December 28 - Added a note to chapter 1 of the manga.
August 31 - After years of going back and forth about creating a character listing for Haruka out of fear of spoiling her birth for someone, I went ahead and did it for an upcoming project.
July 20 - Reformatted all of the discography and ensured consistency in name translations/song listings.
June 14, 2024 - We've added the television ratings to the anime episodes.
December 7 - We've translated the interviews with the musicians of Maison Ikkoku from the Maison Ikkoku Complete Music Box Set. The translation is linked from the info in the "Compilation Music" entry on the boxset.
October 28 - Added notes about Atsushi Yamamoto to chapters 10 and 11.
June 13 - Added notes for volumes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13.
June 12 - Added notes to volumes 3, 4 and 11.
April 3 - Added a lot of notes to volumes 12, 13 and 14.
March 11, 2023 - Added a note to episode 95.
December 17 - Added notes to chapter 161.
December 2 - Added links in the Video Game section to my playthrough of the PC Engine Maison Ikkoku game.
November 13 - Added a VHS listing of titles to the FAQ.
October 4 - Updated the site to version 4.0 for mobile viewing!
September 15 - Added a note to chapter 40.
September 5 - Added the Japanese kanji for most names in the minor characters section.
September 3 - Added a note to the Through the Passing Seasons OVA.
August 20 - Added a pair of notes to chapter 40.
August 6 - Added a note to episode 19.
July 24 - Added lots of notes to various manga chapters.
June 28 - Changed John Payne's photo on Mitaka's page.
June 19 - Added a note for chapter 119.
June 18 - Added a note to chapter 108.
May 24 - Added a note to chapter 124 of the manga.
May 2 - Added a note to chapter 25 of the manga.
April 4 - Added a note to chapter 85 of the manga.
March 29 - Added a note for chapter 34 of the manga.
March 1 - Redid the minor characters section and added new notes to the manga section in random chapters.
February 2 - Completely redesigned the About the Manga page and added a number of new pieces of information there.
January 22 - Corrected the spelling of the Kujo's chauffeur Kimida from Kimita.
January 11 - Added notes for episodes 93 through 96, completing the anime episode notes.
January 5 - Added notes for episodes 89 through 92.
January 4, 2022 - Added notes for episodes 85 through 88.
December 27 - Added the lyric links to the Musicians page with each song by the performer included.
December 26- Added artists to all the lyrics pages.
December 18- Added notes for episodes 81 through 84.
December 14- Added notes for episodes 77 through 80.
December 13- Added notes for episodes 69 through 76.
December 9- Added a note to chapter 55.
December 8- Added notes for episodes 56 through 68.
December 4- Added notes for episodes 51 through 55.
December 1- Added notes for episodes 46 through 50.
November 29- Added notes for episodes 43 through 45.
November 20- Added notes for episodes 37 through 42.
November 6- Added notes for episodes 35 and 36.
November 3- Added notes for episodes 20 through 34.
October 31- Added notes for episodes 13 through 20. Happy Halloween!
October 27- Added notes for episodes 5 through 12.
October 25- Added notes for the first four episodes of the anime.
August 9- Completely revamped the anime section, adding bonus information for each episode and linking them to their respective manga chapters.
July 18- Added info on the Yusaku's Island special issue of Big Comic Spirits.
July 14- We've redone the entire manga section with information about color pages, the original Big Comic Spirits issues, publication dates and an extensive cross-reference for all different publication versions of Maison Ikkoku.
June 25- Remade the character pages with new manga images and voice actor photos.
May 4- Made some repairs to the Complete Music Box section.
April 12, 2021- I've added the VHS release "Urusei Yatsura Latest Work vs Maison Ikkoku Extra Edition" to the Anime/OVAs section.
October 7- I've added the kanji names to each of the characters in the Characters section.
October 5- I've added the kanji titles to the anime section.
October 1, 2020- Complete site redesign as part of the launch of Rumic World 3.0. All singles added to the music section, gallery remade, video game section revamped.
May 25- Added Ketteiban Maison Ikkoku Anime Theme Song & Character Song Complete Works to the music section.
July 10- Added Kohaku Uta Gassen to the cultural guide.
June 25, 2013- I've added some information on Mitaka's car, the Nissan Silvia S110 to the cultural guide.
September 12- I've added some information to the video game section about the newest Maison Ikkoku pachislot game, including the some information on the newly animated sequences for it.
June 16, 2012- Well its been almost a year, but its time for another small update. I've added the Japanese kanji for all the manga titles as well as the subtitles of each Japanese volume.
June 24, 2011- Added images and information on both Maison Ikkoku pachislot machines in the video game section.
March 18, 2010- Things should be running more smoothly now as I've corrected some coding issues and fixed the broken links to the video game downloads.
February 8, 2009- Added the Telephone Card Special cassette to the Maison Ikkoku discography.
May 22- Just back from my first trip to Japan! Two weeks at the home of Maison Ikkoku! I had a great time. I've added the lyrics for the Anzen Chitai song, In Your Deep Blue Eyes. Thanks to James for the lyrics.
March 28- Just back from my first real job interview. Added a bit more to the manga history today detailing some series that ran alongside Maison Ikkoku.
February 7, 2008- I added the English lyrics to Yokan, thanks to James for the find!
December 15- I forgot to add the new drama special to the site in the change-over, but thanks to some friendly reminders from you guys, I've gotten the series added to the "anime" section of the site. Check it out!
December 13- I've completely redesigned the site for a more uniform look in line with the other Rumic World sites. I've added a LOT more information and rescanned most everything. There are a lot of new lyrics and information on the creation of the manga and anime. I can't think of what else to add to the site actually, but if there's something you want to see, use the contact page to let me know. Merry Christmas!
June 19- Cleaned out the Links section and fixed a few broken ones. I think I'm the only Maison Ikkoku website that still updates!
May 30- Added a new Godai-centric main for the site!
May 9- I've added the summaries for episodes 95 and 96, which brings an end to the series. Over the next few days I'll be thinking of what else there needs to be for the site to be completely finished.
March 13- Updated the FAQ.
March 7- Added some information to the Video Games section.
March 6- I've added more actors to the Live Action Drama page. Looks like the casting has been really well handled!
February 21- The Maison Ikkoku Live Action Drama page has been launched in the anime section. Hopefully I'll be able to get lots of updates as the series begins this Spring!
January 24- Back in Texas with school going again, but I wanted to post the summaries I wrote over the break. Check out episodes summaries for episodes 85-94. Almost done!
January 2, 2007- Added Yagami's English voice and a photo of the actress who plays her as well as a few more voices to the minor character's section.
December 14- I've added a question to the FAQ regarding the character designs for the Maison Ikkoku movie. I'm off for the Christmas holidays, so expect some more updates coming your way.
August 1- More episode summaries, episodes 80-84.
July 24- Working my way through the episodes as the last boxset has been released. I've posted summaries for episodes 75-79.
June 22- Added episode summaries for episodes 72-74.
May 18- Added Valerie Sing Turner as the voice of Asuna (finally!).
April 26- Apparently the manga summaries weren't finished! I over looked eight chapters (62-70) that I quickly added over the weekend, so now I can confidently say that the manga summaries are done.
March 27- Added summaries for episodes 69-71. My 7th boxset should be arriving any day now. Hopefully the mystery of Asuna's English voice actress will be resolved.
March 20- Spring break might be over, but I have a feeling the updates aren't. I've posted summaries for episodes 66-68 and will hopefully finish up the rest of Boxset 6 over the weekend.
March 15- Added the summary for episode 65. Yeah, I know, just one episode, but at least its something! I also switched out a few English titles to get the newest boxset in line with Viz's releases.
January 3- Well it was a long, slow race with a mad dash to the finish, but I managed to do the last ten chapters of the manga and put the summaries up. I think I've been working on the manga summaries since I started the site when I was in high school... and now I'm in graduate school! I'm always sad to re-read the ending, but its worth it to finally have another section of the site completed. Chapters 153-165 of volume 15 are up. I hope I don't go into another drought of updates, but with school starting again next week, there's a good chance.
January 2, 2006- I've finished volume 14's summaries. Chapters 146-152 are up. One more book to go! Happy New Year, let's hope 2006 is much, much better than 2005.
December 26- More manga summaries as volume 13 is finished and volume 14 gets underway. Chapters 138-145 are up.
December 24- Added summaries to the manga section for chapters 134-137. Merry Christmas Eve! More updates are coming soon. Graduate school has slowed me way down as you can see.
July 13- Removed the scanslation for "Wager on the Rink" from the manga section, as it is now available in the US for purchase in Book 3.
June 27- Added more summaries, chapters 129 through 133.
June 26- Added summaries for chapters 123 through 128 to volume 12 of the manga summaries section.
May 10- Added a new question to the FAQ, once and for all solving the mystery behind Gilbert O'Sullivan's contribution to the anime.
May 4- Added more chapter summaries. Volume 12 has been updated with chapters 119-122.
April 26- Updated the site with a new main for the summer. Be sure to pick up Maison Ikkoku DVD Boxset 5 from Viz!
February 23- Added chapter summaries for 108-118, completing volume 11.
February 3, 2005- The year begins with more chapter summaries. Vol 10 is complete with summaries of 101-107.
December 6- Erased some old links to sites that are no longer up, added a new question to the FAQ, and fixed a few typos. Also, please be sure to check out our newest cause We Want Our Rumic World! dedicated to getting the Rumic World OAVs along with Mermaid's Scar, and One Pound Gospel released on DVD.
November 16- Added all the new voice actors profiles and photos for Kozue, Godai, Yotsuya, Mrs. Ichinose, Kentaro and Ikuko.
November 15- Added summaries for chapters 97 through 100.
November 12- Added summaries for 95 and 96, finishing up book 9.
November 7- Added summaries for 93 and 94.
November 3- Added chapter summaries for 90-92. A very disappointing post-election day.
November 1- Added chapter summaries for 85-89.
September 17- Added chapter summaries for 82-84.
August 22- Corrected informaation on Soushuuhen, added chapter summaries of 79-81, added info to Viz's domestic releases, and updated the FAQ.
August 17- Life at Maison Ikkoku celebrates its seventh birthday!
July 15- Posted a new main.
June 24- Added summaries of chapters 57-61.
May 14- Added a few English voices to the minor characters section. Apologies for the drought in updates, but if you want to see what's been taking up my time visit Project ILM, a Rumic World side-project.
April 1- Rolling along. Adding chapter 55 and Yukari's return in chapter 56.
March 30- Back from a Spring Break visit home, and I picked up the books I was missing, so I've gone back to add in the missing summaries. Finishing up volume 5 tonight with chapter 53 and beginning volume six with chapter 54.
March 16- Added summaries for chapters 77 and 78.
March 15- After a busy week, more updates! I've added summaries for chapters 75 and 76, kicking off volume eight of the series.
March 10- Two more manga summaries. 73 and 74 are now online.
March 9- Skipping ahead a bit due to my missing books, I've added chapters 71 and 72 to the manga section.
March 3- Just chapter 52 tonight, and the next book I need is back home in Mississippi, so I might have to skip ahead a bit.
March 2- Added chapters 50 and 51 to the manga summaries.
February 29- Added chapter 49. Changed servers AGAIN, as the last host turned out to be a real bastard.
February 18- Added chapter summaries for 47 and 48.
February 16- Corrected the chapter title for the skating rink story now that Viz has published it, and added the summary for chapter 46.
February 13- Added chapters 44 and 45 to the manga summaries. Happy Valentine's Day!
February 11- Finished off Volume 4 with chapters 42 and 43. On a personal note, I had a terrible day.
February 9- More summaries, 40 and 41 now.
February 7- Motoring along, chapter summaries for 38 and 39 are posted.
February 6- More manga summaries! Chapters 34-37 summaries are up tonight.
February 5- Added chapter summaries for 31, 32 and 33.
February 3- Added summaries for manga chapters 29 and 30.
February 2- Added chapter summaries for Chapters 27 and 28.
February 1, 2004- Another long drought of updates, but I'm back once more. I've added the manga summaries for Chapter 25 and 26, in what I hope to be a glut of summaries over the next few weeks. We'll see...
August 17- The sixth birthday of the site! I've written my annual article on the state of all things Ikkoku in the Articles section of Rumic World, and updated the site with a few new manga summaries. Sadly, its back to school for me tomorrow for my final semester of Undergraduate school.
July 8- Fixed various typos.
July 2- Rewrote Kentaro's page (it had Kyoko's info!) and corrected some typos and coding problems. I'm really pleased with how the site turned out. Hope everyone is enjoying it.
July 1- Complete site renovation! All new design, and all new information. Enjoy the new era of Life at Maison Ikkoku! And buy the first boxset of DVDs, going on sale today!
April 10- Renamed "A Season of Powdery Snow" midi to its correct "Winter" title.
April 1- I've fixed the track listings in the Music section.
February 19- I'm happy to report that the Gallery has reopened. We've moved to a new server and should no longer experience any downtime or space issues that we faced with our last, god-awful host.
February 9, 2003- I know the updates have slowed down again, but between maintaining and building new Rumic World sites, and school work I just haven't had time. Not to mention that the new year has brought numerous server and space issues. Sadly, the Gallery has been taken down for the forseeable future in order to better deal with these "issues".
November 25- Updated the Links section.
October 29- Added the Bunkoban covers to the Gallery.
October 17- Updated the Characters section and Music section.
October 13- Updated Character pages for the Otonashi's, Chigusa's, Sakamoto, Soichiro, the Ichinose's, the Puppet Club, Konatsu, Master, Yagami, the Godai's, and Eriko, finishing up the re-do of all the characters. Added Japanese titles for episodes 61-64 in the Episode Summaries.
October 11- Updated the Chigusa's page, Ayako's page, and Asuna's page.
October 4- Updated the Track Listing and ordered all the tracks, double checked them for translation errors.
September 30- Updated Mitaka and Kozue's pages.
September 25- After three years of research, breaks, writing and scanning I've finally finished the Timeline. Check it out and see the fruits of my countless hours of labor.
September 17- Uploaded the new versions of Yotsuya and Nikaido's pages.
September 16- Added episode summaries for episodes 33-64. Special thanks to Mason Proulx for writing up the summaries for episodes 53-64. That really gave me the kick in the butt I needed to get the others posted.
September 3- Updated the links with the official homepages of Big Comic Spirits, Gilbert O'Sullivan, and Picasso. Fixed Gilbert's photo in the Musician section.
September 2- Redid Akemi's page and pictures.
August 28- Birthday update! I've finally been able to add Rika Himenogi as the final Maison Ikkoku musician. Check out the Musicians section for her info.
August 27- Redid Godai's page. I'm dedicating this update to my brother, who left for Japan yesterday. I miss him already.
August 23- Uploaded the brand new Kyoko Otonashi character page.
August 20- The final midi is up. And because it is the final midi, I decided to go with the ending theme to the Maison Ikkoku Movie, Kiss of Glass. Enjoy, and hopefully more midis will appear and I can do this again sometime.
August 17- Celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the website with a new look, new name, and a bright outlook on the future! To read this years article, visit Rumic World and check out the Articles section. Thanks to your support the site had its 28,000th visitor today. Thank you for everything.
August 13- Uploaded Will Tomorrow Be Brighter? to the almost complete midi section. Only one more week to go.
August 6- Added Yokan to the midi gallery.
August 2- Added episodes 17-32 to the Episodes Guide. Enjoy!
July 29- Added "Ichinose Will Come Today Too" to the midi gallery.
July 28- I know everyone wants the anime summaries up, and I've slowly but steadily been working on them, but at this midnight hour, I'm reposting a redone version of the first 16 episodes. More to come soon...hopefully!
July 22- Added "The Season of Scattered Leaves" as this weeks midi posting.
July 17- Sorry for the lateness, but vacation prevented me from posting a midi until today. Enjoy "A Desire" the newest midi in the gallery. Also be sure to check out the Cultural Notes for a few new entries.
July 8- Added "Mitaka's Farewell" to the midi section. The other sites are really keeping me busy...
July 1- Added "A Dream One Night Part 2" as this weeks midi selection.
June 26- Added "Fair-Weather Apology" to the midi gallery. Looks like I need to apologize too, since its two days late!!
June 21- Complete renovated and redid the Track Listings of the albums of Maison Ikkoku, and the site hit its 26,000th visitor today! Thanks everyone.
June 18- Added "Banquet Denial" to the midi section.
June 13- Another very late update, due to out of town guests. Sorry about that. But, Kyoko-san is the newest midi to be placed.
June 4- Updated the midi section with "Akemi's Toothbrush." Sorry the update is a day late, but I wasn't home most of the day yesterday.
May 27- Well, I've moved into my new home here at I'm very proud to be a part of such a large, high-quality Rumiko Takahashi group. I hope everything arrived intact, but I'm sure there are lots of little things that I'll find over the next few days. I've added the new midi, "Bridge K2" to the midi section. I also hope everyone enjoys the fancy new main. Really classy, isn't it? Welcome home!
May 22- Added the newest midi "Bridge A" to the midi gallery. Sorry about the lateness, but I was out of town.
May 13- In honor of the beginning of Summer Vacation I've added "In the Moonlight" my all time favorite Maison Ikkoku song to the midi gallery. I also fixed the broken links to Part 5 Issue 9 and Part 6 Issue 6 in the Gallery.
May 6- Updated the midi gallery with "Bridge" continuing with posting lots of the Bridge midis.
May 4- Fixed a broken link in the gallery. And, wow, I was my own 24,500th visitor today at 5:40 pm!
May 2- May is here, finals are over and that means I'll have plenty of time to work on the site over the summer break! I've updated the Cultural Notes section with the story of Hachiko and some Japanese wedding pictures.
April 29- In the midst of finals, I've added "Bridge 2" to the midi section.
April 22- Added "Bridge 5" to the midi section.
April 17- Fixed the broken link to the Maison Ikkoku toys in the New Releases section.
April 15- Updated the midi section with Gilbert O'Sullivan's classic "Get Down"!
April 9- Check out the new "Nozomu Nikaido Acceptance Society" in the Miscellaneous section. You can even join up and spread the love.
April 8- I've added "Grandma's Plum Wine" to the midi section as this weeks selection.
April 1- Updated the Midi section with this weeks new midi, "The First Star on the Way to the Hill". Love that title!
March 27- Added 1985 to the Timeline finally.
March 25- Added "Yotsuya's Intention Once More" to the midi section.
March 23- Updated the Manga and Anime section with a new news section for all the recent information regarding the series.
March 18- Added "At a Run Part 3" to the midis. My scanner is going in for repairs today, so hopefully more big updates will be coming very soon.
March 17- Added the new Asuna main. Its a bit minimal, I know, but so is Asuna. It reminds me a bit of that poster for "Who's That Girl?" that 80's Madonna movie. I also added a new section for Episode Summaries, and finally found my picture of Takao Kisugi and Gilbert O'Sullivan's "Can't Think Straight" single, which I added to the Musicians section. I hope you enjoy the new main. Thanks everyone for helping me hit the 23,000 visitors mark last week!
March 11- This Monday's new midi is "A Bad Dog on His Gait".
March 10- Okay, so its barely an update, but I fixed a typo in the 1983 area of the Timeline. The reason I haven't made any big changes yet is that my scanner is broken. Hopefully that won't be for long though.
March 6- Added "The Small Dictionary of Maison Ikkoku" to the Links section.
March 5- Fixed the problem in the Midi Gallery.
March 4- Updated the midi section with "Hello Sadness (Instrumental)" and fixed a typo in the Culture section.
Februay 26- Updated the Lyrics section, and fixed the link to Hidamari.
February 25- Added the new midi "On the Way Home" which shouldn't be confused with the Beatles song of the same title.
February 24- Made an update to the "Alone Again Naturally" project (yes thats still going!). I also did some "Late Winter Cleaning" of the Links Section, and I'm sad to report that it looks like Maison Ikkoku sites are going the way of the DoDo bird. Let's say goodbye to The Image of Maison Ikkoku, Memories of Maison Ikkoku (two of my faves, the first inserted manga character drawings into photos, and the second had a great webmaster that wrote about his thoughts on MI really well), along with The World of Exodus, Be-da Anime's Maison Ikkoku (run by Yotsuya), U-Phi's Ikkoku-kan, and Chee-Kan's Maison Ikkoku Homepage. I'd like to thanks these websites for their dedication to the series, and the time they took in building their (too) short-lived websites. In happier news, two of our fellow Takahashi webmasters have purchased their own domains! Congrats to The Sunny Spot and Ranma 1/2 Perfect Edition.
February 18- Updated the midi section with this week's selection, "Reel Along" and have gotten busily to work with many more updates.
February 8- Updating a few days early because I'll be out of town on Monday. I added the new midi selection "Bridge K1" and am THRILLED to mention that I identified the 7th Unknown Midi as "Lunch and Housework"! It only took a few years, but I figured it for the other two.
February 3, 2002- I'm back!!! And I swear that this site will never go so long without and update again! Check the Midi page under the Music section for the next few months worth of updates, but that won't be the only thing to look forward to. The first new addition is "Yokan (Instruemental)". Thanks for your support and keep coming because this page will only get better!
August 21- Added the annual article celebrating the fourth anniversary of the website. Its about a week late, but if you read it, I think you'll know why. Thanks everyone!
August 6- Update the Manga & Anime section with the Marry-Go-Round tape. Supposedly, this will be the final VHS volume released.....*grumbles*
July 10- Updated the Manga & Anime section and added 1984 to the timeline. Enjoy!
July 5- Updated the Early Years section of the Timeline with Yagami's birth year. Hope everyone had a Happy and safe Fourth of July.
July 1- Added the Manga Translation to the Miscellaneous section. Check it out, I'm very proud of it!
June 22- After a long wait, the Cultural Notes area is finally up. Check it for lots of fun facts from the series!
June 17- Updated the Manga and Anime Section with "Pajama Party". I've got some bad news, as Viz is ONCE AGAIN cancelling Maison Ikkoku with Volume 30. They haven't officially announced any DVD plans, but we can only hope that they will soon.
May 26- Updated the Manga & Anime Section, adding the newest tape, "Schoolgirl Fantasy".
April 25- Added a new section to the Music Area, featuring the Complete Music Box. Its got everything you could ever want regarding the music of Maison. Go check it out, I've been working on it for months!!!
April 22- Added the PC Engine ROM of Maison Ikkoku and a player to the Video Games section. Enjoy the game!
April 16- Added two button banners to the main. They look great, and if you'd like me to put up your MI button banner just submit it. But it must be 88 x 31 and be associated with Maison Ikkoku.
April 12- Spring is here and Summer's on the way! That means its time for a brand new, bright, sunny main. Enjoy! Happy Good Friday and Easter!
April 10- Updated the Manga and Anime section with the most recent tape, "Requiem for Soichiro". The site had its 17,000th visitor recently! Thanks so much for supporting me all these years.
April 8- Updated some text on the midi page, and continued work on the still unfinished and unposted Complete Music Box listing.
April 1- Happy April Fool's Day! In honor of the Looney Gang, I've posted the newest Maison Ikkoku tape, "Welcome to the Doghouse". More updates are on the way!
March 20- The first day of Spring, and its cold and wet! More Winter please! I updated the links section with a new page, and added two new midi's, Autumn Part Two and Running Part Two to the midi section.
March 17- Added three new links to the Links section. Spring is almost here, but I have to admit, I really love the winter.
March 13- The site has been completely changed! Everything is new. Tons of new sections and information to explore, and this is only the beginning! Thanks for waiting!
January 10- Updated the Manga and Anime section with the newest video release, "Days of Wine and Freeloaders"! I hope everyone is having an easy transition going back to work and school.
January 2- Added a new guestbook because Geocities is discontinuing the old ones for some strange reason.
January 1, 2001- Happy New Year! Happy New Century! Happy New Millennium! I've updated the Music Section with a brand new Maison Ikkoku album, and Picasso's information in the Musicians section. I hope everyone has a wonderful 2001.
December 20- Uploaded the gorgeous new main page. More updates to follow soon. Merry Christmas!
November 19- Added the brand new Musicians section to the Music Gallery. Please check it out and let me know what you think.
October 31- Fixed a broken picture in the Music Gallery. Happy Halloween everyone!
October 25- Updated the Manga and anime section with "On Thin Ice". Two tapes in less than a week, thats how I like 'em!
October 18- More little details added to the Early Years section of the Timeline.
Yay! The new Maison Ikkoku tape arrived yesterday! "Wish Upon A Fall" has been added to the Manga and Anime update.
October 16- Updated the Early Years section of the timeline with a few details and Coach Mitaka's birthdate. Ellen Kennedy (Kyoko's English voice) fans should check out Ranma 1/2 Battle Foie Gras to hear her as Madame Saint Paul and The Vision of Escaflowne! Also in Japan today, the Inu-Yasha anime begins!
October 2- Updated Ibuki's page with a new picture.
September 23- Finished the Year 3 section by adding all its pictures. Check it out!
September 21- Updated the Music section with the new track listing for the CD Memorial File. I'm working very hard on the Timeline and an all new project for the Music section. Thanks for checking in!
September 3- Updated the Timeline section with Year Three. I'll add the pictures as soon as possible, but I wanted to be sure and post up the text now.
August 27- Updated the Early Years section of the Timeline with Asuna Kujo's birth year. I've got a birthday coming up tomorrow!
August 22- Updated the Manga and Anime section again! Three new anime tapes in three weeks? Does it get much better than this? And I also updated a small mistake in the 1982 section of the timeline. I'd like to take a moment to send out well wishes to Ranma 1/2 Perfect Edition and their recent high placement on the Anipike's Ranma 1/2 section. Way to go! As for me, its back to college tomorrow....shouldn't be too hard though.
August 18- Finished updating the entire site! This is the 3rd anniversary celebration of my website, thanks so much for visiting all these years, and please enjoy the new sections!
August7/8- Started updating the Manga and Anime section yesterday but didn't finish until this morning due to a problem with Geocities. I can't tell you how happy I am to be able to finally update this! Otakon was great, and I received some very encouraging news about Maison Ikkoku that I will be sharing very soon on the Save MI page.
July 30- Updated the Links section with some very cool new stuff, and I continued work on three brand new sections that will be up soon.
July 26- Changed the Yagami Family section to Ibuki Yagami's page, updated the Asuna Kujo page, and changed the Gallery section just a tad. I've gotten the two new MI subtitled tapes ordered finally!!
July 14- Updated Mitaka and Kozue's page.
July 7- The page had its 13,000th guest today. Thanks!
June 6- Updated the Gallery section with a ton of new stuff. Its huge! Go check it out!
June 5- Uploaded the new Nikaido and Yotsuya pages. I'm very pleased with how they turned out.
June 4- Updated the Early Years section of the Timeline and added Year Two as well. Enjoy!
June 1- Updated the Links section with new sites, and fixed all the broken links.
May 28- Posted the new Kyoko Otonashi character page. I've decided to do a series of smaller updates instead of one big one.
May 26- Updated the main. I've been working really hard on getting all the information ready for a big update, I'm just not ready to post it yet. Soon though!
May 10- Updated the Timeline section by fixing some years, adding some info to the Early Years, and adding Year One.
May 9- The page hit 12,000! Thanks!
April 28- Added some alt tags to a few pictures and re-did the "Sign Guestbook" page. It really needed some fixing up. Go there and check it out, and sign the gb while you're at it!
April 14- Posted the new versions of the Manga and Anime, Updates, and Links sections. Enjoy!
April 2- Posted the all new Timeline section, along with the re-done Music and Thanks section. This is the first part of the complete site renovation. Glad to be working again!
March 2- I was lucky enough to be one of five winners in the Viz Valentine's Day Homepage Contest! I added my award, and a new tracking system to the main.
February 28- Completed the Cover Gallery. I now have the covers to the entire US run of Maison Ikkoku posted.
February 26- The page had its 11,000th visitor! Thanks everyone!
February 6- Fixed the broken links on the Characters page. I had no idea that they weren't working! And a second update I just finished this evening, is an illustrated track listing of the albums in the music section. I hope everyone enjoys it!
January 31- I've added a new characters main. I hope you like the new, more compact version.
January 23- The Manga and Anime section has been updated with the final issue of Maison Ikkoku. A beautiful ending to a beautiful story.
January 14, 2000- Updated the Music section with a few more songs, and I found the titles to a couple of the unnamed ones from before.
December 28- The site had its 10,000th guest!
December 24- Updated the Manga and Anime page with the second-to-last issue. Its hard to believe there's only one issue left. A big update is going to hopefully get done over the holidays. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! Thank you for another wonderful year of support!
November 23- Added two more issues to the Cover Gallery. (I only need ONE more back issue!) Updated the Manga & Anime section, and put up the new main. Please tell me what you think. Happy Thanksgiving!
November 9- The Cover Gallery has been updated. I only need one more back issue to complete my collection! Viz sent me another issue I already had, so the link to Vol. 4 #9 doesn't work, but will by the end of the week. Thanks!
November 2- The site had its 9,000th visitor! Updates are in the works as we speak so please visit back soon.
October 27- Replaced text links in Music section with a nice java menu.
October 23- I'm in the process of updating the Manga & Anime section and the Links section, but Geo is giving me some problems. Maison Ikkoku is now listed as one of the "Popular Series" on Anipike, and Rumiko Takahashi's birthday was last week. Happy Birthday sensei!
October 2- Updated the Manga and Anime section with Vol. 9 # 6, which could quite possibly be my favorite issue of all. The Cover Gallery and MI Links were also updated. Why isn't "Date For Five" out yet??
August 29- The 2nd anniversary stuff has been up since the 17th, but the manga was updated today. Oh, and the site had its 8000th hit yesterday! ^_^
August 1- Another long update. There just hasn't been a reason to I guess. Although thats all about to change. The Manga and Anime section were updated this time. I bought my first MI item three years ago today! ^_^
June 23- Its been too long since I updated! I got my new MI tape and issue within a week of each other, which was a great surprise, so their both up now. The page hit 7,000 today! I'm going to have an anniversary special in August, so all your regulars and new visitors please send in ideas for what you'd like to see here. Thanks!
May 25- On May 10th the site had its 6,000th visitor! I would like to thank everyone for helping me hit this milestone! I received a letter about two weeks ago from Janyse Jaud, Akemi's English voice actress, and she was incredibly nice. I've updated most everything (Manga and Anime, various character pages, cover gallery, etc), so please check out all the sections.
May 6- I've gotten so much positive feedback on my page within the last week. Thank you all so much! I was also presented a very lovely award by another Godai (which I put in the Attic), I updated the MI Links section and changed some improperly named midi's in the Music section.
April 21- Its really getting warm outside! I updated the Anime and Manga section, and the Music section.
April 11- I've changed quite a bit of the site around to reflect a big change in my life recently...whether thats positive or negative is for you to decide, I guess. I changed the main again (no more midi), and my drawings are gone. I've changed most of the fonts to Arial, and updated the Cover section and the Anime/Manga section. Oh! And I changed the name of the site. I hope everyone enjoys it.
March 13- Updated lots of little things. My friend Hanako gave me this lovely picture! Isn't it beautiful?
February 7, 1999- I changed all the character pages around, and deleted some images. Manga update too.
December 26- Updated the Manga and Anime section and am beggining a few changes. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! (check out the new holiday main, too!)
December 6- I updated the Manga and Anime section. I'll do a big update during the holidays which start on the 18th for me. ^_^
October 31- Happy Halloween! I've updated every page this month. ^_^ I thought it was time to make some changes. Enjoy you're candy! Check out the new Cover section too!
September 21- Updated Manga and Anime section.
September 2- Updated Manga and Anime section, the Links section, and the Maison Ikkoku Links section.
August 15- Updated Manga and Anime section. Due to the hiatus of Urusei Yatsura, Maison Ikkoku has taken its weekly release slot and came out a week or two late this month. Just thought I'd let you guys know!
July 26- Updated the Ichinose's page, Nikaido's page, Akemi's page, the Godai's page, re-did some character main pages, added eight new characters, added to Friends page, added to Fan art section.
June 29- Updated Manga and Anime section and friends section a little. The next update should be another big one I hope! Thanks again for visiting!
June 7- Remodeled main page, re-did Maison Ikkoku Links, updated Anime and Manga section, and re-did Animations section.
May 23- Added Fan Art section, added Animation page, updated most character pages, updated Manga and Anime page, and updated Links page.
April 19- Updated Manga and Anime section. Sorry I didn't get that big update done, but it'll come soon I promise.
April 3- Updated Manga and Anime section. I'm off for spring break now, and will do a major update later this week! Enjoy!
March 10-12- Added heading pictures to some pages. Added the Maison Ikkoku links page.
March 3- A slight update to the Manga and Anime page. I've gotten more room, so I'll update lots more. A huge update should come in about a week or two. Thank you.
January 4, 1998- Finally updated anime and manga section, finished all the character pages and added lots of new pictures on all the pages using a video image transfer thing my brother got for Christmas. Enjoy!
December 23- Added some very cool pictures in the Maison character pages. Check 'em out! Just two more days until I get the new anime! I can't wait!!!
December 13- I've added this months issue, and I've gotta apologize because the anime will be a bit late this time. I've asked for it for Christmas to save myself some money. ^_^'' I fixed Nikaido's pictures (they were messed up, I know). Oh, and I finished Kozue and Sakamoto's pages. Tell me what you think.
November 30- Updated page, fixed general problems (typos, a loading problem) Updated Manga/Anime page. Finished the Coach Mitaka page! I'll start on the others soon!
August 17, 1997- Maison Ikkoku goes online!