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Volume 2

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The Inuyasha Narrative, Part 2: Kagome, the Normal Girl
Translation provided by: Robby Stine of Kanabits

Inuyasha Wideban Extra Vol 2 Kagome’s Eyes = the Reader’s Eyes

Kagome is just a normal girl. Inuyasha is an unusual character, and he needed an observer. A girl from the present day who, no matter what happened, would judge him fairly. She’d be more relatable being from the present day than the Sengoku era, too. I wanted readers to travel back to the Sengoku era with her, having the experience of meeting Inuyasha and encountering all those demons alongside her. I see Kagome as a navigator of sorts, showing you when it’s okay for readers to be surprised by something in the Sengoku era, and when it isn’t. The story wouldn’t be the same otherwise. Were she from the Sengoku era, you’d have to start with what a girl from that era would consider normal and that would have been extremely challenging. Having a character from modern times who is familiar with the same things and who has the same idea of normal as the reader makes the job of a storyteller much easier.

Kagome’s School Uniform is her Time-Traveling Uniform

Kagome is almost always wearing her school uniform. You could say it’s like a work uniform for her. Especially when traveling back to the Sengoku era, it’s as if it’d be wrong to wear anything else. Like she wouldn’t be Kagome without it. That’s how I approached it. I did occasionally have her wearing more casual clothes, but I never let her wear a kimono when in the Sengoku era just so she’d blend in.

Well, okay, I did put her in a Miko outfit at the very end, but that’s only because it was the very end. Overall though, so she just stayed in her uniform. She never really had the chance to change, anyway.

The Heroine With the Biggest Heart

Inuyasha’s personality is quite rigid and inflexible, so when it came to Kagome, I wanted to make her that much more big-hearted. I tried to make it so they wouldn’t argue too often. Whenever there’s trouble and a decision must be made, Kagome usually just takes things in stride. Had Inuyasha been paired with someone like Lum, they’d never work as a pair. It would be impossible. With Inuyasha’s own weaknesses of heart, things would have gotten ugly if Kagome treated him too harshly. I tried to be careful about that. I also was careful not to have her complain too much. All this taken into account, she ended up being the most kind-hearted of all my heroines.

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