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Volume 13

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Chapters Originally Published in:
Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 18 - 29

Ranma 1/2 Vol 13

Chapter 125: 伝説の邪灸
Densetsu no jakyu
(The Legendary Moxibustion of Evil)
Ranma causes Happosai to get beaten up on one of his daily panty raids and Happosai pays him back by placing a hot ember on his back. The next day on the way to school, Kuno tries to fight Ranma, but Ranma's punches do nothing to Kuno. Kuno beats Ranma easily, followed by a little boy punching Ranma's lights out. Dr. Tofu explains that Ranma seems to have been hit with a moxibustion that makes him as weak as a baby. At that moment all of Ranma's rivals get letters from Happosai telling them Ranma is weak.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 18
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 13 ch. 1
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 13 ch. 1
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 7 ch. 5
Publication Date: April 4, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • This issue celebrates Mitsuru Adachi reaching 100 million total volumes sold of his manga. It features an interview between Adachi and rakugo performer Danshi Tatekawa (立川 談志) (who was a close friend of Osamu Tezuka). It has comments and congratulatory illustrations from Rumiko Takahashi, Adachi's brother Tsutomu Adachi (あだち勉), Kazuhiko Shimamoto (島本和彦), Yukio Aoshima (青島幸男) the former governor of Tokyo and Noriko Hidaka (the voice of Akane Tendo and Kikyo who also played Minami in Adachi's Touch).

  • Table of Contents
    • A:The 4/13 issue of Young Sunday will feature One Pound Gospel. I'll be concentrating hard on both serializations.

Chapter 126: 最弱の男
Saijaku no otoko
(The World's Weakest Man)
Gosunkugi arrives to help Ranma out, at least that is what Ranma thinks. He is led outside where the Principal, Mousse, and Kuno are all waiting to take their revenge on him. Even Gosunkugi gets a few shots in. Unable to watch the weak get picked on Ryoga arrives and saves Ranma from the others. Akane goes back to Dr. Tofu's and learns that the scroll that describes how to use the moxibustion may also have the cure as well. Ukyo learns of Ranma's new weakness and promises to take care of him from now on.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 19
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 13 ch. 2
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 13 ch. 2
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 7 ch. 6
Publication Date: April 11, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • Despite seeming as if he might be a long-term recurring character. Dr. Tofu makes his final appearance in the manga in this chapter after a lenghty absence from the series.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I got a tape of the Tama indie recordings. I use it as background music while I work.

Chapter 127: 乱馬 再起不能!?
Ranma saiki funo!?
(Weak for Life?!)
Mousse goes to tell Shampoo that he has defeated Ranma, but Cologne tells him that Shampoo has gone back to China for a visit. Cologne learns that the rumors of Ranma's weakness are true. At home, Kasumi is burning trash, and Happosai tosses the moxibustion chart into the fire. Ranma grabs it, but is no match for Happosai who takes it back easily. The next morning the Tendos awaken to find the house is empty for the first time since the Saotomes came. Ranma and Genma left in the middle of the night without a word.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 20
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 13 ch. 3
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 13 ch. 3
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 7 ch. 7
Publication Date: April 18, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • The Moxibustion Priest debuts in this chapter.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I went to see the cherry blossoms, but I didn't drink because I had work. It was cold.

Chapter 128: 風雲お灸の里
Fuun okyu no sato
(The Valley of Moxibustion)
The next day at school Akane notices that Ukyo is absent as well. She stops by Okonomiyaki Ucchan's and finds a map showing the Yomogi Valley. Akane travels there and finds Ranma, Genma, and Ukyo all trying to find a way to cure Ranma's weakness. Genma reveals one of the Saotome School's ultimate techniques, "The Crouch of the Wild Tiger", which is just bowing and begging forgiveness. Cologne arrives and shows Ranma the "Heaven Blast of the Dragon" also known as the "Hiryu Shoten Ha". After witnessing the amazing power of the Hiryu Shoten Ha Ranma promises to learn the technique in three days and win back his strength.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 21-22
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 13 ch. 4
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 13 ch. 4
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 7 ch. 8
Publication Date: April 25, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • Moxibustion is the burning of dried mugwort. That is also where the name for the Yomogi Valley (よもぎ谷/Yomogi Tani) comes from, as "yomogi" is the Japanese name of mugwort.
  • The "Heaven Blast of the Dragon" (飛竜昇天破) is called the "Hiryu Shoten Ha" in the original Japanese.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I just got a MAPICA, but when will I be able to use it, as I'm mechanically inept?

Chapter 129: 特訓!! 螺旋地獄
Tokkun!! Rasen jigoku
(Training in the Spiral of Hell)
Cologne begins teaching Ranma the steps to mastering the Hiryu Shoten Ha. First he must draw his ememies in towards him while staying within a spiral pattern. Ranma finds this difficult to do when Genma keeps showing Akane and Ukyo nude pictures of him. The next morning Ranma finally manages to stay within the spiral pattern and finishes the first part of his training. Cologne tells the girls to pack up and go home because they will only get in Ranma's way. She explains that only someone going all out against Ranma will enable him to learn the technique. Ranma also shows some hesitation about using the Hiryu Shoten Ha against Akane and Ukyo. Overhearing the conversation, Ryoga volunteers to be Ranma's opponent.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 23
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 13 ch. 5
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 13 ch. 5
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 7 ch. 9
Publication Date: May 9, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I attended Adachi-san's 100 Million Book Sales party. Congratulations. Thank you.

Chapter 130: 燃えない男
Moenai otoko
(The Inflammable Man)
Ryoga tries to fight Ranma, but is unable to bring himself to use his full strength against someone so weak. Ryoga runs away, feeling sorry for Ranma and everyone else believes that Ranma is now hopeless and beyond cure. Akane decides to set a pair of armlets on fire and try to fight Ranma to make up for the intense heat of a strong battle aura Ryoga was supposed to provide. The fire on Akane's arms sparks onto her shirt causing it to burn off. Ranma gets angry and tells Akane he did not want her there in the first place. Akane runs away crying, but Ranma explains that he cannot bear for her to see him in such a weak and pathetic state. While they are talking, Ryoga comes across them and sees that Akane has been crying and her shirt is ripped apart. He can only believe that Ranma tried to rape Akane. Now Ryoga has a reason to fight with full power.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 24
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 13 ch. 6
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 13 ch. 6
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 7 ch. 10
Publication Date: May 16, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • The training harness that Ranma wears is inspired by the one worn by Hyuma Hoshi in Star of the Giants (巨人の星/Kyojin no Hoshi).

  • Table of Contents
    • A: Ranma 1/2 volume 11 will go on sale the 18th of this month. Volume 12 will be released around July 18th.

Chapter 131: 炸裂!? 飛竜昇天破
Sakuretsu!? Hiryu shoten ha

(The Roar of Heaven)
Ranma encourages Ryoga's belief that he tried to have his way with Akane which only makes Ryoga more angry. Ranma begins to draw him into the spiral, and Ryoga's battle aura can be seen by Akane and Cologne. Once at the center of the spiral Ranma improvises the final step of the move which he guesses correctly and unleshes the Hiryu Shoten Ha. The power from the blast sends Ryoga flying and shreds both of their clothing.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 25
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 13 ch. 7
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 13 ch. 7
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 7 ch. 11
Publication Date: May 23, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Table of Contents
    • A: When I listen to the Ranma 1/2 Nettou Uta Gassen CD it makes me feel bright and happy. It also makes work easier.

Chapter 132: いくぞ! 雪辱戦
Iku zo! setsujoku-sen

(The Great Rematch)
Ranma goes to pay his respects to a still unconscious Ryoga for helping him learn the Hiryu Shoten Ha. Ryoga wakes up and beats Ranma up for letting him think he tried to have his way with Akane. Genma decides that it is time to return to the city and face Happosai. When they get back Happosai seems a little down without Ranma around to torment, but Ranma shows up and tries to get him to fight.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 26
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 13 ch. 8
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 13 ch. 8
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 7 ch. 12
Publication Date: May 30, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I’ve finished drawing the manuscripts for One Pound Gospel and am now back to my regular work load.

Chapter 133: 仏の八宝斉
Hotoke no Happosai

(St. Happosai)
Happosai quickly realizes that Ranma is trying to use the Hiryu Shoten Ha on him because Cologne did the same thing to Happosai when they were younger back in China. Happosai becomes a lot more tolerant of weak Ranma than he ever has before, and refuses to fight him. Ranma tries everything from burning his panty collection to feeding him fireworks, but nothing seems to upset him.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 27
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 13 ch. 9
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 13 ch. 9
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 7 ch. 13
Publication Date: June 6, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I drew the cover for Tomoko Konparu's novel, Twilight on Hollywood Boulevard.

Chapter 134: 燃えろ! 八宝斉
Moero! Happosai

(Burn, Happy, Burn)
Ranma meets Happosai at Furinkan High for another match, but Happosai still is not getting angry with Ranma. Ranma's only choice is to use some embarrassing photos he took of himself dressed in lingerie as a girl. Happosai's lust proves stronger than his battle aura and soon Kuno, the Principal and Mousse make their way into the fray. Ranma tries to hold off using his new technique on them, but then remembers how they beat him up when he could not defend himself. Ranma unleashes the full power of the Hiryu Shoten Ha and then notices that Akane got caught in the blast as well.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 28
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 13 ch. 10
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 13 ch. 10
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 7 ch. 14
Publication Date: June 13, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • Tatoeba Konna Love Song by Taku Kitazaki debuts in this issue of Shonen Sunday.
  • Rumiko Takahashi would later discuss the creation of the Hiryu Shoten Ha in an interview here.
  • Additionally she spoke in an interview about how the battles depicted in Ranma 1/2 were heavily influenced by the work of Masami Kurumada such as Put It All in the Ring (リングにかけろ/Ringu ni Kakero) and Saint Seiya (聖闘士星矢). A side by side comparison proves useful.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: My current assistant is shocked by the news of Hiroyuki Sanada's engagement. I hope she is able to recover.
    • Webmasters' Note: Hiroyuki Sanada is a Japanese actor who has appeared in several American films such as Rush Hour 3, The Last Samurai, and Speed Racer.

Chapter 135: ああ! 無情の紙吹雪
Aa! Mujo no kami fubuki

(The Paper Chase)
Ranma tries his best to save Akane as they are flung round and round inside the blast. Mousse, the Principal, Happosai and Kuno are all hurled out of the vortex and the rest of students quickly bury them while they are unconcious. Ranma finally gets close to Akane and she hands him Happosai's moxibustion chart that contains the cure to Ranma's weakened state. As Ranma grabs it from her Akane passes out and the wind shreds the paper. Cologne tells everyone that they must gather all the tiny pieces being blown across the school as Ranma and Akane plummet back to the earth.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 29
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 13 ch. 11
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 13 ch. 11
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 7 ch. 15
Publication Date: June 20, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Surprisingly Takahashi describes this chapter, which is often cited as a particular favorite among fans as a "filler".
    Even up until that point, I had depicted them being attracted to each other, but this scene may have been the first time they risked their lives to help the one another. I don't know if it is okay to admit this because there are many other people who say that that scene was very good, but it was actually a filler chapter (laughs). The truth is that when I cut out the names from the previous chapter, there was a little extra space, so I had them talk in mid-air for one chapter and created a gap to fill during their fall (laughs). The fact that it was well received by the readers was really a blessing (laughs).
  • Table of Contents
    • A: We're in the midst of the rainy season now. Without being able to go out it makes it difficult to concentrate on work.

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