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Volume 9 - Vs. Maiden

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Chapters Originally Published in:
Big Comic Spirits 1984 Aug 30-Jan 30 1985

Maison Ikkoku Vol 9

Chapter 85: 青田枯れ
Aota gare
(Qué Será, Será...)
The mailman arrives at Maison Ikkoku with job hunting information for Godai. The truth of the matter is, that Godai hasn't even begun thinking about getting a job yet, and when he mentions it to his classmates, they look on him with utter disdain. Sakamoto and Kobayashi have had a hellacious time trying to find jobs with their grades, and they don't expect it to be any better for Yusaku. Godai's fears are confirmed when his advisor all but dismisses his idea of getting into a top company. When he arrives back at Maison Ikkoku and Kyoko tells him of all the mail he's gotten, Yusaku says he'll do his very best so as to not let Kyoko down. And so, over the course of the next week, Godai goes out on job interviews...and gets rejected from every company. On the way home from his most recent rejection he runs into Mr. Ichinose, who has just been laid off again. Things aren't looking to bright for Yusaku, who tries to call in a few favors with some of his graduate friends. They're all struggling themselves and can't help Yusaku though. Finally, an idea hits. He can skip entering the corporate world, and take over his family's restaurant! With that, Godai boards a train to Niigata to tell his parents the good news. After he leaves, the other tenants start asking Kyoko if she and Godai will be getting married soon, now that he's taking an interest in the future. The thought hadn't even crossed her mind that he might be planning to propose as soon as he graduated. When Godai arrives at his parents place, he finds his sister and her husband Shoichi. It seems that Shoichi had the same idea as Yusaku, and beat him to the punch. Godai heads home depressed. Kyoko is wondering what will happen, now that she's been convinced he went home to ask his parents permission to marry her. When he shows up at Maison Ikkoku and tells her there's no chance of it happening, she thinks he means a marriage between the two of them, but he's actually talking about the restaurant. It takes her a few minutes to catch on, but when she does, she feels foolish for jumping to the wrong conclusion.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 1984 Vol. 16
  • Maison Ikkoku Tankobon Vol. 9 ch. 1
  • Maison Ikkoku Wideban Vol. 6 ch. 7
  • Maison Ikkoku Bunkoban Vol. 6 ch. 7
  • Maison Ikkoku Shinsoban Vol. 9 ch. 1
  • Maison Ikkoku My First Wide Vol. 4 ch. 2
  • Maison Ikkoku Big Comic Compact Vol. 9 ch. 6
Publication Date: August 15, 1984
Pages: 20 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • This issue has an ad for new t-shirts of Maison Ikkoku and Wounded Man.
  • The original pages in Big Comic Spirits were fully black and white. For the tankoban publication red tint was added to this chapter.
  • The title pages shows Kyoko holding a sickle over as a minature Godai sits in a bed of rice plants. This is an allusion to the word aotagai (青田買い) which is literally pre-harvest rice seedlings, but also an analogy for pre-employment students. Thanks to Ikkokukan0405 for the insight.
  • Published on the same day Urusei Yatsura chapters 245.

Chapter 86: 見栄リクルート
Mie rikuruto
(Vanity Recruit)
Mitaka and Kyoko go swimming at a fancy hotel's pool. Kyoko apologizes for him paying for it, especially since the rest of the tenants insisted on coming along too. Mitaka says he doesn't mind at all, in fact he's surprised that Godai didn't join them. Kyoko tells him that Godai mentioned going on an important job interview. In actuality, Yusaku is hiding underwater at the very same pool. It just so happens he lied about having job interviews, because he was too embarassed to tell anyone he'd gotten a job as a waiter at a hotel pool in order to pay for this month's rent. He does his best not to let anyone from Maison Ikkoku notice him, but its difficult for him to stand by and watch as Mitaka puts the moves on Kyoko. He watches on as Mitaka talks to Kyoko about finally making a decision between himself and Godai. Kyoko begins to feel uncomfortable and decides to take another swim. When she's in the pool she becomes lost in thought and doesn't notice when her bikini top snags a little boy's goggles and slips off her. When she finally notices she freaks out and worries about how she'll manage to get out. Luckily Godai notices the top on the boy's mask and gets it back, but has to be careful as he gets it back to Kyoko, as he doesn't want her to know he's there instead of out on a job interview. Crawling across the hot concrete on his forearms, he manages to hand the top back to Kyoko without her seeing his face. Back at Maison Ikkoku, Kyoko asks him how his job interviews went and notices the scrape marks on his arms. She tells him he never has to be embarassed about his jobs with her and helps him treat his scrapes.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 1984 Vol. 17
  • Maison Ikkoku Tankobon Vol. 9 ch. 2
  • Maison Ikkoku Wideban Vol. 6 ch. 8
  • Maison Ikkoku Bunkoban Vol. 6 ch. 8
  • Maison Ikkoku Shinsoban Vol. 9 ch. 2
  • Maison Ikkoku My First Wide Vol. 4 ch. 3
  • Maison Ikkoku Big Comic Compact Vol. 9 ch. 7
Publication Date: August 30, 1984
Pages: 4 (full color) 4 (red tint) 10 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • New Maison Ikkoku goods of Maison Ikkoku announced in this issue include t-shirts, a model and a wall scroll.

Chapter 87: VS.乙女
VS. otome
(Man vs. Maiden)
It's the night before Godai starts his student teaching job and the other tenants are busy asking him a million annoying questions and just being generally irritating. Kyoko rushes into Room 5 in an attempt to get Godai some peace and quiet, but as always, it doesn't work. The tenants ask Kyoko if its true that Yusaku is teaching at her old high school, to which she replies in the affirmative. Godai was late getting in all his applications and so Grandfather Otonashi helped him secure a position at Kyoko's old school, just as he did for Soichiro years before. When the morning finally comes, Godai is exhausted from his neighbor's all-night partying and Kyoko is wondering how his first day at school will be as she remembers her first day with Soichiro as her teacher. Not surprisingly, Soichiro was a very wimpy teacher and on his first morning was unable to stand up a classroom full of chattering girls. Kyoko was the one who quieted everyone down, and so she and Soichiro had their first encounter. Yusaku's day is filled with an amazingly similar occurence and the young class representative Ibuki Yagami is the one who quiets everyone down. Godai thanks her and notices how cute she is. He quickly loses control of the class again when Yagami asks him if he has a girlfriend, and he says that he does not. After the class is over, Mrs. Kamiogi, the home room teacher, tells Godai that she expects him to be more forceful with the girls or else they'll continue to walk all over him. Later, Yagami pulls Godai from the break room and takes him up to the roof. She tells him that one of the other students has a crush on him and wants to go out with him. The girl is incredibly shy and refuses to ask Godai herself, but Yagami insists that he meet her, even though the girl runs off whenever they get near her. At the end of the day, Godai is more exhausted than ever, but realizes that he could finally see what Soichiro looked like if he looks him up in an old school annual. With that he rushes to the library, but has no luck, as an ink stain has stained Soichiro's photograph. Yusaku sighs and mentions out loud that he has to stop chasing a ghost, a comment which Yagami happens to overhear. Suddenly Godai begins to fall asleep but is startled to hear Ibuki behind him and turns around to reveal he has tears in his eyes (from yawning). Yagami thinks that the ghost Godai mentioned must be an old girlfriend who went to her school before she died. And with that, Ibuki Yagami has fallen in love with her teacher. At the end of the day, she rushes up behind Yusaku with an ink heart stained on her hand, slapping him on the back and tagging him with her heart.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 1984 Vol. 18
  • Maison Ikkoku Tankobon Vol. 9 ch. 3
  • Maison Ikkoku Wideban Vol. 6 ch. 9
  • Maison Ikkoku Bunkoban Vol. 6 ch. 9
  • Maison Ikkoku Shinsoban Vol. 9 ch. 3
  • Maison Ikkoku My First Wide Vol. 4 ch. 4
  • Maison Ikkoku Big Comic Compact Vol. 9 ch. 8
Publication Date: September 15, 1984
Pages: 20 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • New Maison Ikkoku posters of Maison Ikkoku are announced in this issue.

Chapter 88: こころ
Godai is halfway through his student teaching job and his literature class is studying 'Kokoro' a story with similarities to Yusaku's own life and relationship with Kyoko. He notices that Yagami is staring at him in class and begins to get nervous, causing him to get a bad evaluation from Kamiogi. Back at Maison Ikkoku, Kyoko is doing laundry and finds the shirt with the ink heart on it. At school, Yagami's friends tell her that she should try and let Godai know how she feels before his student teaching assignment is over. She agrees, and the group of girls decide to follow Yusaku home that afternoon. Kyoko is surprised, but encourages Godai to invite the girls inside. Yagami begins to wonder why Godai acts so nervous around Kyoko. When the girls get to Godai's room they don't have many compliments for it, causing Godai to feel a bit depressed, but suddenly, Yotsuya erupts from his hole, amazed that high school girls are in the building. Mrs. Ichinose and Kyoko soon come up, and Yagami sees how flustered Godai gets around Kyoko once more. The tenants freely share information about Kyoko playing favorites with Godai, and give information about her loss of Soichiro. The girls finally understand that Godai must be in love with Kyoko, but Yagami refuses to give up. The next day in class she attempts to use the story of Kokoro to confront Godai about his relationship with Kyoko. The class erupts with laughter and Godai is once again blamed in his evaluation from Kamiogi. After his review, he finds Yagami waiting for him outside, she's in tears, hoping she hasn't gotten him into trouble. Godai tries to reassure her, and she leaps into his arms, giving him a hug. Unbeknownst to Godai, Yagami set him up for this so that she cold get a photograph of them together. She takes the incriminating photo and sends it to Kyoko. When she receives it, Kyoko is strangely amused.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 1984 Vol. 19
  • Maison Ikkoku Tankobon Vol. 9 ch. 4
  • Maison Ikkoku Wideban Vol. 6 ch. 10
  • Maison Ikkoku Bunkoban Vol. 6 ch. 10
  • Maison Ikkoku Shinsoban Vol. 9 ch. 4
  • Maison Ikkoku My First Wide Vol. 4 ch. 5
  • Maison Ikkoku Big Comic Compact Vol. 9 ch. 9
Publication Date: September 30, 1984
Pages: 20 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • ---

Chapter 89: 体育祭の指導と管理
Taiikusai no shido to kanri
(Instructions for the Guidance and Supervision of the Annual Sports Festival)
Godai is aiding in preparation for the high school's annual sports festival, and really enjoying himself. Kyoko stares at the photo Yagami sent her, and remarks how wimpy Godai is to be manipulated by a grade schooler. She isn't worried though, because after the sports festival, Godai's time as a student teacher will be finished. Mrs. Kamiogi wants the student teachers to interact with their class representatives, but warns Godai of getting too carried away with Yagami. Yagami plans on using their time together during the sports festival to really cement their relationship. When they begin to plan the festival, Yagami waists no time in trying to hit on Yusaku. Kamiogi walks in just in the nick of time. Godai manages to get away from Ibuki, but she follows him outside and hands him a notebook full of plans for the festival. When Godai gets home Kyoko asks about Yagami, and he finds that the notebook is page after page of "I love you's" from Ibuki. The next morning, Kyoko finds the notebook and visits the school to return it to Yusaku. Ibuki sees Kyoko and is angered when she realizes she has her notebook, and is more determined than ever to move forward with Godai. She gets her friends to lure him into the gym storage room where Yagami is waiting. Kamiogi and Kyoko catch Godai in the room with a half naked Yagami. Yusaku gets away without taking any blame, but Yagami remains determined to win his heart.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 1984 Vol. 20
  • Maison Ikkoku Tankobon Vol. 9 ch. 5
  • Maison Ikkoku Wideban Vol. 6 ch. 11
  • Maison Ikkoku Bunkoban Vol. 6 ch. 11
  • Maison Ikkoku Shinsoban Vol. 9 ch. 5
  • Maison Ikkoku My First Wide Vol. 4 ch. 6
  • Maison Ikkoku Big Comic Compact Vol. 9 ch. 10
Publication Date: October 15, 1984
Pages: 4 (full color) 4 (red tinted) 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

Chapter 90: パジャマでお邪魔
Pajama de o-jama

(Pajama Party)
Ibuki is frustrated that the student teaching period is ending and she hasn't gotten to spend any more time with Godai since the storage room incident. Yagami begins to piece things together and realizes that Kyoko used to go her high school. She approaches Kamiogi for more information and learns that Kyoko too was in love with her teacher, and ended up getting married to him. Excited at the thought, she approaches Godai and invites herself to Maison Ikkoku the next day. And so, Yagami and her friends arrive at Maison Ikkoku on Sunday and Yagami cooks for Yusaku a meal. When night finally comes, Yagami's friends all leave, but surprisingly she stays behind. Yagami insists on spending the night, even though Godai demands that she goes home. She and Godai being to argue, and when he leaves the room to try and get the other tenants to side with him, Yagami strips out of her clothes and puts on her pajamas in an attempt to keep from being thrown out.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 1984 Vol. 21
  • Maison Ikkoku Tankobon Vol. 9 ch. 6
  • Maison Ikkoku Wideban Vol. 6 ch. 12
  • Maison Ikkoku Bunkoban Vol. 6 ch. 12
  • Maison Ikkoku Shinsoban Vol. 9 ch. 6
  • Maison Ikkoku My First Wide Vol. 4 ch. 7
  • Maison Ikkoku Big Comic Compact Vol. 10 ch. 1
Publication Date: October 30, 1984
Pages: 4 (red tint) 15 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • ---

Chapter 91: パジャマとネグリジェ
Pajama to negurije

(Peejays and Negligees)
That night at dinner, Yagami's meal is shared with all the Ikkoku tenants. Yotsuya hopes Godai will continue to allow her to live with them, as the idea of having a cute young girl who will cook for him makes him utterly happy. Yusaku insists that Ibuki leave after they eat, but she once again refuses. Kyoko wonders if she would really be content just to share Yusaku's room with him. The other tenants are no help, as they clear the dishes and fix Godai's bed for Yagami. Ibuki begins to get nervous at the idea now that its right in front of her, and begins to back out, but Kyoko stands firm, reassuring her that the other tenants aren't joking. This only strengthens Ibuki's resolve and she slips under the covers. Godai gives up and decides to stay with Yotsuya, who refuses. Nikaido won't allow Yusaku in his room, and so Kyoko steps forward and says Ibuki can stay with her. Kyoko hopes to use the opportunity to convince Ibuki to give up on Yusaku, but Ibuki tells her that she's inspired by Kyoko's relationship with Soichiro. Kyoko tries to dissuade her from going after Yusaku, but Yagami refuses, she says she's serious about being in a realationship with him. That night, Godai sneaks down and overhears Kyoko bringing up some of his more negative qualities to Ibuki. Right after that, Kyoko tells Yagami that Godai is in love with her, but when Ibuki asks if Kyoko feels the same way, she tells her no.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 1984 Vol. 22
  • Maison Ikkoku Tankobon Vol. 9 ch. 7
  • Maison Ikkoku Wideban Vol. 6 ch. 13
  • Maison Ikkoku Bunkoban Vol. 6 ch. 13
  • Maison Ikkoku Shinsoban Vol. 9 ch. 7
  • Maison Ikkoku My First Wide Vol. 4 ch. 8
  • Maison Ikkoku Big Comic Compact Vol. 10 ch. 2
Publication Date: November 15, 1984
Pages: 20 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • Maison Ikkoku coveralls are posted for sale in this issue of Big Comic Spirits.

Chapter 92: ロング・グッドバイ
Rongu guddobai

(The Long Good-bye)
Godai arrives at school with Ibuki clinging to his arm. Ibuki gets chewed out by her friends for spending the night at Maison Ikkoku, while Godai gets an earful from Kamiogi for letting the situation get this far out of hand. Later in the day, as the rest of the school bids farewell to the student teachers, Ibuki tells her friends the truth about where exactly she spent the night, and lets them know that she set Kyoko straight about her feelings for Godai. Meanwhile Kyoko is fuming about the way her talk with Yagami went. When Ibuki and her friends finally get to homeroom, she is shocked to find she and Yusaku's names scrawled on the blackboard. The classroom erupts in laughter until Kamiogi forces everyone to settle down and write evaluations of Godai. That afternoon Yagami is still upset about the blackboard incident, and realizes how out of hand her crush has gotten. With that she decides to end things, and delivers Godai his evaluations and apologizes for the way things turned out. Yusaku feels the whole thing ended rather anticlimatically, but is relieved to be finished with it. As Yusaku walks off into the setting sun, Ibuki watches him and begins to cry. Back at Maison Ikkoku, Godai explains to Kyoko that Ibuki dumped him. That night, Godai settles in to read his evaulations and is shocked to find that they're all notes about he and Ibuki! Frustrated that no one paid attention to his teaching, he finally opens Yagami's letter. It simply says "The Long Goodbye, Farewell Forever" indicating that they're relationship is over. Suddenly, out of nowhere Ibuki walks into Godai's room, and changes the letter to say "So Long! Goodbye". She realized that if she can cry for Godai, she must really love him.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 1984 Vol. 23
  • Maison Ikkoku Tankobon Vol. 9 ch. 8
  • Maison Ikkoku Wideban Vol. 6 ch. 14
  • Maison Ikkoku Bunkoban Vol. 6 ch. 14
  • Maison Ikkoku Shinsoban Vol. 9 ch. 8
  • Maison Ikkoku My First Wide Vol. 4 ch. 9
  • Maison Ikkoku Big Comic Compact Vol. 10 ch. 3
Publication Date: November 30, 1984
Pages: 20 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • Maison Ikkoku posters are posted for sale in this issue of Big Comic Spirits.

Chapter 93: ひとつだけお願い
Hitotsu dake o-negai

(Just One Wish)
Sakamoto and Kobayashi are amazed to hear that Godai doesn't have a position lined up for himself yet. Godai says that he's in the final rounds of interviews with four companies and expects to hear from two more. His friends only convince him that he should try harder, and as he searches the job listings a face from the past appears. Kuroki, the president of the Puppet Theater Club that Godai used to be a member of. The two go out for coffee and she asks him how the job hunt is going. When she finds out he isn't employed yet, she offers him a job working in a pre-school Christmas show over the holidays. Godai isn't interested, and becomes even less so when Kuroki asks him to bring Kyoko along, but when she offers money, he decides to think about it. When he arrives back at Maison Ikkoku two letters of rejection are waiting for him. Godai goes to his room to sulk, while Kyoko answers the telephone. The call is from Kuroki who convinces Kyoko to do the play with Godai. As rehearsals for the play begin, Kyoko hopes it will take Godai's mind off his problems, unfortunately, the story revolves around a pauper who is in love with a princess. A certain line in the play forces Kyoko to call Godai a "worthless, jobless pauper" over and over, which doesn't do much for his confidence. The play is a hit, but Yusaku is feeling lower than ever. After the production, he and Kyoko go out for dinner on their way home, and Godai admits all his problems to Kyoko. Godai tells Kyoko what he'd do if he had three wishes like the pauper in the play, but before admitting the last one, realizes he doesn't have enough money to pay for dinner, completely turning Kyoko off.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 1984 Vol. 24
  • Maison Ikkoku Tankobon Vol. 9 ch. 9
  • Maison Ikkoku Wideban Vol. 6 ch. 15
  • Maison Ikkoku Bunkoban Vol. 6 ch. 15
  • Maison Ikkoku Shinsoban Vol. 9 ch. 9
  • Maison Ikkoku My First Wide Vol. 4 ch. 10
  • Maison Ikkoku Big Comic Compact Vol. 10 ch. 4
Publication Date: December 15, 1984
Pages: 20 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • This issue contains a giveaway for a Maison Ikkoku good luck charm that has an illustration of the engraving on the charm, which was definitely not drawn by Rumiko Takahashi.
  • Additionally, this issue has an advertisement for Maison Ikkoku volume eight, Bokkemon (ぼっけもん) volume 11 by Takashi Iwashige and Kattobi Yonekuma-shi (かっとび米熊氏) volume one by Kenichi Kitami.

Chapter 94: 振り袖コネクション
Furisode konekushon

(Kimono Connection)
On New Year's Eve, Godai gets an out of the blue phone call from Yagami. She says she wants to visit the shrines with him tomorrow. Godai tries to get rid of her by telling her he already has plans with people she doesn't know but that doesn't stop her. And so, on New Year's Day, Yagami meets Godai, Mitaka, Kyoko and Kozue to visit the shrines. Kyoko learns about Kozue's new job as a bank receptionist, and Mitaka wastes no time in taking a few jabs at Yusaku's lack of a job. The talk of jobs lasts all day and Yagami tries to encourage Yusaku to stick with teaching. Kozue asks about an upcoming job interview at Mitsutomo Enterprises, which shocks Yagami. She reveals that her father is the Personnel Manager of Mitsutomo. Ibuki starts to feel sick and tells Kyoko about how Yusaku needs to make a good first impression with her father if he wants a job. Kyoko tries to encourage Godai to walk Ibuki home, but he doesn't want to. Kyoko finally talks him into it, but Godai is still hesitant to kiss up for a job. When Mr. Yagami finally shows up, Godai is up front with him and tells him that he had no ulterior motive in bringing Ibuki home. It seems to make an impression on her father and he tells Yusaku that he'll remember him when the interviews begin. Godai walks away feeling great, but unfortunately Mr. Yagami was drunk and a few hours later doesn't even remember meeting Yusaku.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 1985 Vol. 1
  • Maison Ikkoku Tankobon Vol. 9 ch. 10
  • Maison Ikkoku Wideban Vol. 6 ch. 16
  • Maison Ikkoku Bunkoban Vol. 6 ch. 16
  • Maison Ikkoku Shinsoban Vol. 9 ch. 10
  • Maison Ikkoku My First Wide Vol. 4 ch. 11
  • Maison Ikkoku Big Comic Compact Vol. 10 ch. 5
Publication Date: December 30, 1984
Pages: 4 (red tint) 14 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • ---

Chapter 95: 案ずるより産むが易し
Anzuru yori umu ga yasushi

(Birth is Never As Hard As the Worrying)
A few days later, Ibuki and her father are fighting about Godai's upcoming interview. Mr. Yagami insists he doesn't remember ever meeting Yusaku, but says that he doesn't like the idea of a guy that would use his daughter in order to advance his chances of getting hired at Mitsutomo. Yagami tries to call Maison Ikkoku to warn Godai, but instead Kyoko answers, and Ibuki hangs up on her. Meanwhile, Yusaku is completely convinced that he's going to be assured a job at Mitsutomo. Ibuki feels desperate and cuts class to go pray at a local shrine before walking toward Maison Ikkoku to see if Yusaku is home yet. Kyoko sees her and tells her he won't be home anytime soon. Ibuki decides not to wait, but asks Kyoko to give him an amulet she bought at the shrine. She doesn't tell Kyoko that her father is angry at Godai and planning on being extra hard on him during the interview however. Kyoko decides to wait until the next morning to give Godai the amulet. When he opens it he realizes its an amulet to bring about "safe birth" for pregnant women. Godai heads off for his interview with Ibuki praying for him, and Mr. Yagami ready to crush him. Yusaku finds himself running a bit late to the interview and takes a shortcut. He wonders if Kyoko is counting on him, and decides that he'll propose to her after he gets this job. His entire future is riding on this interview! As he runs down a side street, Godai comes across a woman doubled over on the street going into labor. She begs Yusaku for help. He rushes off to call an ambulance and tells the woman she'll be fine, but she pleads with him to stay with her. Once the ambulance arrives, Yusaku is still with the woman, and the medics mistake Godai for the father and push him into the ambulance with the woman. As the ambulance heads off in the opposite direction of Mitsutomo Godai sees his future slipping away from him. He hands the pregnant woman his 'safe birth' amulet and stays with her until they reach the hospital. Mr. Yagami is further enraged that Godai would totally blow off his interview, and his rage against Yusaku builds. Back at the hospital, Godai is overcome by his horrible luck as the nurse comes out to tell the "proud father" he has a new baby boy.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 1985 Vol. 2
  • Maison Ikkoku Tankobon Vol. 9 ch. 11
  • Maison Ikkoku Wideban Vol. 6 ch. 17
  • Maison Ikkoku Bunkoban Vol. 6 ch. 17
  • Maison Ikkoku Shinsoban Vol. 9 ch. 11
  • Maison Ikkoku My First Wide Vol. 4 ch. 12
  • Maison Ikkoku Big Comic Compact Vol. 10 ch. 6
Publication Date: January 15, 1985
Pages: 2 (red tint) 18 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • ---

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