overview: Rumiko Takahashi Anthology was announced alongside Mermaid Saga which immediately followed it once the thirteen week run of Takahashi's shorts had aired. Akira Nishimori, the director involved with this series, was a director on a number of episodes of Inuyasha and much of the cast was comprised of various voice actors from past Takahashi anime series. As for the staff, the series director was Akira Nishimori, executive producer: Masahito Yoshioka, music: Agent MR, character designs: Hideyuki Motohashi, Ichiro Ogawa & Mari Tominaga with art director Toshiyuki Tokuda & Yuka Ohashi and art setting provided by Hiroshi Izumi.
In the United States, Rumiko Takahashi Anthology was a very poor seller, though admittedly it was a very niche title. In an interview with ANN Cast, Geneon's head of marketing Chad Kime discussed the legendarily poor selling titles that Genenon had licensed and in some cases grossly overpaid to acquire. He specifically mentions Heat Guy J and Demon Lord Dante but states, "In terms of straight unit sales, Rumiko Takahashi Anthology... two digits of sales. The first volume may have sold 300. And volume two was... 80 maybe." Later in the interview Kime is asked to quickly comment on the sales of various other Geneon releases in the United States. When asked about Mermaid Forest he states, "Meh. I think we spent too much on the contract. It did okay. But, it did a lot better than Rumiko Takahashi Anthology."
Episode 1: Pの悲劇
P no higeki (The Tragedy of P)
The Tragedy of P follows the struggle of Mrs. Haga to keep her guest, Pitto the penguin, out of sight from Mrs. Kakei, the resident tattletale who will report the bird's violation of the pet free apartment building.
Episode 2: 浪漫の商人
Roman no akindo (The Merchant of Romance)
A wedding chapel that has fallen on hard times struggles to stay in business while its young owner seeks to deal with a recent divorce and the burden of keeping her friends employed.
Episode 3: おやじローティーン
Oyaji Low Teen (Middle-Aged Teen)
A tough, business-minded father loses his memory and believes he is a teenager. He meets a young school girl and can't help but become smitten with her.
Episode 4: 鉢の中
Hachi no naka (Hidden in the Pottery)
Mrs. Asakawa suspects her neighbor of beating her elderly mother-in-law being responsible for the death of her husband. The mystery unfolds when Mrs. Asakawa makes a shocking discovery hidden inside a potted plant.
Episode 5: 迷走家族F
Meiso kazoku faia (F) (Aberrant Family F)
Hazuki's family is virtually in the poorhouse. Therefore she is shocked when her father decides to go on an expensive family vacation. Soon she suspects that her father's motives may involve a suicide pact for she and her family.
Episode 6: 君がいるだけで
Kimi ga iru dake de (As Long As You Are Here)
When Mr. Domoto is laid off of his prestigious job as a salaryman, his wife falls ill and asks him to fill in for her at the convenience store. There, his rough personality doesn't mesh well with his co-workers, but he learns from a hard-working foreigner named Achara to persevere.
Female High School Student: Yu Kobayashi/Qyen Regal
Episode 7: 百年の恋
Hyaku-nen no koi (One Hundred Years of Love)
Risa Hoshino comes back from the dead with amazing telekenetic powers. The old woman develops a crush on another patient and believes him to be the reincarnation of her jilted lover from decades ago.
Episode 8: お礼にかえて
Orei ni kaete (In Lieu of Thanks)
Mrs. Kobato finds herself in the middle of a battle between the stuck-up Mrs. Shiratori and the elderly Mrs. Ukai, who eventually bring a crab and a bird into the argument.
Episode 9: 茶の間のラブソング
Cha no ma no rabusongu (Living Room Lovesong)
A middle-aged man loses his wife and is bothered by the fact that he does not cry at her funeral. Her spirit soon returns to haunt him as he begins to develop feelings for the young office worker at his company.
Episode 10: ポイの家
Poi no uchi (House of Garbage)
The Hirooka's front door is mistaken for a garbage drop spot, and when the boss's wife starts throwing out his favorite things, Ritsuko and Yoshio have to do everything they can to save the tacky items, or risk losing a promotion.
Ritsuko's Father-in-Law: Wataru Takagi/William Frederick
Kenta Hirooka: Sachi Matsumoto/Tara Platt
Ami Hirooka: Keiko Han/Reiko Matsuo
Episode 11: 日帰りの夢
Higaeri no yume (One Day Dream)
Shinonome is a downtrodden company man who is going through life without finding true happiness. His junior high school reunion soon rolls around and his thoughts turn to a girl he once loved name Shima.
Young Mother: Isshin Chiba/Mackenzie Hunter Austin
Oda: Mari Maruta/Carrie Savage
Episode 12: Lサイズの幸福
L saizu no shiawase (Extra-Large Size Happiness)
Ryuuichi's mother, Kayoko moves in with her son and his young wife, Hanako. But problems start to arise when Hanako starts behaving oddly and risking the anger of her mother-in-law who they are counting on to invest in their new home. Hanako claims a large spirit is the cause, but only she can see him.
Episode 13: 専務の犬
Senmu no inu (The Executive's Dog)
The Kogure's are asked to take care of Mr. Matsurida's dog Gorgeous, but when his mistress moves in, and the children draws eyebrows on the dog, things become complicated.