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Volume 40

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Chapters Originally Published in:
Shonen Sunday 2017 Vol. 46 - 2018 Vol. 3-4

Kyokai no RINNE Vol 40

Chapter 389: いつもの感じ
Itsumo no kanji

(The Usual Feeling)
Rinne's luck has seemingly changed as the shop where he purchases his shinigami tools has a prize giveaway for a "secret tour" and Rinne wins a pair of tickets. A secret tour is a guided bus tour to an unknown, fun day spot that the visitors are not told about until they arrive. Rinne decides to see if Sakura might like to accompany him and she happily agrees. As he flies home, Rokumon tells Rinne that he will will not be able to come along since the tickets are for two only, and that it might seem like a date without him there. Rinne ponders this and begins to become nervous. The next day Sakura and Rinne watch a skeletal bus pull up and many oni, shinigami and other afterlife figures start to board. Sitting together Rinne silently thinks he has made a bad decision as the tour is filled with middle-aged women and the scent of alcohol and squid permeate the tour bus. Finally the secret tour location is revealed to be a vinyard with all you can eat grapes picked straight from the vine. However when they arrive Rinne collapses, having grown carsick from the scents and noise on the bus, by the time he recovers all of the graps have been picked clean with nothing left for Sakura or him to enjoy. Next they visit a shop with all you can eat pickled vegetables that Rinne once again cannot bring himself to eat. Finally he realizes that everyone else will be so stuffed by the time they reach their final destination he will be able to eat all he can stomach of the main course. The final stop promises fresh seafood but Rinne is crushed when he realizes you have to rent a fishing rod and the use of a grill to catch and cook your own. Rinne and Sakura sit quietly on the banks of the Sanzu River listening to the water flow as everyone else enjoys their barbeque in the distance. Sakura notices a small glowing stone in the riverbed and Rinne fishes it out, explaining that it is a barrier stone that lines the bottom of the Sanzu further upstream that has washed down here. Suddenly the tour guide calls out that they can process those stones into a souvenir and Rinne reluctantly agrees to have a pair of simple string bracelets made with the stones. He gushes blood however when he realizes it will cost 1,500 yen. That evening Rinne drops Sakura off at her house and she thanks him for the trip. Rinne returns home to Rokumon who tells him that if he sells the bracelet they could afford to have some riceballs from the convenience store. Rinne stares at the bracelet and says he will never sell it while Sakura looks at her own and quietly hopes that from tomorrow everyday will be like today was.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2017 Vol. 46
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 40 ch. 1
Publication Date: October 11, 2017
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • This issue of Shonen Sunday contains the final chapter of Shinobu Ohtaka's Magi.
  • The game Rinne wins is "garapon" (ガラポン). Many stores have these wooden machines loaded with marbe sized balls in order to give away promotional prizes to their customers. Typically if you spend a certain amount in the store you get to turn the crank to see if you win a prize (denoted by getting a certain color ball).
  • In all of Takahashi's series, it is Ranma 1/2's Akane Tendo that proves luckiest at garapon as she wins the game three different times: chapter 95, chapter 158, chapter 361. One of our Rumic Mini videos cover this as well.
  • The older people on the tour bus are eating dried squid, known as "surume" (スルメ) in Japanese.

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Is there anything you can't throw away?
    • A: Character goods.

Chapter 390: 浄霊検定
Jyourei kentei

(Exorcism Exam)
At the Life Count Administration Bureau there is a storage room filled with a backlog of unprocessed items that are cursed or in some other way require exorcism. Kain is supervising the parceling out of these items to shinigami so they can be dealt with when Rinne arrives and requests a challenging item be assigned to him. Rinne is given a hanging school with an image of Daikokuten, one of the Seven Lucky Gods painted on it. He takes it back to his apartment so that he can access what needs to be done to exorcise the object. Rinne finds out that the painting once belonged to an old man and that the severity of its curse will ensure he is well paid for sorting out its exorcism. Sakura stops by later and finds Rinne interviewing the ghost of the man that had once owned the painting of Daikokuten. The old ghost explains that he grew up poor but when he died he was a millionaire. He explains that late in his life he was all alone, he had no one he could trust and so one of the last things he did was have a first-class painter make the image for him. Because he died the day he received the painting he asks Rinne to hang it up and enjoy it for awhile in his stead and that it would help him to pass on to the next life. Rokumon notices a black spot on the painting and Rinne suggests it is a supernatural blemish clinging to the piece. Rinne is thrilled with the idea, thinking he'll exorcise an easy ghost and get a bonus for it as well. Sakura says she is heading home and waves at Rinne who notices she is still wearing the bracelet he got her on their recent trip. Rinne waves to her to show he is wearing his as well which makes both of them quite happy. Soon the weather hutch is overflowing with offerings and Rinne's business soars. He misses school in order to exorcise more ghosts in the halls. Everything seems to be going well for Rinne and Rokumon, they are eating well off of the donations left in the hutch and the dark spot on the painting is rapidly fading away. Then, a few days later at Tamako's house a parcel arrives. Opening it she finds a letter from Rinne asking her to take care of what is inside and much to everyone's shock it is an unconcious Rokumon. Soon Rokumon storms off to find Sakura, asking her if she knows where Rinne is and showing her his black cat contract whcih has been cancelled by Rinne. Rokumon says everything was going well and he and Rinne were eating dinner, making sure to eat all the food before the expiration date on it passed when he started to get sleepy. When he woke up he had been shipped off to Tamako's house in a box. Tamako told Rokumon to go and speak to Rinne as she already had two black cats of her own to care for and so he was shipped back. Sakura takes Rokumon to Rinne's apartment and they find it empty save for the painting which is still hanging on the wall. When Sakura looks closely at the painting, the spot now faded enough to just barely show what was hidden behind the smudge of darkness she feels something sweep past her.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2017 Vol. 47
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 40 ch. 2
Publication Date: October 18, 2017
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • The painting Rinne has to exorcise is of Daikokuten (大黒天) one of the Seven Lucky Gods. You can read more about Daikokuten here.
  • The humor in this chapter centers around the fact that there is a "big black spot" (大黒点) on the painting of Daikokuten (大黒天). In Japanese, "big black spot" is also pronounced "daikokuten".

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Is there a part-time job you'd like to try?
    • A: Ruins excavation.

Chapter 391: 掛け軸の罠
Kakejiku no wana

(The Hanging Scroll's Trap)
Rokumon is staying over at Sakura's house lamenting Rinne's firing of him and saying that Rinne chose money over their friendship. Sakura tries to make him feel better, reassuring the little cat that she is on his side in the matter. Meanwhile Rinne flies through the night sky after a busy day of work. Rinne wonders to himself why Rokumon did not come with him and when he arrives home he sees a ghostly glow through his window. Stepping inside he finds his grandmother, Tamako, staring at the hanging scroll on his wall. As she wonders about the scroll it slashses at her just as it did to Sakura earlier and Rinne now sees that behind the black stain that has now vanished is an image of a scythe rather than the typical mallet that Daikokuten should be depicted with. Tamako explains that the curse of this painting is designed to make people lose their friends and family and Rinne recalls the old ghost that had owned it saying the same thing- he was all alone in life. Looking closely at the painting Rinne sees the mice are scribbling a note, the note that was forged in his name dismissing Rokumon. Suddenly the scroll flies away and Rinne chases after it when he finds an angry Rokumon flying towards him. Rokumon demands the rest of the money he is owed for his work with Rinne but Rinne says they will discuss it after they have dealt with the scroll. Rokumon snatches Rinne in his mouth along with the scroll as Sakura cheers for him in the streets below calling Rinne a "money-grubber". Tamako explains to Sakura what has happened and Rinne knocks Rokumon away after shouting he did not fire his friend. With a single stroke he cleaves the hanging scroll in half and Rokumon finds a letter next to him from Rinne explaining what happened. The next day on the way to school Sakura's friends comment on her bracelet and say they saw a similar one in a second hand shop. Stopping in Sakura sees that it has Rinne's name on it and she is shocked to see he sold it. Elsewhere Rokumon sits next to a letter from Rinne, asking his little friend to sell the bracelet and use the money to buy himself a treat.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2017 Vol. 48
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 40 ch. 3
Publication Date: October 25, 2017
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • This issue of Shonen Sunday has a giveaway of Christmas cards. Participants could enter to win a chance at 3000 cards covering all the currently running series, all of which included original artwork, including Kyokai no RINNE.
  • Daikokuten's mallet is quite special in Japanese folklore. It is known as "uchide no kozuchi" (打ち出の小槌) or "striking out little hammer". It is said that the hammer can cobble together anything that the user wishes for, though as a downsize whatever it creates usually disappears with the tolling of a bell.
  • Part of Daikokuten's iconography are the mice or rats that are typically shown accompanying him. This is due to his evolution from the Hindu god "Mahakala". He was associated with the northern direction which, in the Chinese zodiac, is the sign of the rat. The mice come to serve as Daikokuten's messengers.

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: What side dish would make you happy in your bento box?
    • A: Fried shrimp.

Chapter 392: 日頃の行い
Higoro no okonai

(Force of Habit)
Rinne goes to visit the weather hutch at school and finds it empty. After his sudden flush of success thanks to the cursed hanging scroll he is finding it hard to readjust to having no work and very little income again. Sakura sees him and approaches and inquires if he is having money troubles. Rinne smiles and says he is doing fine as he tries to put a good face on his difficulties. Sakura seems upset and walks away, saying that is what she wanted to hear. Rinne follows her and tells her that he will repay any money he has borrowed from her with his recent profits but she angrily snaps at him that she has no interest in talking about his money and calling him stupid before running away. Rokumon pops up after Rinne stares in confusion about what has just happened. Rinne asks if he has come back to work with him again and Rokumon cheerfully says he was so touched by Rinne's letter that he could not help but return. Rokumon hands Rinne the letter and Rinne immediately realizes it is another forgery from the mice in the hanging school just like the one they used to trick Rokumon into thinking he had been fired. When Rokumon tells him how nice it was for him to let him sell his precious bracelet Rinne collapses in a pile of bloody tears and realizes for the first time his bracelet is missing. Rinne hurries to the store where Rokumon sold it and finds it has already been sold. He collapses onto the floor and then thinks of something. Meanwhile Rokumon goes to visit Sakura and tries to explain what has happened telling her that Rinne did not mean for the bracelet to be sold after all. Sakura realizes that she owes Rinne an apology and dashes to his apartment with Rokumon only to find everything is gone. The next day at school Rinne is absent and Sakura finds a letter in her desk filled with money. The letter thanks Sakura for all she has done for him and includes enough money to repay her for all the meals and other things she has helped him with since they met. Sakura hurries to Rinne's apartment and finds Rokumon, she shows him the letter and he remarks that it could still be a fake made by the hanging scroll mice, but they soon realize that the mice were already exorcised prior to all of these events and that it must be genuine. They linger at the apartment awaiting his return, but as long as they are there Rinne never returns.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2017 Vol. 49
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 40 ch. 4
Publication Date: November 1, 2017
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • Rinne pays Sakura back with three 10,000 yen bills for a total of 30,000 yen. This was approximately $267 US dollars when this chapter was originally published in 2017.

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: I don't like the smell of ginko in autumn. Is there any smell that you hate?
    • A: Coriander.

Chapter 393: 恐ろしい計画
Osoroshi keikaku

(The Terrible Plan)
Sakura and Rokumon travel to meet with Tamako in the afterlife and ask if it is possible the hanging scroll's curse drove Rinne into repaying her but Tamako assures them both that the curse had already been broken when Rinne gave the money to Sakura. Tamako however notices the bracelet Rinne gave to Sakura as a gift. She recognizes it as a barrier stone from the Sanzu River and implies that it is not something that should have been taken from the riverbed. However when she learns it had washed down from the central part of the river she seems to half-heartedly tell Sakura that it is alright if she keeps it as those stones are useless. Meanwhile Rinne is in the afterlife as well. He realized all of his belongings were in the secondhand store and knows that only one person would have broken into his home to sell off his meager furnishings- his father Sabato. Rushing to the Damashigami Company he confronts Sabato saying that he knows he must have bought it while he was selling Rinne's possessions. Initially Sabato says he has no memory of buying the bracelet before admitted he actually shoplifted it instead. Sabato tells his son that Rinne seems not to have understood the importance of the stone he took. Revealing to him a toy that pours water around a little plastic river bed, Sabato explains that this is water he has taken from the Sanzu, and as the water passes through the small holes in the middle of the toy it will flood into the human world. By using the stone from Rinne's bracelet he can complete his small scale Sanzu River and flood the world with it. When that happens, small rivulets of the river will fill the land of the living and anyone that should step across these small little streams will have their soul removed and ready for claiming for Sabato's own purposes. Renge steps forward and haughtily tells Rinne that it was her that came up with this plan, after all her education is what allowed her to understand what the stone was. Rinne is shocked that Renge would do something like this, especially after she promised Kain she had turned over a new leaf. Sabato explains that Renge was all too eager to help once he promised her an increase in her salary. Renge tosses the stone into the toy and suddenly the water pours out as Rinne watches helplessly. Renge explains that anything that crosses the river will immediately be sent to the Wheel of Reincarnation. At that moment in the living world Sakura sees a small stream and steps out to walk across it, not realizing it is a rivulet of the Sanzu River seeping into the real world.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2017 Vol. 50
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 40 ch. 5
Publication Date: November 8, 2017
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • The calligraphy on the wall of Tamako's home says "forget" (忘).
  • The device Sabato uses to create the artificial Sanzu river is a "nagashi somen" (流しソーメン). Traditionally it would be noodles that are floated down split open bamboo chutes for people to pull out with chopsticks and enjoy. In modern times these mechanical waterslide like devices are meant to replicate the feeling on a smaller, indoor scale. You can see a video of one in action here.
  • At the Damashigami Company two of the damashigami girls can be seen wearing a Pikachu and Snow White costume.

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Autumn is the time for school festivals! If you could go back in time what kind of shop or show would you produce for a school festival?
    • A: I would want to make bookmarks with my illustrations on them.

Chapter 394: 逆流

(Counter Current)
With the fountain now flooding the living world with the Sanzu River, Rinne tries to smash the small model only for his father to hurry it away from his son. Dashing into the party downstairs, Rinne chases after him. Sabato watches in horror as the girls attending his party all step across the streams of the Sanzu River that have suddenly started to appear in the afterlife as well without explanation. As they walk across and disappear Renge explains that she reversed the process, rather than pulling the souls of the living into the afterlife it is now sending spirits from the land of the dead back into the world of the living. Meanwhile in the living world Sakura has crossed the the stream and because of the reversal nothing has happened. Sabato demands to know why Renge has sold him out after he promised her an increase in her salary, but she just scoffs and says he had never given her a salary in the first place. Renge then throws Sabato across the Sanzu stream and he disappears into the living world. When Rinne asks her why she has done all this she explains that she wanted to undo the damage of the Damashigami Company before quitting forever. Rinne follows after him trying to get Sakura's bracelet back from the fountain while Ageha, Tsubasa and the others try to wrangle the ghosts streaming into the living world. Sabato winds up with Sakura but flees when Renge and Kain arrive to try and capture him. It seems that he lost his Sanzu generator model while slipping between worlds while Rinne searches for it while slipping between the portals between this world and the next. Annette finds Tsubasa and Sakura and tells them she will use her crystal ball to find Rinne.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2017 Vol. 51
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 40 ch. 6
Publication Date: November 15, 2017
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • The lanterns Kain carries is called "chochin" (提灯). The message written on it says "goyou" (御用) which is akin to "official business", "arrest" or "submit to authority".

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: It's getting chilly. What is something that makes you feel warm?
    • A: Swimming with sea turtles.

Chapter 395: もうひとつの境界石
Mou hitotsu no kyoukaiseki

(Another Boundary Stone)
Staring into Annette's crystal ball Sakura and Tsubasa see something strange, a rivulet of the Sanzu River with strange white things stretching out of it. When Sakura presses Annette to tell them where Rinne is, Annette just stares and seems to have no idea. In the afterlife some of the animals that work for the Demashigami Company find the small Sanzu generator that had been lost through the portal and mistakenly think it is for making noodles. They begin loading somen noodles into the top of the fountain only to become irritated when the noodles disappear. Suddenly in the living world the noodles begin to stretch out of the rivulets of the Sanzu that are flowing through the world, revealing what the strange, white things were that Annette gazed in her crystal ball. In the afterlife Rinne tracks down Renge and demands that she tell him where the Sanzu generator is but she seems indifferent. She tells Rinne that the machine will shut itself down soon enough because it will weather the barrier stone away until nothing is left. Rinne collapses in defeat, as he had hopped to retrieve the bracelet intact due to its sentimental value. Rinne decides the easiest thing to do will be to revisit the downstream area of the Sanzu River where he and Sakura originally found the barrier stones and simply make another bracelet for himself. However when he arrives he finds that the bank of the river is under heavy guard by Kain and other shinigami who send him away. Elsewhere the animals from the Demashigami Company once again add more somen noodles to the device and watch as they disappear. In a rage they through the Sanzu generator into a rubbish heap and storm off. Who should appear buried in the garbage but Sabato who retrieves his generator and then steps across one of the rivulets only to be swept up to the Wheel of Reincarnation after having expected it to take him to the living world. Sabato finds Rinne and returns what is left of his bracelet, the stone has been totally weathered away but he immediately realizes that he can use Sakura's bracelet to reactivate the machine again. He finds Sakura in the street and snatches the bracelet off her wrist before running away. Rinne flies around the corner after him as Sakura calls out to him but as soon as she turns the corner she sees Rinne swing his scythe and smash the stone on her bracelet. When Sabato complains Rinne angrily says he does not care once again leaving Sakura with the wrong impression.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2017 Vol. 52
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 40 ch. 7
Publication Date: November 22, 2017
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: What's something that has made you ask, "does this only happen in my hometown?"
    • A: Niigata's "Italian" gourmet is not nationwide.

Chapter 396: さよなら六道くん
Sayonara Rokudo-kun

(Goodbye Rokudo)
Rokumon visits with Ichigo in the park, catching her up on everything that has been happening between Rinne and Sakura. As the two sit rocking back and forth on the swing set Sakura happens to pass behind them and overhear their conversation about how sad the whole situation is. Elsewhere Sabato complains that without a barrier stone his Sanzu generating machine is useless. Rinne has little sympathy for him and shoves him away, causing the device to shatter. Rinne rounds the corner, hoping to find Sakura so he can explain why he had to destroy her bracelet but he finds she has already left. As he searches for her Kain appears and tersely tells Rinne he appreciates the fact that he destroyed the device, however things are not yet finished. That night Sakura sits in her room, thinking about all that has happened as she reads over Rinne's letter again. As she lays in bed late at night she realizes why Rinne must have destroyed the gift he gave her. Outside in the dark of night Rinne is searching through bushes and the grass as Kain's words about things not yet being over echo through his thoughts. It seems the fountainhead from the device, the part that pours the water of the Sanzu River into the toy, was not found and is still pouring out somewhere. As Rinne combs through the grass in search of the missing spigot all he can think about is his desire to find Sakura and explain everything to her. Meanwhile at Ichigo's house, her former husband, Sabato, stops by for a visit. Sabato is shocked to learn from Ichigo that Rinne and Sakura are having a fight and wonders aloud what could have caused it. Suddenly he remembers Rinne demanding the return of a bracelet that looked like the one he stole from Sakura, then the makes the connection between that and Rinne smashing the bracelet after Sabato stole it. On her way to school Sakura thinks she may have misread Rinne's feelings recently, that perhaps there were no romantic feelings but instead he bought her the bracelet as a way to thank her for loaning him money and she recalls that it was actually cheaper if you bought the bracelets in pairs. Believing she saw things that Rinne did not intend she is surprised when Rinne arrives, explaining that he is still technically at work but wants to speak to her for a moment about the bracelet. Before he can tell her she says it is fine, catching him off guard that she seems indifferent about him breaking it. Rinne thinks to himself that he cannot read her expression but simply waves, pleased that she seems alright and tells her he must return to work. Sakura smiles and quietly wishes him a final farewell. Despite the smile on her face, she thinks to herself how hard that was to even think about. Elsewhere Suzu, Oboro and Kuroboshi III are all looking for the missing faucet and place a flier in Rokumon's paws telling him there is a reward if it is found. As they storm off Rokumon turns around and finds the lion-headed faucet stuck to a fountain behind him. He promptly pulls it off and rushes back to Rinne's apartment to give it to him, only to find the apartment is still empty. Rinne runs into Ageha and notices she has a barrier stone hanging from her scythe and immediately asks her where she got it. Ageha explains that she knows of a store that used to sell them, though they have been banned recently. Rinne thinks about Sakura telling him she was fine about the bracelet being destroyed, but despite what she said he still wishes to replace it for her. At school Miho and Rika notice Sakura does not have her bracelet on anymore and she simply smiles and says "it's gone" while pretending to be fine about it.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2018 Vol. 1
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 40 ch. 8
Publication Date: November 29, 2017
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: I like kimchi nabe. Do you have a favorite nabe?
    • A: Yosenabe.

Chapter 397: 三途の川
Sanzu no kawa

(Sanzu River)
In the afterlife Rinne has Ageha take him to the vendors she knows might still sell barrier stones so he can replace Sakura's lost bracelet. When he arrives however the salesman says he no longer has any available to sell. Back at Sankai High Sakura sits at her desk, sighing and wondering if Rinne will ever return to school. Tsubasa takes note of her strangely distant behavior when suddenly Sabato arrives carrying a little trinket- a person made out of multiple barrier stones all tied together. Plopping it down on her desk, Sabato explains that it is to make up for the bracelet that Rinne smashed. Sabato insists that she not tell Rinne what he has done and Tsubasa grabs Sabato and demands he explain what is going on. Elsewhere Rinne's mother, Ichigo, finds him and gives him a similar charm, explaining that it will match the one Sabato has given to Sakura. When Ichigo mentions that she knows Rinne broke Sakura's bracelet he says he can explain that, but Ageha points out that a girl would never forgive such an act, even if Rinne had a good reason. Rinne immediately realizes that he misread Sakura's blank expression and goes in search of her back at Sankai High. Flying through the halls invisibly using his haori, Rinne overhears Rika and Miho talking about how Rinne paid Sakura off and then left her a goodbye letter. At first Rinne is confused and then realizes how his letter could have been misunderstood. Tsubasa sees Rinne and smugly laughs, telling him he will not be able to mend things with Sakura by giving her a voodoo doll. When Rinne shows that the dolls are a matching pair however Tsubasa balks and becomes irritated. Elsewhere Sakura decides to see if Rinne has returned home one last time while Rokumon arrives at school and shows Rinne the wanted poster for the water spigot he found, explaining that he left it in their apartment. Rinne rushes ahead when the finds out Sakura might be headed there and Tsubasa notices on the fine print that when the water from the spigot comes into contact with the barrier stone it will send anyone nearby directly to the Wheel of Reincarnation. Sakura opens the door as a wall of water from the constantly pouring tap spills over her and interacts with the boundary stone voodoo doll in her possession. Rinne immediately dives in after her and when he arrives at the Wheel of Reincarnation Sakura is nowhere to be found.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2018 Vol. 2
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 40 ch. 9
Publication Date: December 6, 2017
Pages: 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • Norihiro Yagi, best known for his manga Claymore joins Shonen Sunday and begins publishing Ariadne in the Blue Sky.
  • Takashi Shiina pays tribute to the passing of Hiromi Tsuru in this week's Zettai Karen Children by having the characters from the series dressed at Tsuru's most famous characters; Mikami from GS Mikami, Bulma from Dragonball, Dokin-chan Anpanman, Madoka from Kimagure Orange Road, and Ukyo Kuonji from Ranma 1/2.

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Please tell us something you used to be bad at but you've now learned how to handle.
    • A: Cooking Chinese food.

Chapter 398: 輪廻の輪
Rinne no wa

(Wheel of Reincarnation)
Rinne hurries to the Wheel of Reincarnation after Sakura was swept away in a flood of water from the Sanzu River. Sakura finds herself in a field of flowers on the banks of the Sanzu, watching the distant boats ferrying the dead towards the wheel looming overhead. Rinne hover in the distance, leaping back and forth and calling out to Sakura, fearful that she has already been swept away and reincarnated. Mistakenly thinking that Sakura is calling out to him from inside the wheel, Rinne drifts dangerously close to it while some of the elderly spirits passing through its doorway shove him away and warn him not to interfere. Sakura hurries up the floating platforms to try and reach Rinne and he turns to see her hurrying towards him. Sakura jumps into the air and Rinne catches her in a firm embrace, quietly thinking to himself how thankful he is that she is alive. Sakura thinks to herself how none of their problems matter anymore. Tsubasa, Ageha and Rokumon all hurry to the wheel to find Sakura and Rinne safe and sound. Of course Tsubasa and Ageha can hardly tolerate the sight of Sakura and Rinne in each other's arms. Back in the living world Tamako explains to Sakura what happened that sent her to the wheel while Ichigo apologizes, explaining she did not know the little barrier stone doll she gave Sakura held such power. Beside them Rinne angrily asks his father if he knew too while Sabato simply smirks. Sabato chides Rinne that the power of love saved the two of them while Sakura shows off the little doll she was given revealing that she still has its head. Looking at it Tamako speculates that the water dissolved the body of the doll which was made of barrier stones, the head was simply a glass bead that has survived. Because the the actual barrier stones were swept away in the rush of water it prevented Sakura from being taken directly to the Wheel of Reincarnation and just deposited nearby instead. Meanwhile Masato visits Rinne's apartment and finds it completely empty and in shambles. He scoffs that he had hoped to harass Rinne but it seems someone had beaten him to it. Masato tries to leave a bomb behind in a weak attempt to ruin the remains of Rinne's home only for Rinne to discover him and boot him away with the bomb still in hand which explodes on Masato. Soon Rinne has replaced all his damaged furnishings though he weeps bloody tears at how much debt he had to go into to manage it. Elsewhere Refuto and Raito visit the Life Count Administration Bureau and find that Renge has taken a part time job there working with Kain where he promises they can go to lunch (though they will split the cost, he quickly adds). The Demashigami Company is also closed for holidays as Sabato lingers at Ichigo's home in the living world and she comments that the prize money for his capture is only a mere 5,000 yen. Around the afterlife everyone responds with some surprise at the low cost of the reward for Sabato's capture, including Tamako and the elder Kuroboshi, Ageha and her sister Bijin while Kurosu teasingly tells Shoma that he saw Ichigo's boyfriend slipping into her house, though Sabato and Ichigo confirm that they are merely friends. Rika and Miho ask Annette to show them a glimpse of her crystal ball only for an image of Rinne and Sakura to appear in an embrace making the two of them squeal with glee, though Tsubasa and Ageha immediately yell at her that that is an image from the past while Ayame's spirit watches over Tsubasa. The black cats Rokumon, Suzu, Kuroboshi III and Oboro all enjoy a picnic lunch in the afterlife while Rokumon explains that Rinne begged him to take the day off and even paid him 20 yen in the meantime. Rokumon was surprised at his master's insistence that the little cat take the day off. Back in the living world Sakura's mother tells her daughter to take some of her leftovers to Rinne and asks if she is going on a date with the red-headed boy. Sakura confirms that indeed she is, a real date. Matsugo can hardly believe that Rinne insists on carrying on with this friendship between he and Sakura while Anju skeptically sips her tea. Sakura goes to meet Rinne and watches him exorcise a demon high in the air as she thinks about all that has changed recently. Rinne past an exam and has started to earn more money due to his higher rank and treats her to juice from time to time. As Rinne lands next to his new girlfriend Sakura, he asks if she can loan him some money to go on their date and she smiles and says that she supposes it can not be helped.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 2018 Vol. 3-4
  • Kyokai no RINNE Tankobon Vol. 40 ch. 10
Publication Date: December 13, 2017
Pages: 3 (full color) 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • Kyokai no RINNE ends in this chapter. Rumiko Takahashi takes her longest break, almost a year and a half. She returns to her next serial, MAO on May 8, 2019 in Shonen Sunday 2019 vol. 23.
  • As she always does at the end of her serials, Takahashi has credits like at the end of a film to acknowledge her editors and assistants.
  • Assistants
    • Rie Kawano
    • Moeko Fujii
    • Kiyoko Kawano
    • Hiroko Tanaka
    • Yoshiko Got
  • Editors
    • Sunsuke Mori
    • Masayoshi Yokoyama
    • Masato Itaya
    • Kento Moriwaki
  • Upon the conclusion of Kyokai no RINNE we wrote our thoughts on saying farewell to the series, its impact and our fondness for the series. You can read that article here.

  • Table of Contents
    • Q: Tell us your favorite memory from 2017
    • A: Thank you for reading. See you again.

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