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Volume 11

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Chapters Originally Published in:
Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 46 - 1990 Vol. 6

Ranma 1/2 Vol 11

Chapter 103: 良牙 家に帰る
Ryoga ie ni kaeru
(Ryoga, Come Home)
Ryoga sees a news report about a dog looking for its master. He realizes that it is his dog, Shirokuro, and she has had puppies. Ryoga hears Akane saying that she would love to see his puppies, so he invites her to his house. The only problem is, Ryoga cannot find his way back home. He lies to Ranma and tells him Shirokuro is not doing well after giving birth, so Ranma decides to help him out. After they get home, Ryoga gets rid of Ranma and meets Akane. Ranma figures out what Ryoga is up to and decides to crash his homecoming.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 46
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 11 ch. 1
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 11 ch. 1
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 6 ch. 4
Publication Date: October 18, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • Ryoga's dog Shirokuro debuts.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: Next week will be my first cover and color pages in the front in a long time. I'm looking forward to it.

Chapter 104: おかえりなさい おにちゃん
Okaeri nasai oniichan
(Oh, Brother!)
Ryoga has a look around his house to search for his mother and father, but finds notes from them and can tell from the way the house has been left that they have been gone for a long time. Ryoga says that they have as bad of a sense of direction as he does, and that he rarely ever gets to see them, even when he does find his way back home. Ranma disguises himself as Ryoga's sister Yoiko Hibiki and Ryoga assumes he has never known about his sister because he had not even heard about his dog having puppies either. Yoiko keeps getting in the way when Ryoga tries to talk to Akane, but Ryoga feels awful for allowing his "little sister" to be left alone at home all this time.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 47
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 11 ch. 2
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 11 ch. 2
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 6 ch. 5
Publication Date: October 25, 1989
Pages: 4 (full color) 12 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • Ranma disguises himself as "Yoiko Hibiki" in this chapter. "Yoiko" can be translated as "good girl" and also uses the first kanji in Ryoga's name as well.
  • There is an advertisement for the upcoming release of Ore no Manga Michi which will feature interviews with a number of mangaka including Rumiko Takahashi. You can read the interview here.
  • There is also an ad for the 1990 Ranma 1/2 calendar and for the release of the upcoming Mermaid Saga wideban.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I have sold over 10 million copies of all my comics thanks to the readers.

Chapter 105: 迷子の良い子
Maigo no Yoiko
(Get Lost, Yoiko!)
Ryoga, Akane and Yoiko all sit around playing cards, but Ranma soon gets bored out of his mind. Akane starts to suspect that Yoiko is acutally Ranma, and tries to spill some hot water on her, but Ryoga shoves her out of the way. Ranma has had enough of dealing with Ryoga and tries to go for a walk, but Ryoga freaks out and knows that any relative of his might get lost. Ryoga insists on holding Yoiko's hand while they go out, and Ranma/Yoiko tries to escape. Ryoga becomes so distressed that even Akane cannot console him when he thinks he has lost his only sister, but Ranma finds one of Shirokuro puppies while he is trying to escape. Ranma's conscience gets the better of him and he returns the puppy, much to Ryoga's excitment. The trio return to the Hibiki house and Ryoga gets a telephone call from his father, who also did not realize he had had a little girl. Ranma decides it is best to tell Ryoga the truth and reveals that he was Yoiko all along.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 48
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 11 ch. 3
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 11 ch. 3
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 6 ch. 6
Publication Date: November 1, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None

  • Table of Contents
    • A: The Mermaid Forest radio broadcast is on 11/3. It's quite interesting so please give it a listen.

Chapter 106: まぼろしの奥義
Maboroshi no ogi
(The Ultimate Technique)
Soun and Ranma lose their patience with Happosai after he burns their clothes and dojo sign so he can cook sweet potatoes. After Ranma tricks him by dressing up as a girl, Happosai decides to unleash his ultimate technique, the Happo-Fire Burst! Luckily for Ranma, Soun and Genma Happosai forgot how to do the technique. Soun and Genma explain that Happosai accidentally destroyed a bra with the technique and decided he must never use it again. Now Happosai and the others are in a race to rediscover the scroll with the technique written on it, which is now hidden under a rock in an outdoor hotspring.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 49
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 11 ch. 4
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 11 ch. 4
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 6 ch. 7
Publication Date: November 8, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Happosai's "Happo Fire Burst" is called the "Happo Daikarin" (八宝大華輪) in Japanese. A literal translation of the kanji would be "Happo Big Flower Circle".
  • Table of Contents
    • A: Miss Hirano, who plays the voice of Lum, got married. Congratulations.

Chapter 107: 秘伝書を奪え
Hidensho o ubae
(Get the Secret Scroll!)
Genma attempts to scare the girls away from the hotspring by turning into a bear, but it does not work. Next Ranma changes into a girl, but freezes up when he sees all the naked girls bathing. He tries his best, but Happosai manages to knock him into the water. Soun is surprised to see that Akane has taken a trip to this very spring with some of her friends from school. Happosai snatches the scroll, but Ranma is able to get it away from him. Unfortunately, Happosai's handwriting is so bad that it is illegible.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 50
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 11 ch. 5
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 11 ch. 5
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 6 ch. 8
Publication Date: November 15, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Table of Contents
    • A: Matsumura did his best in the world war rematch against Khaosai, I was so proud.
    • Webmasters' Note: Takahashi is referring to the rematch between WBA flyweight champion Khaosai Galaxy and Kenji Matsumura that took place on October 31, 1989.

Chapter 108: 炸裂!!八宝大華輪
Sakuretsu!! happo-dai-karin
(The Fire-Burst of Terror!)
Ranma and Akane wear skimpy tennis outfits in hopes of luring Happosai out. Once he comes to feel Ranma up, Soun and Genma tackle him and force him to read his scroll. Akane points out that if he reads it, he will learn the technique. As it turns out, Happosai's handwriting is so bad even he cannot read it. In a fit of anger, Happosai rips up the scroll, but soon remembers the secret to completing the Happo Fire Burst. As it turns out, the move is simply throwing fireworks at people, and Ranma is able to easily avoid and defeat the old man.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 51
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 11 ch. 6
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 11 ch. 6
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 6 ch. 9
Publication Date: November 22, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Table of Contents
    • A: It's that end-of-the-year busy time again. It's tough, but don't worry.

Chapter 109: 抱きしめずにはいられない
Dakishimezu ni wa irarenai

(Embraceable You)
A magical mushroom called "kairaishi" arrives at the Cat Cafe. It has the power to make anyone that eats it follow any command. Shampoo mixes it into a pork bun and feeds it to Ranma, telling him to hug her. But before she can snap, Kuno sneezes causing Ranma to hug him instead. Now anyone that sneezes gets a hug from Ranma. Back home Genma and Soun have gone out on a training mission and Nabiki and Kasumi have taken a trip only Ranma and a sick Akane are left alone. A TV show puts ideas into Akane's head, and once she sneezes and Ranma jumps all over her, she soon thinks that Ranma is looking for a little something else while everyone is away.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 52
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 11 ch. 7
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 11 ch. 7
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 6 ch. 10
Publication Date: November 29, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • "Kairaishi" is written "傀儡芝". The kanji translates as "puppet lawn".
  • The Kairaishi Salesman debuts in this chapter.
  • Kuno has a cold and one of the students comments that he is too stupid to be sick. This comes from the Japanese superstition that stupid people are too dumb to catch a cold.
  • Kuno believes that he can get rid of his cold faster by giving it to Ranma. Takahashi would revisit this plot device in Kyokai no Rinne chapter 181.
  • The oddly dressed people on television are named "Umakichi" (馬吉) and "Ushiko" (牛子). They have the kanji for "horse" and "cow" in their names, hence their unusual outfits. The woman who sees Ranma hugging her boyfriend at the end is named Yagiko (山羊子), which has the kanji for "goat" in her name.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: Duran vs. Leonard is going to be on TV. I can't stop my heart from racing...
    • Webmasters' Note: Takahashi is referring to the third bout between boxers Roberto Duran and "Sugar" Ray Leonard. This took place December 7, 1989 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The fight was famous as a rematch to the 1980 bout in which Duran uttered "no mas" to end the 8th round.

Chapter 110: 抱きしめてTONIGHT
Dakishimete TONIGHT

(Hold Me Close)
Akane finally figures out that Shampoo is the one that caused Ranma to hug anyone that sneezes. Shampoo arrives and starts causing some trouble of her own, but making Akane hug all men other than Ranma when she hears a gong. Ryoga and Kuno both show up to get their hugs, but Ranma finally has to use Shampoo's kairaishi against her and command her to "go home peacefully". After awhile the effects wear off, but Akane still does not trust Ranma with just the two of them alone in the house.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 1
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 11 ch. 8
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 11 ch. 8
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 6 ch. 11
Publication Date: December 6, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Table of Contents
    • A: Congratulations to our former editor, Mr. Yamaki, on his marriage! This was the first wedding reception that suddenly started with a groom's greeting.
    • Webmasters' Note: This is Kazuhiro Yamaki (八巻和弘), Takahashi's 3rd editor on One Pound Gospel.

Chapter 111: あかね パワーアップ
Akane pawa appu

(Akane's Power-Up!)
On New Year's Eve Akane is out arm-wrestling one of the electronic sumo machines, until Shampoo comes along and easily beats her. Akane, tired of losing to Shampoo, asks Ranma to help train her. That night at dinner, Happosai makes a bowl of Super Soba, a soba noodle that will make anyone that eats it incredibly strong. Instead of eating it immediately, Happosai watches a swimsuit contest and Akane eats his noodles. Now Akane has the strength to easily defeat Happosai, Ranma or Shampoo. The next morning Akane decides to try out her new found strength by putting Ranma on the line in a hane-tsuki (badminton) match against Shampoo.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 2-3
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 11 ch. 9
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 11 ch. 9
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 6 ch. 12
Publication Date: December 13, 1989
Pages:4 (full color) 12 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • Happosai's "super soba" is called "herculean strength soba" (剛力ソバ/goriki soba) in Japanese.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: As a matter of fact, I've completely finished writing and drawing a story. It will be in the January 6, 1990 issue of Big Comic Original.
    • Webmasters' Note: This would be Extra-Large Size Happiness (Lサイズの幸福/L saizu no shiawase).

Chapter 112: 剛力羽根つき
Goriki hanetsuki

(Super Badminton)
Soun tells Ranma that the Super Soba has some side-effects and gives Ranma the antidote to give to Akane. If she does not take it, the male hormones involved in Akane's muscle development will cause her to grow whiskers. Ranma is only to glad to help since he hates losing to Akane, but Shampoo overhears them talking about the source of Akane's new powers and steals some of Happosai's soba for herself. Super Akane and Super Shampoo go at it for awhile, but Ranma manages to cure Shampoo.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1990 Vol. 4-5
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 11 ch. 10
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 11 ch. 10
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 6 ch. 13
Publication Date: December 27, 1989
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • Mitsuru Adachi's Niji-iro Togarashi (虹色とうがらし) debuts in this week's issue of Shonen Sunday.
  • Battledore and shuttlecock, or jeu de volant, is an early sport related to that of modern badminton. The game is played by two or more people using small rackets (battledores), made of parchment or rows of gut stretched across wooden frames, and shuttlecocks, made of a base of some light material, such as cork, with trimmed feathers fixed around the top. The object is for players to bat the shuttlecock from one to the other as many times as possible without allowing it to fall to the ground. The Japanese equivalent is known as hanetsuki (羽根突き). Hanetsuki is a traditional Japanese game, similar to racket games like badminton but without a net, played with a rectangular wooden paddle called a hagoita and a brightly colored shuttlecock, called a hane. Often played by girls at the New Year, the game can be played by any gender in two fashions: by one person attempting to keep the shuttlecock aloft as long as possible, or by two people batting it back and forth. Players who fail to hit the shuttlecock get marked on the face with India Ink. Traditionally, the longer the shuttlecock remains in the air, the greater protection from mosquitoes the players will receive during the coming year. Although hanetsuki is not as popular as it used to be, decorative hagoita are commonly sold throughout Japan.

  • Table of Contents
    • A: I'm always grateful for your support. I'll continue to do my best in 1990.

Chapter 113: 副作用の悲劇
Fukusayo no higeki

(Serious Side Effects)
Akane refuses to believe Ranma about the side-effects thinking he is only jealous of her power. Ranma agrees to have a badminton match against her, and show her that power is not everything. Once he has her pinned, Akane feels something on her face and scrambles out of the ring. Ranma follows her and sees that she has grown whiskers just like he said she would. Akane takes the antidote and apologizes to Ranma for not trusting him. Back home, Ranma forces Akane to arm wrestle him over and over showing her that he can beat her in a fair match.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1989 Vol. 6
  • Ranma 1/2 Tankobon Vol. 11 ch. 11
  • Ranma 1/2 Shinsoban Vol. 11 ch. 11
  • Ranma 1/2 Shonen Sunday Comic Special Vol. 6 ch. 14
Publication Date: January 10, 1990
Pages: 16 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:

  • Table of Contents
    • A: A one-shot will appear in the January 6th Big Comic Original this year. I look forward to having a good relationship with you all this year, thanks.
    • Webmasters' Note: This would be Extra-Large Size Happiness.

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