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Panda Doodle

Panda Doodle While at a fair, an artist not known for his talent drew this panda on a piece of cursed paper with a cursed brush and cursed ink. After the seal was knocked off, this was what emerged, a very bad drawing of a panda with a flowered collar and something that resemled a mini-skirt.

The panda drawing begged and pleaded to have one date before being sent back into the picture, and her creator gave his consent. The panda asked Ranma to go out with her which Ranma uneasily agreed to.

After a nice evening (for the panda drawing at least) the doodle decided she would go back onto the paper, and to make her happy, the artist drew a poorly drawn portrait of Ranma beside her to keep her company.

The Meaning Behind the Name - らくがきパンダ

The panda doodle is simply called "rakugaki panda" (らくがきパンダ) in Japanese. Grafitti panda or doodle panda would be a good translation, with the implication being that it is badly drawn.

Mika Kanai

Mika Kanai voices the Panda Doodle as well as the title roll in Licca, Yumi & Emi Hammer in Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Satoko Hojo in Higurashi When They Cry Gou, Yoko Tanaka in Idol Tenshi Yokoso Yoko, and Kana in Patlabor. She is also Koichi Yamadera (Ryoga)'s ex-wife.

Jocelyn Loewen

Jocelyn Loewen also plays Mariko Konjo in Ranma 1/2. She has also played the mischevious catgirl Merle in The Vision of Escaflowne, Princess Paraya in Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack, Milfeulle Sakuraba in Galaxy Angel, Shuran and Mizuki in Inuyasha, and Wheat in Trouble Chocolate.