Aizu fief, or Aizu Doman (会津藩/Aizu han), is the historical location of Tsuruga Castle in modern day Aizuwakamatsu (会津若松) in Fukushima Prefecture.
Other voices in this episode include Shigeru Chiba credited as the manager/race announcer, Yoshihiko Kamei (亀井芳子) and Midori Nakazawa as two of the athletes that are helping pass out fliers and Masashi Hirose as "man", the bushy-bearded man who also claims Ranma is his adopted son.
Episode 2: やっぱり猫が嫌い?
Yappari neko ga kirai? (You Really Do Hate Cats?)
While training one evening, Kuno spars with his inept manservent, Sasuke Sarugakure. The next day at the Tendo home, a package containing a cat arrives, revealing that Ranma is deathly afraid of cats due to Genma attempting to teach him "Cat-Fu" when he was six years old. Kuno sends out his ninja manservant Sasuke to find out what Ranma's weakness is, but once it is discovered, it is too unbelievable to be true. As Sasuke puts cat after cat in Ranma's path, Ranma loses control and uses the deadly "Cat-Fu". Genma eventually tries to subdue Ranma by dressing as an old lady from the neighborhood who's presence Ranma found soothing, but the costume only angers an out of control Ranma even more. Eventually while lost in his cat-like state he nuzzles against Akane, giving her their first kiss.
Episode Staff:
Director: Noriyuki Nakamura (中村憲由)
Animation Director: Asami Endo (遠藤麻未)
Script: Hiroshi Toda (戸田博史)
Storyboards: Tamiko Kojima (小島多美子)
Originally Aired:
November 3, 1989
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
Sasuke Sarugakure makes his debut in this episode. He was largely used to replace Hikaru Gosunkugi who debuts much later in the anime.
The Ranma training dummy that Kuno is using has a "heno heno moheji" face.
In Japanese "Cat-Fu" is "Neko-ken" (猫拳/Cat Fist)
The sculpture that falls on Sasuke and knocks him into the understage area is a large tanuki statue. The label on its belly states "Souvenir - Shigaraki no Sato". Shigaraki no Sato is renowed for its ceramics and kilns.
The bag Genma is shown carrying is a "furoshiki" (風呂敷). This is a towel or blanket used to place items on and then it is tied together and carried. The swirling pattern shown on Genma's furoshiki has become the default pattern of a burglar's pack in Japanese popular culture. Sabato from Kyokai no RINNE is also known to carry one occasionally.
After Akane is walking home at sunset a horn can be heard to sound in the distance as a man on a bicycle rides past. This is the sound of a sweet potato vendor.
Episode 3: 私が女傑族のおばば!
Watashi ga Joketsuzoku no obaba (This Old Gal's the Leader of of the Amazon Tribe!)
Flying in on the back of a plane in a bird-shaped basket, Cologne, Shampoo's great-grandmother arrives in Japan in search of Ranma. Meanwhile, Ranma is being attacked left and right by Ryoga and Kuno after kissing Ranma while he was mad with fear over cats. Akane is offended when Ranma's apology for kissing her leaves her to believe he would have kissed anyone given the state he was in. Then, the cat that was mailed from China leaps into the bath with Ranma and reveals herself to be Shampoo who has now picked up a Jusenkyo curse of her own.
Episode Staff:
Director: Shinji Takagi (高木真司)
Animation Director: Atsuko Nakajima (中嶋敦子)
Script: Hiroshi Toda (戸田博史)
Storyboards: Shinji Takagi (高木真司)
Originally Aired:
November 10, 1989
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
This episode features the first appearance of Cologne. In the credits she is billed as "Granny" (おばば/Obaba).
When the girder nearly falls on Cologne she causes it to shatter. This is the Breaking Point (爆砕点穴/Bakusai Tenketsu) technique that she will eventually teach Ryoga in Nettohen episode 10.
Kuno is wearing a headband with candles in it, which would have been worn by Hiraku Gosunkugi in this scene in the manga. This is a way to curse someone in a process known as "ushi no koku mairi" (丑の刻参り).
After smashing the block while training, Akane stares up at the kamidana (神棚) on the wall of the dojo. The kamidana is a small altar for a spirit or "kami".
In the manga, while training and thinking about what to say to Akane, Ranma imagines slapping her around when she continues to be hysterical. This was omitted in the anime.
During Shampoo's training with Cologne, her father is shown in the manga. However, he is omitted from the anime.
Episode 4: 出た! 必殺天津甘栗拳!!
Deta! Hissatsu tenshin amaguriken (Behold! The "Chestnuts Roasting in an Open Fire" Technique)
Ranma realizes that Cologne has cursed him with the "Full Body Cat's Tongue," a curse that makes Ranma intolerable to even the warmest of water. Without warm water Ranma will never be able to change back into a boy. Ranma's only solution is to try and master the "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" technique to gain enough speed to snatch the Phoenix Pill (the cure) from Cologne.
Episode Staff:
Director: Kazuhiro Furuhashi (古橋一浩)
Animation Director: Masaki Kudo (工藤柾輝)
Script: Yoshiyuki Suga (菅良幸)
Storyboards: Kazuhiro Furuhashi (古橋一浩)
Originally Aired:
November 17, 1989
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
In Japanese people that cannot handle eating hot food are said to have a "cat's tongue" (猫舌/nekojita). This is why the curse that makes Ranma particularly sensitive to hot water is called the "full body cat's tongue".
Shampoo mentions that the Phoenix Pill (不死鳥丸/Fushichougan) can cure Ranma. The pill gets its name from the legendary bird's ability to be reborn from its own flames.
The Cat Cafe (猫飯店/Neko Hanten) appears for the first time in this episode. In Japanese, "hanten" (飯店) means "Chinese restaurant".
Cologne displays the Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken (火中天津甘栗拳) which translates to the "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire Fist".
The visions that Cologne conjures in the basement of the Cat Cafe are references to characters from the Journey to the West (孫悟空) which includes Son Wukong (孫悟空) the monkey, Sha Wujing (沙悟淨) who is referred to as "water buffalo" due to his low intelligence and Zhu Bajie (豬八戒) the pig.
The other voices in this episode include the festival worker (Tomohiro Nishimura), and two customers of the Cat Cafe (Satoshi Nakajima [中嶋聡彦] and Ryuzo Ishino [石野竜三]).
Episode 5: 白鳥拳の男ムース登場!
Hakushou no otoko, Mousse toujou (Enter Mousse! The Fist of the White Swan)
Mousse arrives in Tokyo to try and set things right between himself and Shampoo, and that means taking out the object of Shampoo's affection, Ranma Saotome. Dr. Tofu is able to temporarily cure Ranma of the "Full Body Cats Tongue" just long enough for him to defeat Mousse.
Episode Staff:
Director: Takashi Kobayashi (小林孝志)
Animation Director: Asami Endo (遠藤麻未)
Script: Hisashi Tokumura (時村尚)
Storyboards: Tamiko Kojima (小島多美子)
Originally Aired:
November 24, 1989
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
The "True-Born Tokyo Grandpa" (江戸っ子じいさんのツボ/Edokko Jiisan no Tsubo) pressure point is a reference to how hot the old men like their baths. I am unable to find a reference for the song "suruga passes by me" that is sung at this point.
Mousse's techniques, "Fist of the White Swan" (秘技白鳥拳/Michi Bainiou Chuan), "Hen's Egg Attack" (Michi Chitan Chuan/秘技鶏卵拳), and "Hawks Talons Attack" (秘技鷹爪拳/Michi Inchua Chuan) are reproduced in some of his video game appearances such as Ranma 1/2 Chougi Ranbuhen.
Swirling glasses - The reason glasses are shown to have spirals in them in Japan is because of the term "bottle bottom glasses" (瓶底眼鏡). The glasses are said to look like the "bottom of a cow milk bottle" (牛乳瓶の底).
When Mousse is randomly threatening bystandards while waiting for Ranma to come fight, Cologne hits him in the head and for a single frame images of Shampoo laughing appear.
The other background voices in this episode include Koji Tsujitani, Ryuzou Ishino, Matsumi Oshiro and Midori Nakasawa.
Episode 6: 爆走! 雪だるま運びレース
Bakusou! Yuki daruma hakobi race (Cool Runnings! The Race of the Snowman)
The Saotomes and Tendos travel to the mountains to take in some skiing. While they are there Ranma participates in a "martial arts snowman-carry race" to win the Phoenix Pill and cure himself once and for all. Cologne initially seems to be an easy pray for Ranma after his training, but when she promises to give Ranma the pill if he can beat her he readily agrees, however Cologne also makes Ranma promise that if he loses he will have to marry Shampoo.
Episode Staff:
Director: Noriyuki Nakamura (中村憲由)
Animation Director: Atsuko Nakajima (中嶋敦子)
Script: Kazuhito Hisajima (久島一仁)
Storyboards: Koji Sawai (澤井幸次)
Originally Aired:
December 1, 1989
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
The original manga story that this is based on features a summer/beach setting. This was changed due to the episode airing in December.
Cologne's dish is translated as "barbeque ramen" which is not far off. In Japanese she specifies that it is "char siu men" (チャーシューメン). "Char sui" being barbeque pork, while the "men" refers to "ramen".
When Cologne hits the bear images of an eggplant, a fist and Genma eating a fish all appear. These images have flashed on impact frames in previous episodes.
"Mao himself endorsed my mastery of these 3,000 year old skills." - Cologne is referring to Chairman Mao Zedong, the premiere of China from 1949 until 1976.
The guest voices in this episode (the part they play is not listed) include Koji Tsujitani, Matsumi Oshiro, Ryuzo Ishino (石野竜三), Takehito Koyasu, Mitsuru Ogata and Midori Nakasawa. One of these actors played the Snowman Battle Announcer.
Episode 7: さらわれたPちゃん!
Sarawareta P-chan (The Abduction of P-chan)
When Akane loses P-chan at the skating rink Azusa finds him, names him Charlotte, and refuses to give him back. When her skating partner, Mikado, arrives and starts to put the moves on Akane, Ranma loses his cool. Later, Mikado kisses female-Ranma. In order to win back P-chan and get revenge for the kiss the two pairs decide to settle things in the Charlotte Cup.
The theme song Little Date begins with this episode. The opening features images with text in the background. The text includes the lyrics for the 1989 song "Objects of Desire" by Hideaki Matsuoka (松岡英明). The song appears on his 1989 album "Kiss Kiss".
Kolhotz High School - Kolhotz (コルホーズ) is a Russian loan word meaning "collective farm".
Ranma throwing the naruto/fish cake and hitting Mikado's face with it is likely a reference to an identical scene at a ramen shop in the 1985 film Tampopo (タンポポ) directed by Juzo Itami.
The banners hanging from the municipal rink after Ranma and Ryoga fall down on the ice say "Now's your chance" (今がチャンス/Ima ga chansu) and "Skate Fair" (スケートフェア/Sukeeto fea). Later when Ranma goes into the bathroom to change into a girl, the sign over Ryoga's shoulder says "Summer Vacation Skate" (夏休みスケート/Natsu yasumi sukeeto). After Azuka hits Mikado the other banners similarly read "Summer Chance 7/1 - 8/20" (サマーチャンス/Samaa chansu) and "Summer Vacation Skate Fair" (夏休みスケートフェア/Natsu yasumi sukeeto fea).
The other voices that are listed for this episode with no named role attached are Koji Tsujitani, Takehito Koyasu, Matsumi Oshiro, Akiko Hiramatsu, Fumihiko Tachiki and Mitsuru Ogata. The opening narration is performed by Tadashi Nakamura.
In episode 15 Akane has a flashback to Ranma at the skating rink telling Mikado that Akane is his fiancée. This has long confused fans due to the fact that this episode has not yet taken place in the sequence of the series. How can Akane remember something that has not happened yet? In the manga the Golden Pair chapters take place before Shampoo arrives (as indicated by the presence of this flashback). When the anime was made it originally followed this order as well, having Shampoo debut after the Golden Pair. However the Golden Pair episodes were delayed due to cultural sensitivities at the time. Serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki (宮﨑勤) was on a rampage between August of 1988 until he was caught in July of 1989 (just a month before this episode aired). The Japanese media portrayed Miyazaki as an anime obsessive and a witch-hunt against anime and manga was in full effect at the time, the implication being that the content Miyazaki consumed shaped him into a serial killer. Because Miyazaki had kidnapped and raped children any anime that hinted at abductions might be on thin ice. Consequently, Nettohenepisode 7 "The Abduction of P-Chan" (which was planned to air before this episode) was a title that was too provocative at the time. As a result the episodes were removed and shuffled later in the sequel series after things had calmed down in the media.
Episode 8: 危機一髪! 死霊の盆踊り
Kikiippatsu! Shiryou no bonodori (Close Call! The Dance of Death... On Ice)
Ranma becomes enraged about Mikado kissing him and decides they will settle their problems before the Charlotte Cup. When Mikado preforms the amazing "Dance of Death on Ice" Ranma proves just how good he really is and quickly dispatches Mikado.
The "Col" on the hockey jerseys of the other skaters is a reference to Kolhotz High School.
The box stored away in the Tendo Dojo says "oranges" (みかん/mikan).
The "Seny Candycam" that Genma uses to film Ranma and Akane while they're considering kissing is a reference to the Sony Handycam, likely a CCD-F35 with Video 8 technology.
Among the items in Azusa's room are a barbershop pole, a Firestone tire and a dogu (土偶) statue from the prehistoric Jomon period of Japanese history. In particular, her's is a "goggle-eyed dogu" (遮光器土偶/shakokidogu). The other items include a lion-dog statue (狛犬/komainu) and an octopus balloon emblazoned with the phrase "big bargain sale" (大売り出し/oouri dashi).
The guest voices in this episode include Fumihiko Tachiki, Tsutomu Kashiwakura, Naoki Makishima, Yuri Sato, Fumiko Taneda, Tomoko Oya and Yumiko Aoki. The opening narration is provided by Tadashi Nakamura.
Episode 9: Pちゃん爆発! 愛の水柱
P-chan bakuhatsu! Ai no mizubashira (P-chan Explodes! The Icy Fountain of Love)
With the Charlotte Cup getting underway Ranma and Akane have their hands full dealing with the Golden Pair. The Golden Pair unveal their special technique for breaking up couples and immediately capture Ranma and Akane in their spinning merry-go-round attack. Ryoga's jealousy of Ranma reaches its peak, so he tries to sneak into the match, get rid of Ranma, and team with Akane himself. Ryoga's plan backfires so he has to team with Ranma (now female) and dispatch the Golden Pair.
Azusa takes panda Genma home and renames him "Oscar". This is a reference to Riyoko Ikeda's Rose of Versaille (ルサイユのばら). Genma is dressed as the main character, Oscar François de Jarjayes, a girl who was raised as a boy and joins the palace guard in Marie Antoinette's court in the years leading up to the French Revolution.
Episode 10: 乱馬恐怖の山ごもり
Ranma kyoufu no yama gomori (Ranma Trains on Mt. Terror)
After Ryoga is quickly dispatched by Ranma, Ryoga realizes that it is time for some serious training. Ranma and Genma decide to go and train in the mountains, and the Tendos insist that Akane goes along to cook for the pair. Cologne decides to teach Ryoga the "Breaking Point" which spells trouble for Ranma and while Ranma and Genma do their best during their mountain training, they are shocked to discover that Akane is particularly talentless when it comes to cooking. Despite her poor skills, Ryoga tells Akane how much he likes her cooking and she diecides to go and cook for him while he trains instead of helping Ranma.
"Wash your neck..." - Ryoga uses a common term in Japanese (also used by Bankotsu in Inuyasha) telling Ranma to "wash his neck" (首を洗って/kubi o aratte). The idiom means "wait for me (and see what happens)" and is thought to have originated from samurai preparing themselves for ritual suicide.
When Ryoga gets lost looking for the Tendo Dojo we see him running in front of a number of famous spots throughout Japan including the Okuribi of the Five Mountains (the large "Dai" (大/big) symbol on the mountainside) in Kyoto, Tokyo Tower, and the Kamakura Daibutsu statue.
Sukiyaki (すき焼き) is commonly a winter dish in Japan (this episode originally aired in January). It is a hot pot style dish of beef simmered in a broth of soy sauce, mirin and sugar then taken out and dipped into a bowl of raw egg.
Akane's initially confusing vinegar (酢/su) and wine (酒/sake) is made easier by the fact that both share a common component in their kanji making the misunderstang (slightly) easier to understand if Akane was not paying attention.
Cologne teaches Ryoga the Bakusai Tenketsu (爆砕点穴) technique. Translated literally it would be the "Blasting Pressure Point", though it is commonly simplified to "Breaking Point" in the anime.
Episode 11: 爆砕点穴とは? 良牙大逆襲
Bakusai tenketsu to wa? Ryoga daigyakushuu (The Breaking Point!? Ryoga's Great Revenge)
Ryoga continues to struggle to learn his new technique, enduring hellacious training from Cologne who has him smashing against a boulder in hopes he can shatter it with a single touch. Meanwhile, Ranma is training to strike down wasps in order to learn how to avoid Ryoga's ability to strike at him. Eventually, Ryoga and Ranma's showdown begins. When Ranma uses his training to try and deal with Ryoga's Bakusai Tenketsu (Breaking Point) technique, he is quite surprised at how much Ryoga has improved in just a few days time. Ranma has to work quickly to come up with a strategy to defeat Ryoga as Cologne tells Ranma that if Ryoga wins, he can date Akane, leaving Ranma free for Shampoo.
"The technique was invented for civil engineers to clear rocks. It doesn't work on people." - Later Ryoga will learn his other secret technique, the Shichi Hokodan, from a civil engineer as well.
Episode 12: 危うし! 天道道場
Ayoushi! Tendo dojo (Danger at the Tendo Dojo)
Shampoo promises to give Ranma her "Instant Nanniichuan" to permanently cure himself of his Jusenkyo curse if he will go out on a date with her. Of course Shampoo's date happens to fall on the same day Ranma was supposed to help Akane defend the Tendo Dojo agains the Dojo Destroyer. Ranma will have to hurry through his date in order to get back and help Akane. Of course Shampoo never tells Ranma that her "Instant Nanniichuan" is only good for one use. Arriving in time to help, Ranma and Akane join forces and unleasure the "Dual Jet-Stream Raging Waters Attack".
As the episode begins the camera pans over the kamidana (神棚) on the wall of the dojo. The kamidana is a small altar for a spirit or "kami".
Challenging a rival dojo is often shown in Japanese fiction, and so this plotline does not originate with Ranma 1/2, even down to the idea of the loser having to give up their dojo sign. In Japanese this is called "Dojo yaburi" (道場破り), which is the given title/name of the "Dojo Destroyer" in Japanese. While it is unclear if the actual taking of a dojo's signboard was ever historically accurate, there have been many cases both historical and modern, where rival dojos are challenged by outsiders.
The song that plays as Shampoo enters the gymnasium on her bicycle is not included on any of the soundtracks.
When the dog emerges from the Instant Nanniichuan, he bears a strong resemblance to Ataru Moroboshi. In the original manga chapter the character's similarity was less pronounced.
The other guest voices in this episode include Takuzo Kamiyama as the Dojo Destroyer and Yoshihiko Kamei (亀井芳子), Yuko Kobayashi, and Takehito Koyasu as unidentified characters. Koyasu likely portrayed the male character in the Chinese film Shampoo and Ranma were watching.
Episode 13: さらわれたあかね!
Sarawareta Akane! (The Abduction of Akane)
A masked circus preformer kidnaps a pig doll he believes is Akane. Of course this is the near sighted Mousse making his return. When Ranma goes to the circus to investigate he gets knives thrown at him by a duck wearing glasses. Kuno tries to save his beloved pigtailed girl, only for Ranma to disappear. Outside the circus tent, Ranma and Mousse face off and Mousse reveals that he accidentally walked into the 1,300 year old cursed spring Yahzuniichuan, the spring of drowned duck. Mousse manages to abduct Akane and threatens to pour the cursed Jusenkyo water on her if Ranma cannot save her.
When Mousse first appears he is wearing a mask featuring a depiction of a traditional Japanese bride. His alias, "Gold-Silk Brocade Robe of Mystery" (技の金襴緞子/Waga no Kindandonsu) does not have any particular meaning and is unique to the anime.
"... even Hsuan Chuang amazed at this historic duck!" - Hsuan Chauang (玄奘, typically romanized as "Xuanzang") was a 7th century CE traveler and translator responsible for bringing back a number of important Buddhist texts from India to China.
This episode features the debut of the rarely used "Mu Mu-chan" name for Mousse's duck form. Mu Mu ranked as the 146t most popular character in NHK's Complete Rumic Anime Grand Poll.
When Mousse drops in upside down and Akane slaps him, there is a single frame showing an x-ray of his skull with his jaw shattering as she strikes him.
The other voices in this episode include Kozo Shioya as the moderator/ringmaster and Takehito Koyasu, Satoshi Nakajima (中嶋聡彦) and Yumi Fujiwara (藤原ゆみ) as background roles.
Episode 14: 対決ムース! 負けるが勝ち
Taiketsu Mousse! Makeru ga kachi (Ranma vs. Mousse! To Lose is to Win)
With Akane captured, Mousse plans on having Ranma leap into the fish tank where he has her captured and turning Ranma into a duck when he attempts to save Akane. Mouse wrecklessly sprays the cursed water around, endangering the crowd as Ranma manages to disable the water. Mousse recalls all the times that Shampoo rejected im as a child. In the melee, Akane gets splashed with water and Ranma believes a duck he finds is actually her. Soun decides that Ranma has to marry the duck in order to make amends for what happened to "Akane". Once Ranma realizes that Akane is not cursed it is time for another showdown with Mousse, this time Akane convinces Ranma to let Mousse win, so that Shampoo will have to date him. However, Shampoo gives Mousse a boobytrapped duck staff that keeps blowing up in his face. Ultimately Ranma is able to defeat Mousse, and Shampoo takes him back to the Cat Cafe where she ties him up in his duck form and taunts him by offering a fish and watching duck Mousse fall over trying to get it.
Episode Staff:
Director: Noriyuki Nakamura (中村憲由)
Animation Director: Asami Endo (遠藤麻未)
Script: Hiroshi Toda (戸田博史)
Storyboards: Masahisa Ishida (石田昌久)
Originally Aired:
February 9, 1990
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
The other voices in this episode include Kozo Shioya as the moderator/ringmaster and Mika Kanai, Mitsuru Ogata and Naoki Makishima as background roles.
Episode 15: 究極のエロ妖怪八宝斉
Kyuukyoku no ero youkai Happosai (The Evil Wakes)
When Soun and Genma start to notice bad omens they fear the worst. Unfortunately for them their assumptions were correct. Soun and Genma's evil, perverted, master Happosai returns to make their lives a living hell. Genma and Soun quickly foist Ranma on Happosai as the new inheritor of the school of Anything-Goes Martial Arts. Even Cologne, Shampoo's grandmother is embarassed by Happosai's incredible martial arts skill. Happosai decides to make life hard for Ranma, training him by trying to force him to wear a bra. When Ranma refuses, Happosai makes trouble at school and then reveals his true power when Ranma finally agrees to wear the bra should he lose to the old martial artist.
Episode Staff:
Director: Shinji Takagi (高木真司)
Animation Director: Atsuko Nakajima (中嶋敦子)
Script: Yoshiyuki Suga (菅良幸)
Storyboards: Tamiko Kojima (小島多美子)
Originally Aired:
February 16, 1990
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
Happosai is initially trapped beneath a boulder that has a protective shimenawa (標縄), "enclosing ropes". They are made to ward off evil spirits. They are typically placed around yorishiro (依り代) which are objects capable of attracting spirits such as trees.
Hanging from the shimenawa are zig-zag pieces of paper called shide (紙垂). They are often hung from shimenawa or are attached to the wands of shinto priests for purification ceremonies.
The kamidana (神棚) on the wall of the dojo is the item that breaks when Happosai is freed. The kamidana is a small altar for a spirit or "kami".
Akane sneezes when Happosai calls her name. It is a common folk belief in Japan that when you sneeze it indicates someone is talking about you.
Happosai's green bag with swirls is a "furoshiki" (風呂敷). This is a towel or blanket used to place items on and then it is tied together and carried. The swirling pattern shown on Happosai's furoshiki has become the default pattern of a burglar's pack in Japanese popular culture.
After stealing the gym shorts, Happosai runs behind a building and sits on a long, cylindrical object. This is a land roller used for leveling fields. These are called by various names, "kondara" (コンダラ) or "leveling roller" (整地ローラー/Seichi rooraa). Using them in training became popularized in the baseball manga and anime Star of the Giants (巨人の星/Kyojin no Hoshi).
The guest voices in this episode include the debut of Ichiro Nagai as Happosai, with Shinji Nomura, Mie Suzuki, Masashi Sugawara (菅原正志) and Midori Nakazawa (中沢みどり) as unnamed characters. Tadashi Nakamura (中村正) provides the narration (both for the regular opening that appears before each episode and for Happosai's return).
Episode 16: 女子更衣室を襲え?
Joshi kouishitsu o osoe (Assault on the Girls Locker Room)
Ryoga comes to town with a map to a "Spring of Drowned Man" located somewhere in Tokyo. When Ranma helps him find the spring they both realize it is buried under Furinkan High's girls' locker room. Of course, Ryoga decides that it is his duty to protect the girls and stop Ranma at all costs.
Episode Staff:
Director: Kazuhiro Furuhashi (古橋一浩)
Animation Director: Masaki Kudo (工藤柾輝)
Script: Hiroshi Toda (戸田博史)
Storyboards: Kazuhiro Furuhashi (古橋一浩)
Originally Aired:
February 23, 1990
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
"Once upon a time, in the far-off land of Musashi..." - Musashi Province (武蔵国/Musashi no kuni) is the old name for the province that now encompasses Tokyo.
One of the characters in the flashback explaining the tale of the Japanese Nanniichuan has a heno heno moheji face.
The guest voices in this episode include Yoshiko Kamei, Yuko Kobayashi, Ikuya Sawaki and Midori Nakazawa (中沢みどり). Sawaki likely plays the voice of the priest who created the Japanese Nanniichuan.
Episode 17: 鬼も逃げだすカラクリ屋敷
Oni mo nigedasu karakuri yashiki (Kuno's House of Gadgets! Guests Check in But They Don't Check Out)
After finding the Aqua Moss urn at Furinkan High's girls' locker room, Cologne confirms that if all three urns are brought together the Japanese Spring of Drowned Man will appear. Cologne confirms that when this is united with the Crimson Moss urn and the Golden Moss urn, then the Japanese Nanniichuan will appear. Unfortunately for Ranma the second urn is located in Kuno's house. Ranma and Shampoo team up to search for the urn while Akane follows them accompanied by P-chan and Mousse in his duck form. Mousse helps Akane deal with Kodachi when they are discovered sneaking through the mansion grounds while Sasuke pursues Ranma and Shampoo. Inside the Kuno mansion they must navigate traps including a huge lottery machine and as well as a washing machine that nearly drowns Ranma and Shampoo. When the Crimson Moss urn is finally found, it quickly falls into Happosai's hands.
Episode Staff:
Director: Chisato Shigeki (茂木智里)
Animation Director: Asami Endo (遠藤麻未)
Script: Kazuhito Hisajima (久島一仁)
Storyboards: Koji Sawai (澤井幸次)
Originally Aired:
March 2, 1990
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
The Aqua Moss Urn (青粉壺/aoko tsubo), Crimson Moss Urn (赤粉壺/akako tsubo) and Golden Moss Urn (金粉壺/kinko tsubo) names do not have any particular meaning other than their references to the primary colors. The compound kanji "aoko" (青粉) is "seaweed powder" used in cooking as a garnish. "Kinko" (金粉) is "gold dust". "Akako" (赤粉) is less commonly used as a term but can be used to refer to any "red powder" such as food coloring or less commonly to refer to some spices such as paprika.
The model boat in Kuno's bathtub has the kanji character "宝" (hou) written on it, meaning "treasure". This indicates that the ship is "Takarabune" (宝船), the "treasure ship" belonging to the Seven Lucky Gods (七福神/Shichifukujin).
"Love undeclared is love unquenchable." - Kuno is reading for Hagakure (葉隠), a book that is a collection of thoughts on matters relating to bushido, the code of the samurai. The book contains the transcribed conversations of Tsunetomo Yamamoto (山本常朝).
"Sasuke Sarugakure, guardian of the garden..." - Sasuke refers to himself as "oniwaban" (御庭番) here translated as "guardian of the garden" which is technically a literal translation of the word. However, "oniwaban" is a term for an undercover agent that was typically stationed in the inner castle (the garden). They are typically depicted as spies or ninja, though in reality they were typically more akin to inspectors that reported directly to the shogun. Urusei Yatsura's Shingo is also an oniwaban.
The sharp items Kodachi throws at Akane are the "tsume" (爪), they are the picks used to pluck the stringed koto that Kodachi is playing.
Ranma sometimes calls P-chan "P-suke" when he is annoyed with him, such as in this episode. "Suke" (助) is simply a common component of Japanese male names, it doesn't have a literal translation, but the connotation would be something like "P-brain," "P-tard" or "P-idiot".
The device Ranma, Akane and the others are trapped in is a giant garapon (ガラポン) machine. Many stores have these wooden machines loaded with marbe sized balls in order to give away promotional prizes to their customers. Typically if you spend a certain amount in the store you get to turn the crank to see if you win a prize (denoted by getting a certain color ball).
When Akane falls through the hole, Sasuke tells her she has won first prize. In the manga, Akane frequently wins prizes playing garapon such as in chapter 95, chapter 158 and chapter 361.
The flags Sasuke is waving when Ranma and Shampoo fall into the giant washing machine say "suka" (スカ), meaning "failure" or "losing lotto ticket". The other flag says "hazure" (ハズレ) and means the same thing.
The kanji on the boat during the hallucination of Akane and female Ranma says "fortune" (福/fuku).
The sculpture that Mousse hugs and mistakes for Shampoo is a common depiction of a tanuki.
Episode 18: これで女とおさらば?
Kore de onna to osaraba (Goodbye Girl-type)
Happosai decided the Crimson Moss Urn is just what he needs to store his panty collection in. Once they are able to steal the urn away from him, they seek out the Golden Moss urn which turns out to be at Cat Cafe. With the three urns finally reunited, the group travels to the countryside in search of the Triplet Stones that will cradle the urns and summon forth the Japanese Spring of Drowned Man. Sadly the Japanese spring went out of business years ago.
Episode Staff:
Director: Takashi Kobayashi (小林孝志)
Animation Director: Atsuko Nakajima (中嶋敦子)
Script: Hiroshi Toda (戸田博史)
Storyboards: Tamiko Kojima (小島多美子)
Originally Aired:
March 9, 1990
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
"The sky foretells spring, the wind, with its chilling breath, speaks more of winter." - These are the lyrics to "Early Spring Ode" (早春賦/Soushunfu) a song from 1914. Genma quotes the first line, "Haru wa na nomi no kaze no san saya." (春は名のみの風の寒さや).
"Mother, rest her soul, is rooting for you too." - As in Nettohen episode 5, the status of the late Mrs. Tendo is addressed much earlier in the anime than in the manga.
The train stop, Okukogendaira (奥高原平), is not a real place.
The Triplet Stones have a shimenawa (標縄), "enclosing rope", wrapped around them. They are made to ward off evil spirits.
In the credits Toshihiko Seki is credited as only playing "Mumu", Mousse's duck form, rather than as "Mousse".
Episode 19: 愛と憎しみの贈物
Ai to nikushimi no okurimono (It's a Fine Line Between Pleasure and Pain)
Akane gets mad when Ranma refuses to try her cookies, but appears to be interested in Kodachi's. Ranma is actually trying to get a film negative back from Kodachi that has a picture that puts Ranma in a compromising position with The Black Rose.
Episode Staff:
Director: Noriyuki Nakamura (中村憲由)
Animation Director: Masaki Kudo (工藤柾輝)
Script: Hiroko Naka (中弘子)
Storyboards: Kazuhiro Furuhashi (古橋一浩)
Originally Aired:
March 16, 1990
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
Kuno wears a bib with the "piyo piyo chick" from Maison Ikkoku on it.
The song playing while Ranma is watching Kodachi run away while he is standing on the fence is not found on any of the soundtracks.
The bookstore where Akane looks for a cookbook is called "Books Deen" (Books ディーン) which is named after Studio Deen, the animation studio that worked on Ranma 1/2.
Sasuke is hit by a truck as he peddles away on his tricycle. This is likely a reference to the shocking turn of events that occured in the 1982 anime Magical Princess Minky Momo (魔法のプリンセス ミンキー モモ/Maho no Purinsesu Minki Momo) and has been a common plot device in many anime and manga.
The unnamed characters in this episode are played by: Yoshihiko Kamei (亀井芳子), Yuko Kobayashi, Koji Tsujitani, Takehito Koyasu, Midori Nakazawa (中沢みどり), Mika Kanai and Michiyo Sasaki.
Episode 20: SOSエロ妖怪八宝斉
SOS ero youkai Happosai (S.O.S The Wrath of Happosai)
Ranma angers Happosai and is kicked out of the Tendo home until Happosai calms down. Ranma uses "Girl Repellant" on Happosai which weakens him to the point Ranma can beat him, too bad Ranma's conscience gets in the way of fighting weak opponents.
Episode Staff:
Director: Shinji Takagi (高木真司)
Animation Director: Asami Endo (遠藤麻未)
Script: Yoshiyuki Suga (菅良幸)
Storyboards: Koji Sawai (澤井幸次)
Originally Aired:
March 23, 1990
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
"Nyokenko" (女嫌香) the girl repellant, is written with kanji that essentially translate to "misogynist scent".
"Empress Xi-tai-hou rubbit it on any man who disobeyed her." - also known as Empress Dowager Cixi (慈禧太后) reigned from 1861 until 1908.
The guest voices playing unnamed roles in this episode are Yasunori Matsumoto (松本保典), Ryuzo Ishino (石野竜三), Midori Nakazawa (中沢みどり), Yoshihiko Kamei (亀井芳子), Satoshi Nakajima (中嶋聡彦), Yumi Fujiwara (藤原ゆみ) and Masashi Sugawara (菅原正志).
Episode 21: あかねの口びるを奪え
Akane no kuchibiru wo ubae (Kissing is Such Sweet Sorrow! The Taking of Akane's Lips)
The drama club asks Akane to try out for their play, but Akane is skeptical, having been asked to play various masculine roles in the past. Instead they reveal they would like her to play Juliet in their production of Romeo and Juliet and she jumps at the chance. However Kuno and Happosai both throw their hats in the ring to play Romeo opposite Akane. Kasumi and Nabiki reveal that Akane played the role of Romeo in elementary school, which she secretly hated, as everyone talked about how heroic and strong she was when she only wanted to be seen as feminine and wear Juliet's pretty dress. When Kuno and Happosai beat up all the other students hoping to play Romeo, it seems as if they will take the role, but when the director's explain that the winner will get a "see China", Ranma immediately signs up, hoping to get a free trip to Jusenkyo to cure his curse. The play quickly goes out of control thanks to Happosai, Kuno and Sasuke trying to kiss Akane, but Ranma eventually steps in as Romeo, only to see Akane get kidnapped prompting him to take on the role of Juliet and kiss Kuno using tape over Kuno's mouth. Akane soon returns to the stage and Ranma resumes the role of Romeo, but it seems they cannot win the contest unless they share a kiss. Akane slips tape over Ranma's mouth, returning the favor as he did with Kuno. When they win, they are shocked and disappointed to learn that the trip to "see China" was all a misunderstanding.
Episode Staff:
Director: Takashi Kobayashi (小林孝志)
Animation Director: Atsuko Nakajima (中嶋敦子)
Script: Hiroshi Toda (戸田博史)
Storyboards: Masahisa Ishida (石田昌久)
Originally Aired:
April 6, 1990
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
The play director makes his debut in this episode. In the credits he is billed as "the foolish prince" (バカ殿/baka tono). This is a reference to the character created by iconic comedian Ken Shimura (志村けん) who the director is likely a reference to.
The other people in the drama club are dressed as a mummy and King Ghidora, the three-headed dragon monster and foe to Godzilla.
The scroll on the wall of the Tendo home has the kanji "ten" (天), meaning "heaven". This is the first character in "Tendo".
The Romeo and Juliet costumes worn by Ranma and Akane are based on those from the 1968 Franco Zeffirelli film adaptation. The kanji on the front of Ranma's tunic is "ran" (乱) the first character in his name.
Ranma agrees to participate when the director says that if the play wins they get to "a trip to see China". In the original Japanese he says "Chugoku Ryoko" (中国旅行), or "China Trip". At the end of the episode we see the banner hung in the Tendo home that explains it was actually an opportunity to invite Chinese travelers into your home (中国人旅行氏御招待/Chugokujin ryoko-shi o shotai) due to the third and sixth kanji being written too small on the banner. Essentially making it look like "China Trip" rather than "Chinese Trippers".
The other students taking part in the theatrical production include students dressed as Sun Wukong (孫悟空), Xuanzang (玄奘) on horseback and Zhu Bajie (豬八戒) from Journey to the West which is likely what the dragon is supposed to be from as well. Also shown are Dorothy Gale, the scarecrow and cowardly lion from The Wizard of Oz, a haniwa sculpture and a man sitting on a frog, Jiraiya (自来也), from the folktale The Tale of Gallant Jiraiya (報仇奇談自来也説話/Katakiuchi Kidan Jiraiya Monogatari). This is who the character of the same name from the Naruto manga is also based on.
In the episode Sasuke takes on Hikaru Gosunkugi's role, as he was not introduced in the anime at this point.
Soun is dressed as a kuroko (黒衣), a black-clad stagehand from kabuki theater. The are understood to be "invisible" by the audience.
In the English dub after Akane teases Ranma and he slips off the fence, she skips away and hums the theme to the 1968 Franco Zeffirelli film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. Akane does not hum anything in the original Japanese version.
There are a number of guest voices credited in this episode including Kenichi Ogata (緒方賢一), Tomohiro Nishimura (西村智博), Mika Kanai (かないみか ), Toshiharu Sakurai ( 桜井敏治), Junichi Kanamaru (金丸淳一), Masami Kikuchi (菊池正美) and Ogata Mitsuru (小形満). The only guest voice with a named credit is Sukekiyo Kameyama (亀山助清) as "the foolish prince" (バカ殿) which is what they credit the director as (see first note above).
Episode 22: いい湯だな? 銭湯で戦闘
Ii yu da na? Sentou de sentou (Bathouse Battle! We're in Hot Water Now)
The hot water heater at the Tendo home is broken, so Kasumi asks everyone to make use of the public baths until it can be reparied. Soun and Genma remember the times Happosai got them in trouble at the baths due to his behavior and so they send Ranma to chaperone him while they stay at home. Soon Akane joins Nabiki and her friends who want to see what trouble the old pervert gets up to. Initially Happosai seems content to play with his toys and behave. Soon Happosai decides he wants to get to the women's side of the baths, but Ranma manages to stop him each time. Happosai eventually demands to go to the bathroom and gets into the heating and air vents to cross over to the women's side, however a rat infestation and faulty wiring causes him to turn back. Happosai manages to splash Ranma, luring her over to the women's side before dunking her in hot water to try and embarass Ranma. Meanwhile Happosai finds Akane, Nabiki and her friends all wearing their bathing suits, disappointing him terribly. Frustrated with Ranma, Happosai begins picking on him and then uses the "Hermit-Crab Punch" by hiding in wash buckets and attacking Ranma from his hiding spot. Ranma beats him and everyone goes home, but Kasumi reveals that it will take another week to get the hot water heater working again.
Episode Staff:
Director: Kazuhiro Furuhashi (古橋一浩)
Animation Director: Hiroko Kazui (数井浩子)
Script: Hiroko Naka (中弘子)
Storyboards: Kazuhiro Furuhashi (古橋一浩)
Originally Aired:
April 13, 1990
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Fuji TV
Television Viewership Rating:
Opening Theme: Ranma You Pervert Opening Narration
The Japanese title of the episode is a pun on the word "sentou" which are two homophones in the title. "Sentou" (銭湯) is "bathhouse", while "sentou" (戦闘) is "fight" or "battle".
In the English adaptation Nabiki's friends are voiced by an unfamiliar actress/actresses. It is likely these were the contest winners for the "It's an Animerica Christmas" Giveaway which ran in Animerica volume 2 number 10. The grand prize winner could choose between getting a year's worth of Ranma 1/2 Viz Video VHS tapes or to be able to voice a character from Ranma 1/2. Entries had to be submitted by January 31, 1995 and the rules regarding the voice role stated, "the winner of the voice role in Ranma 1/2 will be notified by mail and contacted with instructions on claiming his or her prize (the winner is responsible for his or her own transportation and lodging expenses). There are no restrictions on who may claim the voice-acting role. Which role you are given will be decided upon by members of the Viz Video production staff. In the event that the Grand Prize winner opts instead for the year's supply of Viz Videos, prizes will be shipped as they become available each month directly from Viz offices."
Happosai has a model of the Yamato (大和) which, along with the Musashi (武蔵), were the most powerful battleships ever built. She was sunk April 7, 1945. This is the ship that would fictionally be rebuilt into a space craft in Leiji Matsumoto's Space Battleship Yamato (宇宙戦艦ヤマト/Uchuu Senkan Yamato).
In Japanese the Hermit-Crab Punch in the "Yadokari-ken" (ヤドカリ拳).
The white squares the old women have on their backs are pain relief patches.
The guest voices in this episode include: Reiko Suzuki (鈴木れい子), Urara Takano (高乃麗), Yuko Kobayashi (小林優子), Akiko Hiramatsu (平松晶子), Natsumi Sasaki (佐々木菜摘), Yoshihiko Kamei (亀井芳子) and Midori Nakazawa (中沢みどり).