As a young girl, Sakura was lead into the afterlife by a strange-looking giant rabbit. Upon arriving there she met Tamako, who kindly rescued her and helped her return to the world of the living. Unfortunately Tamako fed her candy that was made by by the deceased, which gave Sakura the ability to see spirits.
Sakura is quiet about her unusual ability until one day in high school when she meets Rinne Rokudo, a red-headed boy who claims to be a shinigami. Sakura quickly becomes involved in his job as a guide to lost spirits, and helps Rinne discover their lingering attachments to the living world and ensure a calm passage into the afterlife.
Sakura's feelings towards Rinne are complicated, as their relationship is fairly platonic and business-like. Complicating it further is Tsubasa Jumonji, another spiritualist who had a crush on Sakura since he met her briefly when the two attended elementary school together.
The Meaning Behind the Name - 真宮桜
"Sakura" (桜) is Japanese for "cherry tree". Mamiya (真宮) is written with the kanji for a Buddhist sect and a Shinto shrine. It can also mean "true princess".
Marina Inoue
Marina Inoue is likely best known as the voice of Armin Arlelt in Attack on Titan or Yoko in Gurren Lagann but she's also played Wataru Tachibana in Hayate the Combat Butler, Rei Miyamoto in High School of the Dead and Yozora Mikazuki in Haganai. She also played Ryoko Mendo in the 2022 adaptation of Urusei Yatsura.