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The Ghost Cat lives in the large bell that he wears around his neck. He is constantly searching for a fiancee, and has a smaller version of his bell. Whomever holds this bell becomes his fiancee.

Originally Shampoo holds the smaller bell, but refuses to have anything to do with the Ghost Cat. After finding out that Ranma is her fiance, he decides to haunt Ranma.

Of course with Ranma's intense fear of cats this only makes him revert to using his Cat-fu on the Ghost Cat. Finally he sees that he is no match for Ranma and decides to look for a fiancee elsewhere.

Maomolin returns once again to claim Shampoo as his bride on New Year's Eve 1991. He takes her to the Cat Temple and seals her in. Once she leaves she immediately changes into her cat form. Only a kiss from Ranma can break the spell, which will be permanent once the 108 New Year's bells toll.

The Meaning Behind the Name - 猫魔鈴

Maomolin (猫魔鈴) is Chinese for "Cat of Bells". Bake Neko (化け猫) translates into "Ghost Cat".

Masahiro Anzai

Yo Yoshimura originally portrayed Maomolin in his first appearance in the anime, however he passed away in 1991. His other roles included Ebitan from the first Ranma 1/2 film.

He was replaced by Masahiro Anzai (pictured) as the voice of the screetchy Maomolin. Among Takahashi fans, he is probably best known as Mr. Fujinami in Urusei Yatsura. His other roles include Tsukimi in MAPS, Midori Kisaragi in Creamy Mami, the Magic Angel, the fat cat Rhett Butler in Sailor Moon and Philionel El Di Seyruun in Slayers.

Samuel Vincent

Samuel Vincent's roles include Tokajin and Bun in Inuyasha, Mitsurugi Hanagata in Saber Marionette J, Takashi Niimai in Video Girl Ai, Athrun Zala in Mobile Suit Gundam Seed, Hikaru Shindo in Hikaru no Go and Brad Hunter in ZOIDS.