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Aim For the Ace!

Aim For the Ace! (Chapter 3)
Ace wo mezase! (Dan san kai)

Another collaborative effort from a group of doujinshi artist of which Takahashi was a member. For her part, Takahashi tackled the third chapter of this soccer story. The third chapter revolves around a man in black glasses and Kira, the heroine of the piece.

Published In:
  • Fukidashi Vol. 14
Publication Date: 1978
Pages: X (full color) XX (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • Takahashi wrote this manga under her pen name, Kemo Kobiru.
  • An exact date is unknown but this dojinshi was likely published before June 25, 1978 which is the date of Takahashi's professional debut with Those Selfish Aliens (勝手なやつら). That same year she would also publish the first chapter of Urusei Yatsura on August 30, 1978.