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Two full color four panel manga strip revolving around a fairy that comes into a man's life and causes problems and mischief, while the second story deals with a fairy hogging a mirror.

Published In:
  • Boys and Girls Complete Competitive Collection of SF Manga PART 13
Publication Date: January 1, 1982
Pages: 1 (full color)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • The books that these were published in, Boys and Girls Complete Competitive Collection of SF Manga (少年少女SFマンガ競作大全集) features some continuity of creators during this time. Other than Rumiko Takahashi, Kaoru Shintani (新谷かおる) (of Area 88 fame), Tomoko Naka (名香智子) and Hideo Azuma (吾妻ひでお).
  • Rumiko Takahashi does not typically work in the 4 panel strip format. In Japan this is called 四コマ (yon koma) and there are some manga artists that specialize in this type of storytelling. The structure follows a format where the first panel sets the stage of the story (起/ki). The second panel then develops the story (承/shou). The third panel (転/ten) is the climax. The fourth panel is the conclusion (結/ketsu).
  • Rumiko Takahashi has done a few four panel stripes in her career. These include a Untitled in the debut issue of Young Sunday, Delinquent, My Scandal and a special four panel Kyokai no RINNE strip.
  • This short was published between Urusei Yatsura chapter 113 and chapter 114.