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To comemmorate the 25th anniversary of Big Comic Spirits, the home of Maison Ikkoku, Takahashi provided this two page story detailing the story behind the creation of her popular romantic comedy. In the story Takahashi watches the odd apartment building across the street, pitches the idea to her editor, and begins drawing the story along side her former assistants Kuniko Saito and Makiko Nakano.

Published In:
  • Big Comic Spirits 2005 Vol. 47
Publication Date: October 24, 2005
Pages: 2 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • Rumiko Takahashi discusses the crumbling apartment next door in her interview with Akira Toriyama from 1986 and in the "My Dreaming Days" interview as well.
  • Kuniko Saito and Makiko Nagano both appear in Rumiko Takahashi's autobiographical manga The Diary of Kemo Kobiru.