TV Soundtracks|Movie & OVA Soundtracks
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The Battle of Nekonron, China! A Battle to Defy the Rules!!
Release Date: November 13, 1991
Catalog Number: PCCG-00156
The first film's soundtrack also known as "Big Trouble in Nekonron, China" in English. The domestic release has a different cover featuring the cast from the film standing together. The music for this film was written by Kenji Kawai.
- 序曲
Jokyoku Overture
- 大混乱!全員集合
Dai konran! Zenin shugo Great Confusion! A Gathering of the Whole Crew
- ライチとジャスミン
Raichi to Jasumin Lychee & Jasmine
- キリン参上す
Kirin sanjo su Kirin Arrives
- 八宝斉の昔話
Happosai no mukashibanashi Happosai's Reminiscence
- あかね奪還攻防戦・一
Akane dakkan kobosen ichi The First Battle to Reclaim Akane
- 寝崑崙(ネコンロン)への旅路
Nekonron e no tabiji The Journey to Nekonron
- あかね奪還攻防戦・二
Akane dakkan kobosen ni The Second Battle to Reclaim Akane
- キリンの決意
Kirin no ketsui Kirin's Resolve
- 第一楼閣・飛車門天
Dai ichi rokaku Bishamoten The First Castle: Bishamonten
- 第二楼閣・大黒星と大白星
Dai ni rokaku Daikokusei to Daihakusei The Second Castle: Daikokusei and Daihakusei
- 第三楼閣・ウー
Dai san rokaku Muu The Third Castle: Muu
- 第四楼閣・モンロン
Dai shi rokaku Monron The Fourth Castle: Monlon
- 第五楼閣・恵比天
Dai go rokaku Ebiten The Fifth Castle: Ebiten
- 決戦!箸の壁
Kessen! Hashi no kabe The Decisive Battle! The Wall of Chopsticks
- 大団円
Daidanen The Grand Finale
- It's Love
It's Love (Rabbit) It's Love
- 終曲
Shukyoku Finale
The Battle of Nekonron, China! A Battle to Defy the Rules!! Drama-hen
Release Date: January 21, 1992
Catalog Number: PCCG-00168
This was a limited release bundled with the "Movie 1 Best Scenes" highlight video, and is extremely rare.
- 中国寝崑崙大決戦! ~序章~
Chugoku Nekonron daisakusen! ~ Josho ~ The Decisive Battle in Nekonron, China! -Opening-
- 町内大混乱! 追いつ追われつ全員集合
Chonai dai konran! Oitsuowaretsu zenin shūgo Great Confusion in the Town! A Gathering of the Whole Crew, Chasing and Being Chased
- ライチ登場・黒雲からジャスミン現わる
Raichi tojo kurokumo kara jasumin gen waru Enter Lychee: Jasmine appears From a Black Cloud
- 雷鳴轟く時, 天空よりキリン参上す
Raimei todoroku toki, tenkū yori Kirin sanjo su Kirin Visits From the Sky, When it Thunders
- 今, 明かされる八宝斉の昔話
Ima, akasa reru Happosai no mukashibanashi Now, Happosai's Reminiscence Being Revealed
- あかね奪還攻防戦・空と海の追跡
Akane dakkan kobo-sen sora to umi no tsuiseki The Battle to Reclaim Akane: Pursuit in the Sky and on the Sea
- 寝崑崙への旅路・漬物とあかねの手料理
Nekonron e no tabiji tsukemono to Akane no teryori The Journey to Nekonron: Pickles, and Dishes of Akane's Own Cooking
- あかね奪還攻防戦・船上の対決
Akane dakkan kobo-sen senjo no taiketsu The Battle to Reclaim Akane: Showdown on the Ship
- あかねへプロポーズ・キリンの決意
Akane e puropozu Kirin no ketsui Proposal to Akane: Kirin's Resolve
- 七福山到達・飛車門天との戦い(第一楼閣)
Shichi fukuin totatsu: Bishamonten to notatakai (dai ichi rokaku) Reaching Shichifuku-zan: The Battle Against Bishamonten
- 碁盤上の乱馬・大黒星と大白星の攻撃 (第二楼閣)
Gobanjo no Ranma: Daihokusei to Daikokusei (dai ni rokaku) Ranma on the Go Board: Attack of Daikokusei and Daihakusei
- 巨大なる敵・ムーの不気味な行動 (第三楼閣)
Kyodainaru teki: Muu no bukimina kodo (dai san rokaku) Huge Enemy: Muu's Weird Behavior
- 最大奥技・モンロン対シャンプー (第四楼閣)
Saidai oku-waza: Monron tai Shanpuu (dai shi rokaku) Ultimate Feat: Monlon vs. Shampoo
- 最後の砦・恵比天の悪夢 (第五楼閣)
Saigo no toride: Ebiten no akumu (dai go rokaku) Last Fort: Ebiten's Nightmare
- 決戦! キリン対乱馬・箸の壁と水の技
Kessen! Kirin tai Ranma hashi no kabe to mizu no waza The Decisive Battle! Kirin vs. Ranma: The Wall of Chopsticks and the Watery Feat
- 大団円・ライチの愛とキリンの心
Daidanen Raichi no ai to Kirin no kokoro The End: Lychee's Love and Kirin's Heart
- It's Love ~帰途へ~
It's Love ~ kito e ~ It's Love -To the Return Trip-
- 中国寝崑崙大決戦! ~終幕~
Chūgoku Nekonron daisakusen! ~ Shūmaku ~ The Decisive Battle in Nekonron, China! -Ending-
Battle at Togenkyo! Get Back the Brides!!
Release Date: July 17, 1992
Catalog Number: PCCG-00186
The second film's soundtrack is also known as "Nihao, My Concubine" in English. The domestic release has a different cover. Akihisa Matsuura, who worked on the later half of the television series scored the film's soundtrack and the music is in that vein.
- 白い砂浜から...
Shiroi sunahama kara... On the Sandy, White Beaches...
- びんせんす號の遭難
Binsensu gou No sonan The Wreck of the Lady Binsense
- 桃の実!?
Momo no jitsu!? Peaches!?
- 影の侵攻
Kage no shinko Shadow Attack
- 幻術皇子トウマ
Genjutsu oji Toma Toma, Prince of Illusions
- 桃幻郷の伝説
Momo genkyo no densetsu The Legend of Togenkyo
- 敵地潜入・一
Tekichi sen'nyū ichi Sneaking into the Enemy Fortress I
- ハーレムパレス
Haremu paresu Harem Palace
- サバイバルゲーム
Sabaibaru gēmu Survival Game
- 敵地潜入・二
Tekichi sen'nyū ni Sneaking into the Enemy Fortress II
- 南海大決闘I・開戦
Nankai dai ketto I kaisen Great South Seas Battle I: First Fight
- 平手打ち!
Hirateuchi! The Slap!
- 亡き母の想い出
Naki haha no omoide The Lament of a Motherless Child
- 南海大決闘II・ワンタン
Nankai dai ketto II Wantan Great South Seas Battle II: Wonton
- 南海大決闘III・トリスタン
Nankai dai ketto III Torisutan Great South Seas Battle III: Toristan
- 南海大決闘IV・サルトル
Nankai dai ketto IV Sarutoru Great South Seas Battle IV: Sarutoru
- 最後の対戦!
Saigo no taisen! Final Battle!
- 水平線の彼方へ...
Suihei-sen no kanata e... To the Horizon...
- A Piece of Love
A Piece of Love (Picasso) A Piece of Love
Indiscriminate Decisive Battle! Movie and OVA Soundtrack
Release Date: August 25, 1994
Catalog Number: KTCR-1269
Entitled 無差別決戦!電影対映像 (Musubetsu Kessen! Denei-tai Eizou), this is one of the rarer of Ranma ½ albums, and also one of the best. It features music from the OVA series as well as the third movie, with music by Akihisa Matsuura, Yawmin and DoCo.
- 恋だ! パニック
Koi da! Panic (Yawmin) Love! Panic
- ある晴れた日に…。
Aru hareta hi ni…. A Certain Clear Day...
- 事件の予感
Jiken no yokan Premonition of Case
- パンダのマーチ!?
Panda no machi!? Panda's March!?
- 不思議な奥儀
Fushigina okugi Mysterious Secrets
- 強敵出現
Kyoteki shutsugen A Formidable Enemy's Appearance
- あやしいあやしい追跡行
Ayashii ayashii tsuiseki gyo Doubtful Doubtful Pursuit Travel
- うしろめたさのうらがえし
Ushirometa-sa no uragaeshi Guilty Cover Up
- オシャレしておでかけ
Oshare shite o dekake Smartly Dressed and Going Out
- 天道家のファンタジックなクリスマス
Tendo-ka no fantajikkuna kurisumasu Tendo Family's Fantastic Christmas
- 渡る世間の風は冷たくて。
Wataruseken no kaze wa tsumetakute. Crossing the Wind of Society is Chilly
- 一大決心
Ichi dai kesshin One Large Resolution
- 乱馬・無差別格闘大決戦!
Ranma musabetsu kakuto daisakusen! Ranma * Anything Goes Martial Arts, Large Decisive Battle!
- あかねの想い
Akane no omoi Akane's Thoughts
- 乱馬とあかねのバラード
Ranma to Akane no Baraado (Ranma-teki Kagekidan Bungeibu) The Ballad of Ranma and Akane
- 序曲
Jokyoku Overture
- 鳳凰誕生
Hoo tanjo Phoenix's Birth
- 恐怖のクチバシ攻撃
Kyofu no kuchibashi kogeki Frightful Beak Attack
- すさまじい執念
Susamajī shūnen Dreadful Tenacity
- 風呂場の大決戦Furo-ba no daisakusen
Susamajī shūnen Big Battle in the Bathroom
- 鳳凰の秘密
Hoo no himitsu Phoenix's Secret
- 優しさのさし入れ
Yasashi-sa no sashi ire Kind Gesture
- あかねの大ピンチ
Akane no dai pinchi Akane's Big Pinch
- 乱馬VS鳳凰剣
Ranma VS hooken Ranma vs Phoenix Sword
- 鳳凰・恐怖の巨大化
Hoo kyofu no kyodai-ka Phoenix * Frightful Gigantic Change
- 決死の大空中戦
Kesshi no dai kūchū-sen Do or Die Mid-Air Battle
- 破壊
Hakai Destruction
- 鳳凰の巣立ち
Hoo no sudachi Phoenix's Leaving the Nest
- 残されたモノ
Nokosa reta mono Leaving Behind Pebbles
- 終わらない夏休み
Owaranai natsu yasumi (DoCo) Neverending Summer Vacation
DoCo First
Release Date: July 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCCG-00142
This was the first release by DoCo and contained the songs that would be used in the future OVA releases.
- プロローグ
Puroroogu (DoCo) Prologue
- 僕たちはこれから
Boku-tachi wa Kore Kara (DoCo) Us From Now On
- 赤い靴のSunday
Akai Kutsu no Sunday (DoCo) Red Shoe Sunday
- うそつき
Usotsuki (DoCo) Liar
- 少しだけ坂道
Sukoshi Dake Sakamichi (DoCo) A Slightly Hilly Road
- 思い出がいっぱい
Omoide ga Ippai (DoCo) So Many Memories
- 彼
Kare (DoCo) Him
DoCo Second
Release Date: December 16, 1995
Catalog Number: PCCG-00326
This is the second collection of DoCo songs taken from the OVAs opening and endings and the third film.
- 清く正しいクリスマス
Kiyoku Tadashii Kurisumasu (DoCo) A Pure and Honest Christmas
- 授業中の小学校
Jugyouchuu no Shougakkou (DoCo) In the Middle of Elementary School
- 終わらない夏休み
Owaranai natsu yasumi (DoCo) Neverending Summer Vacation
- かがやく空ときみの声
Kagayaku Sora to Kimi no Koe (DoCo) The Sparkling Sky and Your Voice
- 恋がひとつ消えてしまったの
Koi ga Hitotsu Kiete Shimatta no (DoCo) Love Vanished Once (Regrettably)
- フクザツな両想い 【Live Version】
Fukuzatsuna Ryouomoi [Live] (DoCo) Mutual Love is Complex [Live]
DoCo Voice Tape Ultra-Indiscriminate Press Conference
Release Date: September 1994
Catalog Number: T-4B0011
Titled らんま1 2 DoCo ボイステープ 超無差別記者会見, this is a drama casette that features a scripted press conference with the singers of DoCo. This tape was released through Gakken Animedia's September issue. It features Megumi Hayashibara, Noriko Hidaka, Minami Takayama, Kikuko Inoue and Rei Sakuma. The cover art was designed by Atsuko Nakajima and the scrip was written by Yuichiro Takeda.
- Untitled Side 1
- Untitled Side 2
DoCo Original Karaoke
Release Date: January 20, 1995
Catalog Number: PCCG-00327
This is a collection of the instrumental versions of all of DoCo's work.
- 僕たちはこれから
Boku-tachi wa Kore Kara Us From Now On
- 赤い靴のSunday
Akai Kutsu no Sunday Red Shoe Sunday
- うそつき
Usotsuki Liar
- 少しだけ坂道
Sukoshi Dake Sakamichi A Slightly Hilly Road
- 思い出がいっぱい
Omoide ga Ippai So Many Memories
- 彼
Kare (DoCo) Him
- Equalロマンス
Equal Romansu Equal Romance
- 清く正しいクリスマス
Kiyoku Tadashii Kurisumasu (DoCo) A Pure and Honest Christmas
- 授業中の小学校
Jugyouchuu no Shougakkou (DoCo) In the Middle of Elementary School
- 終わらない夏休み
Owaranai natsu yasumi (DoCo) Neverending Summer Vacation
- かがやく空ときみの声
Kagayaku Sora to Kimi no Koe (DoCo) The Sparkling Sky and Your Voice
- 恋がひとつ消えてしまったの
Koi ga Hitotsu Kiete Shimatta no (DoCo) Love Vanished Once (Regrettably)
- フクザツな両想い
Fukuzatsuna Ryouomoi (DoCo) Mutual Love is Complex
- フクザツな両想い 【Live Version】
Fukuzatsuna Ryouomoi [Live] (DoCo) Mutual Love is Complex [Live]
TV Soundtracks|Movie & OVA Soundtracks
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