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Jajauma ni Sasenaide Single

Release Date: April 25, 1989
Catalog Number: H00K-30018

Single by Etsuko Nishio. Composed by Kunio Maramatsu and Toshihiko Shibaya. Arranged by Kazuo Shiina. Lyrics by Yukinojo Mori.

  1. じゃじゃ馬にさせないで
    Jajauma ni Sasenaide (Etsuko Nishio)
    Don't Make Me a Shrew
  2. 変な恋
    Hen-na Koi (Etsuko Nishio)
    Strange Love

Jajauma ni Sasenaide Single

Platonic Tsuranuite Single

Release Date: April 26, 1989
Catalog Number: XT10-2325

Single by Kaori Sakagami. Composed by Tsugutoshi Goto and Tin Bin. Arranged by Tsugutoshi Goto and Hitomi Kuroishi. Lyrics by Takashi Matsumoto and Tin Bin.

  1. プラトニックつらぬいて
    Platonic Tsuranuite (Kaori Sakagami)
    Let's Keep It Platonic
  2. Boyfriend
    Boyfriend (Kaori Sakagami)

Platonic Tsuranuite Single

Equal Romance Single

Release Date: September 6, 1989
Catalog Number: S7A-11039

Single by CoCo. Lyrics by Neko Oikawa. Composed by Mioko Yamaguchi and Masayuki Iwata. The first single from CoCo. It sold 119,140 copies and reached number 7 on the Oricon charts.

  1. EQUALロマンス
    Equal Romansu (CoCo)
    Equal Romance
  2. 乙女のリハーサル
    Otome no rihaasaru (CoCo)
    Princess Rehersal

Equal Romance Single

Don't Mind Lai-Lai Boy Single

Release Date: October 25, 1989
Catalog Number: H00K-30053

Single by Etsuko Nishio. Composed by Akihiro Yoshimi. Arranged by Hideharu Mori and Fumitaka Anzai. Lyrics by Yukinojo Mori and Sanae Iijima. This song charted for four weeks and reached a height of number 48 on the Oricon charts. This was Etsuko Nishio's final single.

  1. ドンマイ来々少年
    Don Mai Rai Rai Boy (Etsuko Nishio)
    Don't Mind Lai-Lai Boy
  2. ハッピーエンドに眠れない
    Happii Endo ni nemuranai (Etsuko Nishio)
    Can't Sleep With a Happy Ending

Don't Mind Lai-Lai Boy

Little Date Single

Release Date: December 6, 1989
Catalog Number: PCDA-00036

Single by Ribbon. Lyrics by Yoshiko Miura. Composed and arranged by Tsugutoshi Goto.

  1. リトル☆デイト
    Ritoru Deito (Ribbon)
    Little Date
  2. 1/2のチケット
    1/2 no Chiketto
    Half Ticket (Ribbon)

Little Date

Natsu no Tomodachi Single

Release Date: May 17, 1990
Catalog Number: PCDA-00087

Single by CoCo. Here the a-side and b-side are reversed from the single in the Ranma 1/2 Singles Boxset. The a-side was their third single and was used as the ending theme to Tsurutaro no Gag House Mint. This single reached number 3 on the Oricon charts.

  1. 夏の友達
    Natsu no Tomodachi (CoCo)
    Summer Friends
  2. 思い出がいっぱい
    Omoide ga Ippai (CoCo)
    So Many Memories

Natsu no Tomodachi Single

Lambada Ranma Single

Release Date: April 21, 1990
Catalog Number: PCDG-00005

Single by The Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble. Composed by Kenji Kawai and Tsugutoshi Goto. Arranged by Kenji Kawai. This was later reprinted with two more "Original Karaoke" tracks of both songs.

  1. 乱馬ダ★RANMA
    Ranmada Ranma (The Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble)
    Lambada Ranma
  2. リトル☆デイト
    Ritoru Deito (The Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble)
    Little Date

Lambada Ranma Single

Present Single

Release Date: August 21, 1990
Catalog Number: VIDL-25

Single by Tokyo Shonen. The b-side was used in commerials for Tokyo Mode Gakuen.

  1. プレゼント
    Purezento (Tokyo Shonen)
  2. トビキリの朝 (NEO Remix Version)
    Tobikiri no asa (NEO Remix Version) (Tokyo Shonen)
    Superb Morning (NEO Remix Version)

Present Single

Zettai! Part 2 Single

Release Date: October 24, 1990
Catalog Number: PCDA-00113

The debut single of Yoshie Hayasaka. Composed by Toshiaki Matsumoto with lyrics by Neko Oikawa.

  1. 絶対!Part 2
    Zettai! Part 2 (Yoshie Hayasaka)
    Absolutely! Part 2
  2. かたくな かたくな
    Katakuna Katakuna (Yoshie Hayasaka)
    Not Hard Not Hard

Zettai! Part 2 Single

Friends Single

Release Date: January 16, 1991
Catalog Number: KTDR-2011

Single by YAWMIN with lyrics by Junko Ohyama. Arranged by Hideharu Mori and Kenji Kawai Composed by Kunio Muramatsu.

  1. フレンズ
    Furenzu (YAWMIN)
  2. 地球のハテ・恋のハテ?
    Chikyuu no hate koi no hate? (YAWMIN)
    The End of Earth? The End of Love?


Chikyuu Orchestra Single

Release Date: April 25, 1991
Catalog Number: PSDX-1101

Single by Kusu Kusu. Composed by Makoto and Mu. Lyrics by Jiro.

  1. 地球オーケストラ
    Chikyuu Ookesutora (Kusu Kusu)
    Earth Orchestra
  2. 子供達へ (アコースティックバーション)
    Kodomotachi he (Akoosutikku baashon) (Kusu Kusu)
    To the Children (Acoustic Version)

Chikyuu Orchestra

Hinageshi Single

Release Date: April 17, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDA-00173

The second single from Michiyo Nakajima. The first pressing came with a 12 page photo book. It stayed on the Oricon charts for 5 weeks and reached number 10. Music and lyrics by Kyoko Endo.

  1. ひなげし
    Hinageshi (Michiyo Nakajima)
    Poppy Flower
  2. つめたいうわさ
    Tsumetai Uwasa(Michiyo Nakajima)
    Cold Rumor

Hinageshi Single

Mou Nakanaide Single

Release Date: September 4, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDA-00224

The first single from Azusa Seno after she left CoCo. It charted for 7 weeks and reached its highest position (number 5) on the Oricon charts.

  1. もう泣かないで
    Mou Nakanaide (Azusa Seno)
    Don't Cry Anymore
  2. 悲しみを選んで
    Kanashimi o erande (Azusa Seno)
    Choose Sadness (Azusa Seno)
  3. もう泣かないで (オリジナルカラオケ)
    Mou Nakanaide (Orijinaru karaoke) (Azusa Seno)
    Don't Cry Anymore (Original Karaoke)

Mou Nakanaide Single

Positive Single

Release Date: December 18, 1991
Catalog Number: TODT-2738

Single by Miho Morikawa.

  1. Positive
    Positive (Miho Morikawa)
  2. 友達のまま
    Tomodachi no Mama (Miho Morikawa)
    Friend's Mama

Positive Single

Love Seeker (Can't Stop It) Single

Release Date: April 29, 1992
Catalog Number: VJDA-00010

Single by VisioN. Composed by MIYABI, YUKI, TERU, and TAKE. Lyrics by Mitsuko Komuro.

  1. ラヴ・シーカー Can't Stop It
    Rabu Shiikaa (Can't Stop It) (VisioN)
    Love Seeker (Can't Stop It)
  2. ラヴ・シーカー Can't Stop It (ロマンチック・ヴァージョン)
    Rabu Shiikaa (Can't Stop It) (Romanchikku Uaajon) (VisioN)
    Love Seeker (Can't Stop It) (Romantic Version)

Love Seeker (Can't Stop It)

Niji to Taiyou no Oka Single

Release Date: May 27, 1992
Catalog Number: KTDR-2044

Single by Piyo Piyo. Lyrics and composition by Shigezo Uemura.

  1. 虹と太陽の丘
    Niji to Taiyou no Oka (Piyo Piyo)
    A Hill of Rainbow and Sun
  2. アスファルトの道
    Asufaruto no michi (Piyo Piyo)
    Asphalt Road
  3. 虹と太陽の丘 (オリジナルカラオケ)
    Niji to Taiyou no Oka (Orijinaru Karaoke) (Piyo Piyo)
    A Hill of Rainbow and Sun (Original Karaoke)

Niji to Taiyou no Oka Single

It's Love Single

Release Date: October 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDA-00252

The single by the rock n' rollers Rabbit. Lyrics by Tomoharu Iwasa.

  1. イッツ・ラヴ
    Ittsu Rabu (Rabbit)
    It's Love
  2. セクシー・ティーチャー
    Sekushi tiichaa (Rabbit)
    Sexy Teacher
  3. イッツ・ラヴ (ノー・ヴォーカル・ヴァージョン)
    Ittsu Rabu (No uookaru uajyon) (Rabbit)
    It's Love (No Vocals Version)

It's Love Single

A Piece of Love Single

Release Date: July 17, 1992
Catalog Number: KTDR-2049

Major contributors to Maison Ikkoku, Picasso released a single for the second film. The b-side is advertised as being the "Epson '92" commerical song. Also has the catalog number KTDR-2049 with the a-side as Boku no Hitomi no March and A Piece of Love as the b-side.

  1. 僕の瞳のマーチ
    Boku no hitomi no maachi (Picasso)
    The March of My Eyes
  2. A Piece of Love
    A Piece of Love (Picasso)
    A Piece of Love

A Piece of Love Single

Kono yo de Ichiban, O-Shougatsu ga Suki Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00016

"The Best Thing in the World! I Love New Year!" sung by Minami Takeyama (Nabiki) (Track 1) and "Indiscriminate Fighting Line - Pandas Can't Sing" sung by Kenichi Ogata (Genma) (Track 2).

  1. この世でいちばん、お正月が好き
    Kono yo de Ichiban, O-Shougatsu ga Suki (Minami Takeyama)
    I Love New Year's More Than Anything in the World
  2. 無差別格闘一直線~パンダは歌をうたえない
    Musabetsu Kakutou - Icchokusen ~ Panda wa Uta o Utaenai (Kenichi Ogata)
    Indiscriminate Fighting Line - Pandas Can't Sing
  3. この世でいちばん、お正月が好き (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Kono yo de Ichiban, O-Shougatsu ga Suki (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    I Love New Year's More Than Anything in the World (Original Karaoke)
  4. 無差別格闘一直線~パンダは歌をうたえない (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Musabetsu Kakutou - Icchokusen ~ Panda wa Uta o Utaenai (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Indiscriminate Fighting Line - Pandas Can't Sing (Original Karaoke)
  5. 呪泉郷端会議録その1
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 1
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 1

Kono yo de Ichiban, O-Shougatsu ga Suki Single

Valentine ni Kuro-bara o Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00017

"A Black Rose for Valentine's" and "Let's Go to the Forest" both sung by Saeko Shimazu (Kodachi).

  1. バレンタインに黒バラを
    Valentine ni Kuro-bara o (Saeko Shimazu)
    Black Roses for Valentine's Day
  2. 森へ行きましょう
    Mori he Ikimashou (Saeko Shimazu)
    Let's Go to the Forest
  3. バレンタインに黒バラを (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Valentine ni Kuro-bara o (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Black Roses for Valentine's Day (Original Karaoke)
  4. 森へ行きましょう (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Mori he Ikimashou (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Let's Go to the Forest (Original Karaoke)
  5. 呪泉郷端会議録その2
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 2
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 2

Valentine ni Kuro-bara o Single

Yasashii, Ii Ko ni Narenai Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00018

All songs ("I Won't Be a Kind, Good Girl" & "Akane's Lullaby") sung by Noriko Hidaka (Akane).

  1. やさしい、いい娘になれない
    Yasashii, Ii Ko ni Narenai (Noriko Hidaka)
    I Can't Be a Kind, Good Girl
  2. あかねの子守唄
    Akane no Komori Uta (Noriko Hidaka)
    Akane's Lullaby
  3. やさしい、いい娘になれない (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Yasashii, Ii Ko ni Narenai (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    I Can't Be a Kind, Good Girl (Original Karaoke)
  4. あかねの子守唄 (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Akane no Komori Uta (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Akane's Lullaby (Original Karaoke)
  5. 呪泉郷端会議録その3
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 3
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 3

Yasashii, Ii Ko ni Narenai Single

Konya wa April Fools Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00019

"Tonight is April Fools" and "Uncute, Unsexy" sung by Kappei Yamaguchi (male Ranma).

  1. 今夜はエイプリル・フール
    Konya wa Epuriru Fuuru (Kappei Yamaguchi)
    Tonight is April Fool's
  2. かわいくねえ、色気がねえ
    Kawaikunee, Iroke ga nee (Kappei Yamaguchi)
    Uncute, Unsexy
  3. 今夜はエイプリル・フール (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Konya wa Epuriru Fuuru (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Tonight is April Fool's (Original Karaoke)
  4. かわいくねえ、色気がねえ (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Kawaikunee, Iroke ga nee (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Uncute, Unsexy (Original Karaoke)
  5. 呪泉郷端会議録その4
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 4
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 4

Konya wa April Fools Single

Neko Hanten Menu Song Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00020

"Cat Cafe Menu Song" and "Wo Da Airen" sung by Rei Sakuma (Shampoo).

  1. 猫飯店メニュー・ソング
    Neko Hanten Menyu Songu (Rei Sakuma)
    Cat Cafe Menu Song
  2. 我的愛人(ウォーダアイレン)
    Wo Da Airen (Rei Sakuma)
    Wo Da Airen
  3. 猫飯店メニュー・ソング (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Neko Hanten Menyu Songu (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Cat Cafe Menu Song (Original Karaoke)
  4. 我的愛人(ウォーダアイレン) (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Wo Da Airen (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Wo Da Airen (Original Karaoke)
  5. 呪泉郷端会議録その5
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 5
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 5

Neko Hanten Menu Song Single

Otousan Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00021

Kikuko Inoue (Kasumi) sings "Father" while Kappei Yamaguchi (male Ranma) and Megumi Hayashibara (female Ranma) sing "Love Letter from China". This single did not chart.

  1. おとうさん
    Otousan (Kikuko Inoue)
  2. チャイナからの手紙
    China Kara no Tegami (Kappei Yamaguchi & Megumi Hayashibara)
    Letter From China
  3. おとうさん (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Otousan (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Father (Original Karaoke)
  4. チャイナからの手紙 (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    China Kara no Tegami (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Letter From China (Original Karaoke)
  5. 呪泉郷端会議録その6
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 6
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 6

Otousan Single

Omoide ga Ippai Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00022

DoCo sings "Omoide ga Ippai" while Ties (a group comprised of Akane, female Ranma and Shampoo) handles the b-side cover of "Little Date". The single reached 88 on the Oricon charts for a single week.

  1. 思い出がいっぱい
    Omoide ga Ippai (DoCo)
    So Many Memories
  2. リトル☆デイト
    Ritoru Deito (Ties)
    Little Date
  3. 思い出がいっぱい (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Omoide ga Ippai (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    So Many Memories (Original Karaoke)
  4. リトル☆デイト (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Ritoru Deito (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Little Date (Original Karaoke)
  5. 呪泉郷端会議録その7
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 7
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 7

So Many Memories Single

Fascinating Limbo Dance Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00023

Ichiro Nagai (Happosai) and Miyoko Asou (Cologne) duet on "Fascinating Limbo Dance" while "Lambada Ranma" is sung by the entire cast as the Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble.

  1. 魅惑のリンボーダンス
    Miwaku no Rinbo Dansu (Ichiro Nagai & Miyoko Asou)
    Fascinating Limbo Dance
  2. 乱馬ダ★RANMA
    Ranmada Ranma (The Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble)
    Lambada Ranma
  3. 魅惑のリンボーダンス (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Miwaku no Rinbo Dansu (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Fascinating Limbo Dance (Original Karaoke)
  4. 乱馬ダ★RANMA (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Ranmada Ranma (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Lambada Ranma (Original Karaoke)
  5. 呪泉郷端会議録その8
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 8
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 8

Magical Limbo Dance Single

Haikei, Akane-san Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00024

Koichi Yamadera sings "Dear, Akane" while Noriko Hidaka (Akane) handles "Two-Part Secret Heart".

  1. 拝啓、あかねさん
    Haikei, Akane-san (Koichi Yamadera)
    Dear, Akane
  2. ハート ないしょ/2
    Heart Naisho /2 (Noriko Hidaka)
    Heart Secret/2
  3. 拝啓、あかねさん (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Haikei, Akane-san (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Dear, Akane (Original Karaoke)
  4. ハート ないしょ/2 (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Heart Naisho /2 (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Heart Secret/2 (Original Karaoke)
  5. 呪泉郷端会議録その9
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 9
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 9

Haikei Akane-san Single

Yoii * Don Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00025

"Ready * Go!" is sung by Rei Sakuma (Shampoo), Hiromi Tsuru (Ukyo) and Saeko Shimazu (Kodachi). Track two is handled by Kazuhiko Inoue (Mikado) and Naoko Matsui (Azusa).

  1. よーい・どん!
    Yoii * Don (Rei Sakuma, Saeko Shimazu, Noriko Hidaka & Hiromi Tsuru)
    Ready, Set, Go!
  2. 虹とリンクのバラード~いとしのフローレンス
    Niji to Rinku no Ballad ~ Itoshi no Florence (Kazuhiko Inoue & Naoko Matsui)
    The Ballad of Rainbow and the Rink - My Dear Florence
  3. よーい・どん! (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Yoii * Don (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Ready, Set, Go! (Original Karaoke)
  4. 虹とリンクのバラード~いとしのフローレンス (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Niji to Rinku no Ballad ~ Itoshi no Florence (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    The Ballad of Rainbow and the Rink - My Dear Florence (Original Karaoke)
  5. 呪泉郷端会議録その10
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 10
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 10

Yoii * Don Single

November Rain Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00026

Both songs ("November Rain" and "Dream Balloon") are sung by Megumi Hayashibara (female Ranma). This song reached number 64 on the Oricon charts for a single week.

  1. November Rain
    November Rain (Megumi Hayashibara)
    November Rain
  2. 夢のBalloon
    Yume no Balloon (Megumi Hayashibara)
    Dream Balloon
  3. November Rain (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    November Rain (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    November Rain (Original Karaoke)
  4. 夢のBalloon (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Yume no Balloon (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Dream Balloon (Original Karaoke)
  5. 呪泉郷端会議録その11
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 11
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 11

November Rain Single

Character's Christmas Single

Release Date: January 21, 1991
Catalog Number: PCDG-00027

Another group song billed to the Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble.

  1. キャラクターズ・クリスマス
    Kyarakutaazu Kurisumasu (The Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble)
    Character's Christmas
  2. キャラクターズ・クリスマス (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Kyarakutaazu Kurisumasu (Orijinaru Karaoke)
    Character's Christmas (Original Karaoke)
  3. 呪泉郷端会議録その12
    Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 12
    Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 12

Character's Christmas Single

Ranma to Akane no Ballad Single

Release Date: October 6, 1993
Catalog Number: PCDG-000060

The Shin Jusenkyo bata Kaigiroku talks are done by Kappei Yamaguchi, Noriko Hidaka, Kikuko Inoue and Minami Takeyama. The booklet contains a 5 page storyboard for the ending animation. The Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble handles "The Ballad of Ranma and Akane".

  1. 乱馬とあかねのバラード
    Ranma to Akane no Baraado (The Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble)
    Ranma to Akane no Ballad
  2. 乱馬とあかねのバラード (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Ranma to Akane no Baraado (Orijinaru Karaoke) (The Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble)
    Ranma to Akane no Ballad (Original Karaoke)
  3. 新・呪泉郷端会議録 その1
    Shin Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 1
    New Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 1
  4. 新・呪泉郷端会議録 その2
    Shin Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 2
    New Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 2
  5. 新・呪泉郷端会議録 その3
    Shin Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 3
    New Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 3

Ranma to Akane no Ballad Single

Koi da! Panic Single

Release Date: October 21, 1993
Catalog Number: KTDR-2067

The booklet has a storyboard for the opening animation. Music and lyrics by YAWMIN. Arranged by Kitaroh Nakamura. Tracks three through five feature Kappei Yamaguchi, Noriko Hidaka, Minami Takeyama and Kikuko Inoue.

  1. 恋だ! パニック
    Koi da! Panic (Yawmin)
    Love! Panic
  2. 恋だ! パニック (オリジナル・カラオケ)
    Koi da! Panic (Orijinaru Karaoke) (Yawmin)
    Love! Panic (Original Karaoke)
  3. 新・呪泉郷端会議録 その4
    Shin Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 4
    New Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 4
  4. 新・呪泉郷端会議録 その5
    Shin Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 5
    New Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 5
  5. 新・呪泉郷端会議録 その6
    Shin Jusenkyo bata kaigiroku sono 6
    New Jusenkyo Proceedings Record Part 6

Koi da! Panic Single

CD Single Memorial File

Release Date: September 1994
Catalog Number: KACD-4001 through KACD-4018

This boxset contains eighteen disks of singles from the television series, as well as the singles from the first two films. Each disk also includes b-sides that were never used in the show.

Disc 1

  1. じゃじゃ馬にさせないで
    Jajauma ni Sasenaide (Etsuko Nishio)
    Don't Make Me a Shrew
  2. 変な恋
    Hen-na Koi (Etsuko Nishio)
    Strange Love
Disc 2
  1. プラトニックつらぬいて
    Platonic Tsuranuite (Kaori Sakagami)
    Let's Keep It Platonic
  2. Boyfriend
    Boyfriend (Kaori Sakagami)
Disc 3
  1. EQUALロマンス
    Equal Romansu (CoCo)
    Equal Romance
  2. 乙女のリハーサル
    Otome no rihaasaru (CoCo)
    Princess Rehersal
Disc 4
  1. ドンマイ来々少年
    Don Mai Rai Rai Boy (Etsuko Nishio)
    Don't Mind Lai-Lai Boy
  2. ハッピーエンドに眠れない
    Happii Endo ni nemuranai (Etsuko Nishio)
    Can't Sleep With a Happy Ending
Disc 5
  1. リトル☆デイト
    Ritoru Deito (Ribbon)
    Little Date
  2. 1/2のチケット
    1/2 no Chiketto
    Half Ticket (Ribbon)
Disc 6
  1. 思い出がいっぱい
    Omoide ga Ippai (CoCo)
    So Many Memories
  2. 夏の友達
    Natsu no Tomodachi (CoCo)
    Summer Friends
Disc 7
  1. 乱馬ダ★RANMA
    Ranmada Ranma (The Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble)
    Lambada Ranma
  2. リトル☆デイト
    Ritoru Deito (The Ranma 1/2 Choral Ensemble)
    Little Date
Disc 8
  1. プレゼント
    Purezento (Tokyo Shonen)
Disc 9
  1. 絶対!Part 2
    Zettai! Part 2 (Yoshie Hayasaka)
    Absolutely! Part 2
  2. かたくな かたくな
    Katakuna Katakuna (Yoshie Hayasaka)
    Not Hard Not Hard
Disc 10
  1. フレンズ
    Furenzu (YAWMIN)
  2. 地球のハテ・恋のハテ?
    Chikyuu no hate koi no hate? (YAWMIN)
    The End of Earth? The End of Love?
Disc 11
  1. 地球オーケストラ
    Chikyuu Ookesutora (Kusu Kusu)
    Earth Orchestra
  2. 子供達へ (アコースティックバーション)
    Kodomotachi he (Akoosutikku baashon) (Kusu Kusu)
    To the Children (Acoustic Version)
Disc 12
  1. ひなげし
    Hinageshi (Michiyo Nakajima)
    Poppy Flower
  2. つめたいうわさ
    Tsumetai Uwasa(Michiyo Nakajima)
    Cold Rumor
Disc 13
  1. もう泣かないで
    Mou Nakanaide (Azusa Seno)
    Don't Cry Anymore
  2. 悲しみを選んで
    Kanashimi o erande (Azusa Seno)
    Choose Sadness (Azusa Seno)
Disc 14
  1. Positive
    Positive (Miho Morikawa)
  2. 友達のまま
    Tomodachi no Mama (Miho Morikawa)
    Friend's Mama
Disc 15
  1. ラヴ・シーカー Can't Stop It
    Rabu Shiikaa (Can't Stop It) (VisioN)
    Love Seeker (Can't Stop It)
  2. ラヴ・シーカー Can't Stop It (ロマンチック・ヴァージョン)
    Rabu Shiikaa (Can't Stop It) (Romanchikku Uaajon) (VisioN)
    Love Seeker (Can't Stop It) (Romantic Version)
Disc 16
  1. 虹と太陽の丘
    Niji to Taiyou no Oka (Piyo Piyo)
    A Hill of Rainbow and Sun
  2. アスファルトの道
    Asufaruto no michi (Piyo Piyo)
    Asphalt Road
Disc 17
  1. イッツ・ラヴ
    Ittsu Rabu (Rabbit)
    It's Love
  2. セクシー・ティーチャー
    Sekushi tiichaa (Rabbit)
    Sexy Teacher
Disc 18
  1. A Piece of Love
    A Piece of Love (Picasso)
    A Piece of Love
  2. 僕の瞳のマーチ
    Boku no hitomi no maachi (Picasso)
    The March of My Eyes

Single Memorial File

Iinazukkyun Single

Release Date: October 9, 2024
Catalog Number: TFCC-89786~89787

Pictured is the limited edition cover with artwork by Mappa, the standard cover artwork can be seen here.

  1. 許婚っきゅん
    Iinazukkyun (ano)
  2. 許婚っきゅん [Anime Edit]
    Iinazukkyun [Anime Edit] (ano)
    Fiancée [Anime Edit]
  3. 許婚っきゅん [Instrumental]
    Iinazukkyun [Instrumental]
    Fiancée [Instrumental]


Anta Nante. Single

Release Date: November 6, 2024
Catalog Number: TFCC-89789

Pictured is the CD release, on October 13, 2024 the single song was released with a digital cover seen here. The cover illustrations are both by Minami Kitamura. The first pressing also included a sticker.

  1. あんたなんて。
    Anta Nante. (Riria)
    I Can't Believe You.
  2. あんたなんて。(TV Size Ver.)
    Anta Nante. [TV Size Ver.] (Riria)
    I Can't Believe You. [TV Size Ver.]
  3. あんたなんて。(天道あかね(CV:日髙のり子)
    Anta Nante. (Akane Tendo) (CV: Noriko Hidaka)
    I Can't Believe You. (Akane Tendo) (CV: Noriko Hidaka)
  4. あんたなんて。(-Instrumental-)
    Anta Nante. [-Instrumental-] (Riria)
    I Can't Believe You. [-Instrumental-]
  5. あんたなんて。(TV Size Ver. -Instrumental-)
    Anta Nante. [TV Size Ver. -Instrumental-] (Riria)
    I Can't Believe You. [TV Size Ver. -Instrumental-]

Anta Nante.

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