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Korma & Masala

Korma and Masala Korma and Masala are Kima's assistants who journey with her to Japan in order to retrieve the missing Jusenkyo Map from Plum. The two are young and inexperienced, but are powerful fighters in their own right.

Unfortunatly Masala, the archer and Korma, the sword fighter, are not as intelligent as their leader Kima. They are not able to think strategically and thus after their initial tussels with Ranma and his cohorts they prove to be ineffective.

Both boys have also taken a trip to the Spring of Drowned Man in order to help them pass a humans during their travels. When splashed with hot water they revert to their more avian appearance complete with talons and wings.

The Meaning Behind the Name - コルマ (柯爾瑪) & マサラ (馬颯拉)

Like the other members of the Phoenix People, Korma (Korma) and Masala's names are taken from the Indian food. Masala's name is sometimes romanized as "Masala", but the intention is more accurately reflected when spelled "Masala" (a spice used in Indian cuisine). Masala's kanji are "horse, sudden, kidnap". Korma's kanji are mostly used for the phonetics and do not convey anything more meaningful (handle, you, agate). Korma is a vegetable and/or meat dish braised in yogurt.