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What is Lum's Tiger-Striped Bikini?!

Translated by: Dylan Acres
Thanks to Mitchell for scans and transcriptions.

Animedia 1982 August
Lum's fashions.

Lum-chan wears a tiger skin bikini all year round. This is her basic look and trademark. Therefore, I have named Lum's tiger skin bikini fashion "Lum-Tora" bikini. She looks best in a bikini, but she looks good in anything she wears, whether it's sporty clothes, casual clothes, or long-sleeved kimono. Maybe it's because she has such a good figure? Akemi Takada, the character designer, said, "These days, bulky, oversized clothes are in fashion, but if the clothes don't show the lines of the body clearly, it's hard for the illustrators to draw them. It's all we can do to create a trendy atmosphere." There are hardships we don't understand, but Takada-san is also very careful about fashion. The swimsuit Lum-chan will appear in this summer is said to be Takada's pride and joy. It was a coincidence that a female wrestler was wearing the same costume, so it's worth paying attention to! [1]

Episode Summaries

Darling's Had it This Time! (episode 58) [2]

Lum and Ran were drinking tea for the first time in a while and reminiscing about the past. For example, when Lum was 5 years old and stayed over at Ran's house, she wet the bed, but she blamed Ran for it... Also, when she was 8 years old, Lum threw a stone at a monster that was eating grass in the forest, which caused Ran to suffer badly. Also, when Lum bought her a soft serve ice cream, Ran was happy, but in fact it wasn't... Anyway, Ran always suffered badly because of Lum.

Rei's Return! Crisis in the Classroom!! (episode 59)

Ataru's class has decided to have self-study. Summer vacation starts next week, but they have to study hard until then. However, Ataru and his friends are not so easy to deal with. In order to protect their comfortable self-study time, they decide to decide who will be the watchdog for the teachers who come to patrol. So they decide to draw lots...

Appearance of the Red Phantom (episode 60)

It is said that a legendary monster has lived in Tomobiki High School since its founding. His name is the Red Cape Monster... Sometimes it is in the ceiling of the auditorium, sometimes in the clock tower's machine room, and sometimes it is not in a fixed place, but in all kinds of darkness, waiting for people to pass by. Then, without any warning, it suddenly appears, frightening the students, driving them into a crucible of fear and anxiety, and making the whole school tremble...

Steal Darling! The Copy Operation! (episode 61)

Ran, who decided to be mean to Lum, called her to announce that she would steal her darling. After all, Lum had been bullying her since she was a child. Ran, who is determined, interferes every time Ataru calls a girl. One day, at the same time that Ataru made a promise to go see a movie with Shinobu, Ran asked him out on a date. Ataru was in trouble because he said yes to both of them.

  • [1] Akemi Takada is the famed character designer of Urusei Yatsura and a full interview with her is available here.
  • [2] For the sake of creating as accurate a translation of the historical record as possible we have left the episode numbers identical to what they were listed as in the original periodical this article appeared in, however these episode numbers do not match the numbering convention that most fans and producers use in regards to Urusei Yatsura in the present day. The confusion stems from the early episodes airing two unique 15 minute episodes in one 30 minute block. The links will link to the correct episode with the number reflecting the unified numbering system.


アニメディア 1982年 8月
Animedia 1982 Vol. 8
Published: July 10, 1982
Interviewer: Animedia Staff
Translated by: Dylan Acres
Translation date: July 10, 2024
ISBN/Web Address: ---
Page numbers: ---