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Volume 7

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Chapters Originally Published in:
Shonen Sunday 1988 Vol. 44 - 49 & 1989 Vol. 8 - 12

Ranma 1/2 Vol 7

Chapter 59: 格闘出前レース
Kakuto demae resu
(It's Fast or It's Free)
Tatewaki Kuno wakes from dreaming about Akane and the Pigtailed Girl and decides he must choose between the two of them. After he visitings the Tendo home expecting to announce he loves Akane the most, he finds that both she and female Ranma are waiting there. Unable to choose between the two, Kuno tells that that whomever arrives at his house first the following Sunday is whom he will choose as his true love. Shampoo, female Ranma, and Akane all decide to enter the Miss Martial Arts Takeout Race in order to win free food. The day of the race arrives, and the delivery house is announced to be... Tatewaki Kuno's.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1988 Vol. 44
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 7 ch. 1
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 7 ch. 1
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 4 ch. 1
Publication Date: September 28, 1988
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • This week's issue of Sunday features a number of phone cards for sale with imagery from Shonen Sunday, Young Sunday and Big Comic Superior.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I've drawn a Ranma 1/2 calendar and a One-Pound Gospel video poster.

Chapter 60: ゴールをめざせ
Goru o mezase
(Eyes On the Prize)
The race begins and Shampoo proposes that if she can beat Ranma that he will go on a date with her. Being the overconfident guy that he is Ranma accepts and watches as Shampoo eliminates almost all the other girls from the competition as she tries to destroy Ranma's bowl of ramen. Ranma loses his bowl and is almost defeated but then he, Akane and Shampoo all make it to Kuno's home resulting in a three-way tie.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1988 Vol. 45
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 7 ch. 2
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 7 ch. 2
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 4 ch. 2
Publication Date: October 5, 1988
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • A number of advertisements are in this week's Shonen Sunday including a Ranma 1/2 themed zip bag, an ad for the Urusei Yatsura OVA "Rage! Sherbert", and an advertisement for the tankobon of Ranma 1/2 volume 5.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: The anime video images of One-Pound Gospel are very good. I can't wait for it to be completed.

Chapter 61: 召しませ ラーメン
Meshimase ramen
(Noodles, Anyone?)
The fight begins to see who's food Kuno will eat. Ranma and Akane are early favorites, but Shampoo's suffocating noodles even the odds. As the battle rages on, Ranma accidentally eats Akane's eel, causing her to be disqualified. In a fit of anger, Akane tries to spray Shampoo with water, and then gets upset when Ranma, who does not want to deal with a cat along with all the other confusion, tries to protect her.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1988 Vol. 46
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 7 ch. 3
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 7 ch. 3
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 4 ch. 3
Publication Date: October 12, 1988
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Table of Contents
    • A: The VCR isn't working well, and I'm at a loss because of the mechanical noise it's making. I wonder if it has already reached the end of its life.

Chapter 62: 食ってたまるか
Kutte tamaru ka
(I Won't Eat It!)
The fight spills out of Kuno's underground training facility and into his bathtub as Ranma tries to get Shampoo to change back into a girl. While there, Kuno discovers male Ranma sitting in his bathtub with a naked Shampoo and gets very angry. Akane helps Kuno dish out some punishment, but Ranma manages to get Kuno to almost eat some of his soggy ramen. Kuno says he would rather drown that be fed ramen by another man and activates a large waterspout that sends them flying through his roof. Ranma falls into the koi pond outside and Kuno gladly eats the ramen of his beloved Pigtailed Girl.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1988 Vol. 47
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 7 ch. 4
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 7 ch. 4
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 4 ch. 4
Publication Date: October 19, 1988
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • Another advertisement for the Ranma 1/2 zip bag and some telephone cards appears in this issue of Shonen Sunday.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I got a BGM cassette tape from the editor and I'm impressed with the collection of songs.

Chapter 63: “邪悪”の復活
"Jaaku" no fukkatsu
(The Evil Wakes)
One dark and stormy night in the Hido Mountains a cave sealed by a boulder is opened and a small shadowy figure emerges. Days later in Nerima a group of girls are being groped, fondled and harrassed by a strange, perverted, old man. The man says he is looking for Akane Tendo and after trying to grope she and female Ranma he follows them back home. Upon seeing Soun and Genma they reveal that this is their old martial arts master, Happosai. A little over ten years ago, they got Happosai drunk, tied him up, and left him in a cave. He finally escaped and now he has decided that he wants to train the one, true heir to the Anything-Goes School of Martial Arts. Genma and Soun immediately decline, and Ranma decides that he's not going to let some little old man scare him. Happosai decides that Ranma will be his new disciple.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1988 Vol. 48
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 7 ch. 5
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 7 ch. 5
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 4 ch. 5
Publication Date: October 26, 1988
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • Happosai makes his debut in this chapter.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: During my busy schedule I took a short trip to Nara. There was an autumnal feeling at the Manga Cafe there.

Chapter 64: ただ者ではない
Tada mono dewanai

(He's Something Else)
Happosai buys an expensive bra for Ranma, who refuses to wear it. Happosai gets frustrated and tells Ranma that if he wants to fight him, he will have to promise to wear the bra should he lose. Ranma meets Happosai at Furinkan High that afternoon and agrees to wear the bra. Happosai shows his full powers after Ranma agrees and paralyzes him with his battle aura alone. Standing helplessly on the brink of defeat, Ranma is surprised to open his eyes and see Happosai has disappeared. He had decided to throw the fight so he could follow some girls into their lockeroom.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1988 Vol. 49
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 7 ch. 6
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 7 ch. 6
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 4 ch. 6
Publication Date: November 2, 1988
Pages:4 (full color) 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • An advertisement for Ranma 1/2 themed sweat shirts and soup bowls appears in this issue of Shonen Sunday.
  • This marks the only lengthy interruption of serialization in Rumiko Takahashi's entire career. She contracted appendicitis and had to stop work for a number of weeks. The following year in a discussion with fellow mangaka Kazuhiko Shimamoto she would wonder if it was due to stress.
  • During her hospitalization Masami Yuki the creator of Patlabor and Kaoru Shintani (Area 88) visited her and conducted an interview which can be read here. In 2013 Rumiko Takahashi discussed her hospitalization in an interview.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I'm down with a cold. Probably because it suddenly got cold. Even though I'm weak I'm working on my next idea.

Chapter 65: バトル・ザ・銭湯
Batoru * ze * sento

(Bathhouse Battle)
The Tendo family's bathtub is broken so Ranma, Akane, Nabiki and Happosai all head to the public baths. Ranma decides to try and keep Happosai out of trouble, which proves to be rather difficult. Happosai keeps trying to jump over to the women's side, peep, and generally be a pest. Ranma and he battle it out, but luckily Happosai falls for a beautiful girl amidst a group of naked grannies and falls into Ranma's trap.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 8
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 7 ch. 7
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 7 ch. 7
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 4 ch. 7
Publication Date: January 25, 1989
Pages:4 (full color) 12 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • This issue marks Rumiko Takahashi's return to Shonen Sunday and regular serialization after the hiatus she took for her health mentioned in the prior issue. The cover features Ranma and says in golden kanji "再会" (reunion). In her author comments at the end of this issue of Shonen Sunday Takahashi said, "I was worried about various things, but its already worked out. Do your best."
  • During her absence from Shonen Sunday a number of original images were published giving updates about the status of the series. Those include:
    • Shonen Sunday 1988 volume 50 - this issue was the first issue in which she could not publish. She included a drawing of herself in bed with "give up" written on her covers along with an image of Ranma and Genma running around. It is titled "Notice of Short Hiatus Due to Sudden Illness" The captions state "I'm sure you're all surprised, I'm surprised myself. I was confident I was in very good health, when suddenly I got sick (appendicitis). It's frustrating that I can't draw the manuscript with my intestines as they are. As soon as I recover, the story will be more interesting than ever. I will do my best to draw manga so please be patient a little longer." There was also an advertisement for the 1988 Ranma 1/2 calendar in this issue.
    • Shonen Sunday 1988 volume 51 - this issue was the second issue in which she could not publish. She include a drawing of Genma wearing a hard hat. It is titled "Sorry for the Inconvenience" The captions state "Rumiko Takahashi-sensei is recovering from illness and needs rest. We will return to the story as soon as she recovers, so please be patient." It also mentions the calendar that is now on sale and that tankobon volume 6 will go on sale in mid-December. There was also an advertisement for the Urusei Yatsura OVA "Rage! Sherbert", the Maison Ikkoku OVA "Through the Passing Seasons" and the Urusei Yatsura OVA "Nagisa's Fiance". There was also an advertisement for a Ranma 1/2 wall scroll and the soup bowls again.
    • Shonen Sunday 1988 volume 53 - this issue has an advertisement for Mitsuru Adachi's Short Program short story collection and Rumiko Takahashi's Mermaid Forest wideban. This issue also has an ad for upcoming stories in the next few issues, an advertisement for the One Pound Gospel anime, plus an ad for the Ranma 1/2, Rough and Patlabor calendars, as well as dolls. There are also a few pages discussing the series, likely to keep it fresh in readers minds while it is on hiatus, which includes a character relationship chart. Lastly is another page of story information with the image of Takahashi in bed from volume 50 with a new message that states, "I am sorry for causing you all any concern. My cecum is still in quite a bit of pain. I want to draw manga again as soon as possible and make you laugh as hard as I can."
  • In Shonen Sunday 1989 vol. 1-2 Rumiko Takahashi was on her leave of absence, however the issue was celebrating the 30th anniversary of Shonen Sunday and the grand prize a reader could win via a scratch-off game was a gold medal of Genma which featured a unique image emblazoned on it. Volume 5 had another chance at the contest as well.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I know I have worried you a lot, but I'm fine now. I'll do my best.

Chapter 66: ムーンライト ボンバー
Munraito bonba

(Moonlight Serenade)
Ryoga finds his way back to the Tendo home and is shocked to see that Happosai has moved in. He blames Ranma for not protecting Akane from the perverted master and as P-chan promises to do his best to keep Happosai from stealing Akane's panties. Ryoga and Ranma double-team Happosai, but ultimately he proves to be too much for the boys. He manages to curl up next to a sleeping Akane, but she seems to be a rather punchy sleeper.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 9
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 7 ch. 8
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 7 ch. 8
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 4 ch. 8
Publication Date: February 1, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • A literal translation of this chapter's title would be "Moonlight Bomber".
  • Scenes from this story are adapted forNettohen episode 58, though it adds a storyline about Ryoga deciding to try to enroll at Furinkan High and Akane helping him study for the entrance examination.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: Even though I was sick, since I've gotten well I've returned to my irregular lifestyle...

Chapter 67: 八宝斉 怒る
Happosai ikaru

(The Wrath of Happosai)
The man from the neighborhood watch comes by to ask Soun and Genma to keep an eye out for a panty thief that has been spotted lately. Soun and Genma quickly pretend they have never seen the culprit, but Ranma decides to try and take care of the situation. After the Tendos raid Happosai's panty collection, Happosai begins his revenge. He orders tons of expensive food, leaves notes that Ranma stole women's underwear and dirties up the house. Soun and Genma beg his forgivness, but when Ranma refuses the Tendos decide it will be best if he spends the night outside in hopes Happosai will calm down.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 10
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 7 ch. 9
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 7 ch. 9
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 4 ch. 9
Publication Date: February 8, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • The Ranma 1/2 anime is previewed for the first time with three pages of coverage (here and here).
  • Additionally a number of Ranma 1/2 goods were advertised for sale.
  • The neighborhood watch chairman debuts in this chapter.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: Congatulations to Osamu Ishiwata for winning the Shogakukan Manga Award!
    • Webmasters' Note: Ishiwata was publishing B.B. alongside Rumiko Takahashi in Shonen Sunday at this time.

Chapter 68: 効きます 女嫌香
Kikimasu nyokenko

(The Scent of a Woman)
Ranma gets Akane to sew some Woman Repellant into Happosai's clothes. When Happosai goes on his daily girl hunt, the women all run away before he can bother him. Ranma is able to quickly defeat him, and Genma and Soun point out that he seems to be going into withdrawl. Unable to touch a girl, Happosai is frail and weak, but Ranma takes pity on him and prevents Soun and Genma from mailing him to the North Pole. A sudden rain soaks Ranma while he is carrying Happosai off, and with a quick squeeze of Ranma's bosom Happosai is back to full strength and looking for some revenge.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 11
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 7 ch. 10
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 7 ch. 10
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 4 ch. 10
Publication Date: February 15, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I watched the title match of boxer Naoto Takahashi. It was a great match!!

Chapter 69: 親父の逆襲
Oyaji no gyakushu

(Fathers Know Best)
Ranma has a tough time dealing with Happosai since the Woman Repellant is now suffocating him. Soun and Genma decide that they have finally seen enough and are going to have to bring Happosai to justice. Soun dons his samurai armor and is made short work of by Happosai, but Genma proves to be a decent match as he powers his battle aura up to impressive proportions. Untimately the face-off ends in a draw and everyone heads home to watch their fight on the evening news.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 12
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 7 ch. 11
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 7 ch. 11
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 4 ch. 11
Publication Date: February 22, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • This issue features a memorial to Osamu Tezuka who passed away on February 9, 1989. Rumiko Takahashi's comment is: "When I heard the news of his death I was just stunned. It was as if I was locked in sleep paralysis."

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I'm putting together a schedule for a one-shot in March, but it is tough...

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