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Ataru and Torajima's Boxing Scene: A Genga Breakdown

Translated by: Dylan Acres
Thanks to Mitchell for scans and transcriptions.

Animage 1982 December
Two pages dedicated to "The Terror of Meow".

"Kagefumi no Waltz" was released on December 15th by Animage Label (Tokuma Onko). This song was created as an insert song for the movie Urusei Yatsura and is inspired by Ataru and Elle (the guest character) when they were young.

Misuzu's recollection from "The Terror of Meow" (broadcast on September 22nd)

"Autumn, when everyone becomes a poet. A cat's feast has begun on the roof." Ten, Lum, and Ataru are unable to sleep because of the cats' commotion. So they climb onto the roof of their house and find a love battle unfolding with Misuzu, a half-human, half-cat (?), at the center. [1] Torajima (estimated age 10), the boss of the stray cats in the area, courts her with a sardine bone tied with a ribbon. Ataru also approaches her with his inherent lack of principles, and even Ten is seduced by Misuzu's beauty. However, Misuzu has a deep and dark reason for not accepting their love. What is the scary past that she herself talks about... You can't play with cats anymore!?

It's the new ending of Urusei!

I know that the ending changed with "After You've Gone" that aired in the first week of October. Lum and Ataru chase each other to the melody of "Hoshizora Cycling". Let me introduce some of it here. Kazushige Yusa (22) [2]

First-year student at Tatsunoko Productions Research Institute. Currently freelance. In charge of key animation for Muteking, Kuore Monogatari, Urusei Yatsura, etc. "Actually, I don't like this boxing scene very much. When I do key animation, I usually try to do half the part myself, but I couldn't do that in this episode, and it didn't move the way I wanted it to. I was a little disappointed when I saw the first edition. The cut of the wraparound on the roof took more than 200 sheets just for key animation, and I try this experiment every time, but it doesn't work out very well. My favorite episode I was in charge of is "Pitter Patter, Summer Date".

Comment from Mamoru Oshii: [3] "The Terror of Meow" was originally a one-act play that took place on a rooftop, and I was talking to Kazunori Ito, the series composer. [4] I was aiming to create a work that combined the dramatic story with slapstick comedy, but when I was drawing the storyboard, I was conscious of the directing style of Osamu Dezaki, and it turned out like that. [5] So I didn't intend to do a parody of Ashita no Joe from the beginning. Yusa, the key animator, is a passionate and steady animator. He has a different kind of talent from the Ochi/Yamashita type. [6] If I could be greedy, I would like the animation to be softer.

Recording of the insert song for Urusei Yatsura is finished. The last scene also features Lum's wedding!!

To be released on February 12th by Toho. The production of the movie Urusei Yatsura is progressing smoothly. "The layouts for each scene are almost complete. About 50% of the key animation is done. We will start filming in January, and aim to finish rushes and start dubbing in mid-December, so we are working hard now" (Producer Makoto Kubo). [7] The battle between the new character "Elle" and Lum for Ataru could also end in Lum's victory, as Ataru and Lum's wedding is planned. However, Ataru is not one for the faint of heart. Who knows what kind of punchline this wedding will have? By the way, speaking of a wedding at the end, it reminds me of the movie "The Graduate", which is nostalgic for people in their early twenties. [8] "But even if you mention the "The Graduate", young key animation artists today don't know it. It's true that there are some parts that are conscious of "The Graduate", but I think it's fine if people notice it when they watch it," said director Mamoru Oshii. In addition to "The Graduate", there are other scenes scattered throughout the film that remind people of various other movies. The recording of the insert songs to be used in the movie was also done on October 25th and 26th at Meguro KRS Studio. Fumi Hirano will record Lum's theme and Shiori will record Elle's theme. The insert songs set for each character will also be one of the attractions of the movie. February 12th, 1983, 80 minutes of drama awaits you!

Episode Summary by Kazunori Itō:

For some reason, there is a time when "special programs" are often scheduled, but this month you can see Lum every week. Those who are recording and filming, are you ready with the tape!? Following on from "The Terror of Meow", "The Terrifying Cavity WARS!" is written by chief director Oshii. Please pay attention to the unique dialogue. Mendo's younger sister Ryoko appears in "The Mendo Siblings!". There are rumors that this episode is a blockbuster that ignores most of the budget (is that true?) In the second half, Ataru sneaks into the Mendo mansion to meet Ryoko, and the action scene with the Mendo family's private army is a must-see! Next, "A Cat with a Grudge on the Stairs" and "Can the Racoon Return the Favor!?" are fairy tale-like episodes perfect for a slightly lonely early winter night.

What is it...?

The guests Kotatsuneko and baby raccoon are drawn by different artists and animation directors, and the pictures are very cute and full of character. Are you a kotatsu cat or a baby raccoon? It would be interesting to compare them. Currently, Urusei Yatsura the movie is in full swing along with the series! Please support both.

The Terrifying Cavity WARS! (Episode 49)
Ataru has a nightmare in which his face swells up from a cavity. When he wakes up, he finds Ten crying because of a cavity. When Ataru pokes Ten's face for fun, Ten gets angry and bites his finger. Not knowing that tooth decay on the planet Lum is an infectious disease, Ataru goes to school, but...

  • [1] While the character is listed as Misuzu, this is actually a mistake and the character should be Yuki, Misuzu's cat.
  • [2] Kazushige Yusa (遊佐和重) worked as an animation director for Touch (タッチ), Topo Gigio (トッポ・ジージョ), and Miyuki (みゆき).
  • [3] Mamoru Oshii (押井守) got his start as a director on Urusei Yatsura but would go on to direct numerous famous anime films and series. We have numerous interviews archived with him here at the website.
  • [4] Kazunori Itō (伊藤和典) is also scriptwriter who also worked as a part of the group "Headgear" with Mamoru Oshii, Akemi Takada, Yutaka Izubuchi and Masami Yuki. In addition to his work on Urusei Yatsura Itō also oversaw scripts for Maison Ikkoku (めぞん一刻) and the entire .hack franchise.
  • [5] Osamu Dezaki (出﨑統) is perhaps one of the most famous and well-respected anime directors. He is known for films like Golgo 13: The Professional, the Black Jack OVA series, The Rose of Versailles (ベルサイユのばら) and One-Pound Gospel OVA for Rumiko Takahashi. He passed away in 2011.
  • [6] Masahito Yamashita (山下将仁) has had an illustrious career in the world of Japanese animation. He would continue to work as a key animator with Mamoru Oshii on works like Dallos (ダロス) and Innocence (イノセンス), as well as American/Japanese co-productions like Mighty Orbots and Silverhawks. Kazuhiro Ochi (越智一裕) worked as a key animator on Urusei Yatsura before making a name for himself on numerous super robot anime. An interview with Ochi can be found on Edition 88's website. Fore more information on all the animators mentioned in this article, we highly suggest reading The Kanada School's Collective Masterpiece: Urusei Yatsura on Animetudes.
  • [7] Makoto Kubo (久保 真) is a producer on Urusei Yatsura as well as the first two movies and the Maison Ikkoku and Ranma 1/2 anime.
  • [8] The Graduate is a 1967 American film directed by Mike Nichols, written by Buck Henry and Calder Willingham, and starring Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft and Kathrine Ross. The church scene in Only You is a direct parody to the end of the The Graduate.


アニメージュ 1982年 12月
Animage 1982 Vol. 12
Published: November 10, 1982
Interviewer: Animage Staff
Translated by: Dylan Acres
Translation date: July 15, 2024
ISBN/Web Address: ---
Page numbers: 70-71