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Yuka & Sayuri

Sayuri (dark brown hair often tied into a ponytail) and Yuka (light brown hair) are Akane's closests female friends. It can be said that they are Akane's version of Daisuke and Hiroshi, with the exception that they don't seem to be jealous of Akane as Daisuke and Hiroshi often seem to be of Ranma.

They are always around to help cheer Akane up and give her support and often to help underscore Akane's feelings towards Ranma (usually negative feelings).

They have fairly small parts in the anime, and even smaller parts in the manga. Their screen time pales in comparison with their counterparts Daisuke and Hiroshi.

The Meaning Behind the Name - ゆか & さゆり

Yuka and Sayuri do not have an particular significance to their names. They are ordinary names for two ordinary girls.

Masami Toyoshima

Masami Toyoshima provides Yuka's Japanese voice who has mostly played minor roles of background voices. She was Hanako in Pokemon, he most recurring role. In the OVA series she was voiced by Sayuri Hata.

Cathy Weseluck

Cathy is best known as Shampoo and Azusa Shiratori in Ranma 1/2, but her other works include C-ko Kotobuki in Project A-ko, Urasue and Kagome's Mother in Inuyasha, Mirai in Mobile Suit Gundam, Near in Death Note and coincidentally enough- Dorothy Catalonia in Gundam Wing.

Yoshiko Kamei

Yoshiko Kamei is the voice of Sayuri in Japan. He other roles include Toshi Tsukikage in Tobe! Isami, Gema in Digi Charat, Tonis's Mother in Trigun and Kakipi in Mahou Shojo Neko Taruto.

Willow Johnson

Willow Johnson is Kasumi Tendi in Ranma 1/2 and has also played Fatal Fury's Lily McGuire, as well as Kikyo in Inuyasha and Lalah Sune in Mobile Suit Gundam.