I Want to Know
Translated by: Dylan Acres
Thanks to Mitchell for scans and transcriptions.
Lum and Ten look at upcoming episodes.
I Want to Know.
Q. I always watch Urusei Yatsura because the stories are rich and fun. I'm a big fan of Toshio Furukawa, who plays "Ataru". Please tell me about his profile. Hiroko Koshino (14 years old), Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture
A. He was born in Tochigi Prefecture on July 16, 1946 and is 35 years old. After graduating from Nihon University College of Art, he joined the theater company Gendaikai. The main anime roles he has played include Hojo Takeshi in
Magne Robo Gakeen, Tatekenjin in
Mirai Robo Darutaniasu, Kai Shiden in
Mobile Suit Gundam, and Ageha Takeru in
Space Battleship Yamato.
[2] His hobbies are skin diving and sword fighting. He is rumored to be the best voice actor when it comes to sword fighting skills. He is 164 cm tall. (Editorial Staff)
- [1] After months of using a certain episode number count that divided a single episode into two separate ones, the production staff seems to have stopped numbering the episodes altogether, which will lead to the more unified episode listings that counted two fifteen minute episodes as a single episode.
- [2] Magne Robo Gakeen (マグネロボ・ガ・キーン) ran for 39 episodes from September 1976 to June 1977. Mirai Robo Darutaniasu (未来ロボ ダルタニアス/Future Robot Daltanious) ran for 47 episodes from March 1979 to March 1980. Mobile Suit Gundam (機動戦士ガンダム) of course was gathering strength at this point on its way to becoming one of the most enduring franchises in animation history. Space Battleship Yamato (宇宙戦艦ヤマト) is another legendary sci-fi series which originally ran from October 1974 to March 1975.