Are there any trends that you missed in 2019?
Please share your personal buzzword contest.
Fukakyon's "Loss-daccha!"Webmasters' Note: Fukakyon is Kyoko Fukada, who protrayed Lum in the Tokyo Gas commericials around July 2019.
New Year's Eve is upon us! Are there any "worldly desires" you would like to erase?
A good appetite.
It's the second year of the Reiwa Era! Is there any future technology you'd like to see appear now?
I can't even use Heisei technology...
Are there any substitute products you can't be satisfied with?
Schau Essen.Webmasters' Note: Schau Essen is a sausage brand.
January 22nd is Curry Day! Tell us about your commitment to curry!
Potatoes are a must.
Please tell me about a question you wanted answered in your student days.
I don't remember at all.
Intelligence, speed, offensive power, and defensive power: how would you rank these from most important to least important?
Rumiko Takahashi did not appear in this issue.
I want to escape reality for a bit. What do you recommend?
Eat something delicious.
Do you have a favorite dialect or foreign language?
I like the dialects of Hokkaido and Okinawa.
This year is a leap year! How do you want to use your extra day?
What words do the angel and devil in your heart say?
Angel: Don't eat before you go to bed. Devil: Eat.
It's Doraemon's 50th Anniversary! What gadget would you want to use more than any other?
The Anywhere Door.
How did you decide on the title of your series?
Because it's a cat.Webmasters' Note: Mao is Chinese for cat.
Please look ahead and tell us what you're likely to say in the future!
Don't eat more.
April Fools Day! Please tell us something that you don't know if it's true or not!
Hanshin will win.
Please tell us about when you used your time in luxurious way.
The one year and five months before serialization were a luxury.
Who or what are you secretly paying attention to right now?
Kaoru Karezawa-sensei.
Please tell us the origin of your self-portrait!
I'm still using the one I had when I was younger.
April 30th is Library Day! Did you have a favorite book when you were a child?
A collecton of Hirosuke fairy tales.
Please tell me the matching pair that make you say, "_______ and ______ are delicious!"
Sapporo Ichiban ramen with Shungiku is delicious.
Please tell us your most comfortable sleeping posture!
May 27th is Hyakunin Isshu Day. Please tell us the 5-7-5 of manga artists!
5-7-5 isn't that a haiku? Isn't it a waka poem?Webmasters' Note: Hyakunin Isshu is 100 poems, each by one by one author each. 5-7-5 is how haiku's are written.
Is there anything you wish you had studied as a student?
Japanese history.
Please share your favorite onomatopoeia!
June 24th is Do-Re-Mi Day. If you were to start playing an instrument now, whic would you choose?
I've been playing the ukulele for 20 years.
Tell us a "dark secret" from your past!
It's faded from memory.
Please tell us the rules of the workplace!
We eat and sleep at the same time.
What's something you've been saying for a long time but no one believes?
Saying you'll feel better if you eat something.
Is there a hairstyle you'd like to try once in your life?
Just my own Japanese hair.
Are there any particular gestures that you enjoy drawing?
People eating.
It's summer. What are you looking at now?
Bekoba (Sticky?)
Please tell us your "favorite words" that you like so much you want to put in your works?
And so on.
Is there a club activity you wanted to try when you were a student?
I was in the art club, the manga club and the literature club.
Is there anything you keep in mind when naming your characters?
Pick a name that's easy to say, hasn't been used often and fits the character.
Please tell me a latent ability that still lies dormant within you!
I won't know until it awakens.
Is there a place where you are easily able to get ideas?
In front of my desk.
Have you ever felt that reality is stranger than manga?
In this day and age I got two rolls of toilet paper from the waste paper collection. That was a pleasant surprise!
Please share your best method for fighting drowsiness!
Eat Frisk.Editors Note: Frisk is a Japanese brand of mint.
October 14th is Sports Day! Where would you like to go?
I've never gone to Aomori or Akita Prefectures.
What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
An Osomatsu-kun manga.
When you were a child what did you long for?
To be a mangaka.
Is there anything you've bought that you haven't mastered yet?
Probably my computer.
November 11th is Battery Day. How do you recharge your motivation?
Rest well.
Please tell us what would win your Personal Buzzword Contest this year!
Apologies, apologies, apologies!!
Is there anything you can't throw away?
Character goods.
Despite there not being much time left in 2020, are there still things you want to do?
Write New Years cards.
What are questions you've secretly wanted to ask other artists but haven't? Though they'd probably see it here, though.
I want to ask Aiko Koyama-sensei (Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san) "Is yakisoba and miso a staple of your diet?"
Tell us what World Cultural and Natural Heritage site you'd like to visit in your lifetime!
Machu Pichu.
Was your first dream of the new year anything shocking?
A dream where I completed one serialization but did not start another.
What have you unconsciously taken a picture of lately?
My Purple Ribbon award.
Could you tell us if there are any words you've learned recently?
I can't remember any.
What do you think is the "representation of adolescence?"
After school clubs in high school.
What did you do with your first manuscript fee?
Paid back my loans.
What commercial has left an impression on you?
NTT with SMAP's song "Gachaman".
Tell us about a single meal that you've eaten up until now that was so genuinely tasty it moved you emotionally!
I think it was beef I had somewhere one time?
Tell us your pick for "outstanding supporting role!"
Chopped onions.
March is the start of Graduation season. Is there something you'd like to finally graduate from?
Nothing in particular.
What kind of praise do you like to receive?
"It was really good."
It's a guilty pleasure, but tell us the foods you crave and eat at night!
What's the title of the oldest work you can remember drawing?
A manga version of The War of the Gargantuas.
It's the season for new beginnings. Tell us what kind of item that you think would be convenient to have!
April 7th is self care day. Tell us the ways you've been managing your health recently!
Not overeating.
April 14th is "Good Chair Day." If there's anything that a chair in your office or home has to have, please tell us!!
Basically a chair I won't get tired of easily.
Is there anything special that if no one asked you wouldn't tell?
April 28th is "Yard Day." Is there a place that you know so well that you can say "This is my yard!"?
I have none.
Are there any phrases or words in your notepad that you've not used? If so, tell us!
I'm not sure since there isn't a manga equivalent to a notepad.
Since becoming a mangaka are there things you've reexamined and do differently now?
I was researching each of my works one by one.
Was there anything you thought to yourself "This is going to be the next big fad!" If so, what was it?
It's said that if a child learns and practices the performing arts beginning at six-years-old they can master it. Are there any fun things you've practicied and mastered?
When I was in high school, I learned English from an 80 year old man.
Have you made any "adult purchases?"
Manga is always an adult purchase.
Have you ever bought something at first glance?
Sennen Kitsune.
Are there any foods that you find yourself craving regularly?
7-11's frozen chicken wing tips.
Could you tell us something that based on vague impressions alone you wouldn't try?
I missed my chance to get in on the Tapioca fad.
What would be the first thing you'd do if you were suddenly split into two?
What's a book you wish you could erase your memories of and experience for the first time again?
Sangokushi.Editors Note: Aiko Koyama the mangaka of Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san chose Rough, Maison Ikkoku and Kyukyoku Chojin-R.
What are things you'd open your otherwise closed wallet for?
Manga volumes.
What do you believe are two things that when paired together cannot be defeated?
Soba and onions.
Do you have a movie poster that you thought was excellent?
Drunken Master.Webmasters' Note: Nekoguchi, the mangaka of Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake! chose the poster of Urusei Yatsura Movie 5: The Final Chapter, which was actually drawn by Rumiko Takahashi as his favorite film poster.
What's a sushi material you can't live without?
Sea urchin and fatty tuna.
Summer means a lot of Summer homework. Could everyone talk about how they approached finishing their summer homework when they were children?
I took my assignments seriously and did them all right away.
Are there any picture books you read as a child that have left a lasting impression on you?
Rieko Nakagawa and Yuriko Yamawaki's Guri and Gura.
Are there any instruments you've always wanted to play?
Tell us about the most beautiful scenery you've ever seen.
The thick forests seen from the top of the Mexican pyramids.
Do you have a "morning routine" you do upon awakening?
Turn on the TV.
Who or what are you currently showing support for?
The Hanshin Tigers.
Tell us some four character sayings you think are cool!
Completely ridiculous. (Shoushishinban).
When one says "ultimate seasoning" what comes to mind?
Soy sauce.
What's the first thing that goes in your cart when shopping at a convenience store?
Pepsi and Lemon.Webmasters' Note: Lemon is a brand of green tea.
Tell us what you use as BGM while working.
Variety shows I've recorded.
Are there any pieces of furniture you were particular about when choosing to buy them?
My dining room table and chair. Beyond that is my living room sofa.
It's starting to get cold. Tell us of an ingredient you just can't eat hot pot without.
Tell us something you've bought recently and thought, "I'm satisfied with this purchase."
Clothing made with natural fibers.
If you could instantly teleport anywhere, where would you go?
What's a thing you've done lately that has left you feeling warm and fluffy?
When a former assistant of mine brought their child over for a visit.
What kinds of foods and perishables do you always keep on hand?
Tell us your 2021 highlights!
The steady advance of the Hanshin Tigers in the first half of the year.
What do you consider the main dish in a new years cuisine?
As a child, what did you use your otoshidama on?
I'd set the money aside but before I knew it, it was gone.
What's the smartphone app you use the most?
LINE. I've only recently made my smartphone debut.
February 1st is the 69th anniversary of TV broadcasts (in Japan). What are your most memorable TV programs?
Shin Hakkenden on NHK.
What was a game you played as a child that left a lasting impression?
What comes to your mind as the ultimate dish to go with white rice?
What are you looking forward to this year?
Yuzuru Hanryu partcipating in the Beijin Olympics.
Tell us what the most recent picture on your camera roll is.
The last thing I ate.
Tell us the snack you'd be the happiest to receive as a gift!
What would you consider your "Fated enemy?"
What is your favorite scent that immediately gets your attention?
The smell of fried meat.
Do you have a saying or ultimate attack phrase you picked up and imitated a lot?
A long time ago "We did it Babe" was a buzz phrase.
April 5th is "Hair Cut Day!" Are there any haircuts you've wanted to try out?
I've done it all at least once. I'm good.
The school semester is beginning. Is there anything new you'd like to learn?
How to color (artwork) with a computer. (It's impossible for me though.)
Tell us what kinds of foods you choose when ordering out!
Rumiko Takahashi did not appear in this issue.
What do you think of when someone asks you about a life changing encounter?
A friend I met in college.
Tell us a little something you've learned recently?
My assistant told me that teflon frying pans will last a while if you freeze and then wash them.
Tell us what you eat or drink for extra energy?
Is there a work you've binged in one go after hearing about it once?
Kenichi Sato's French Revolution novel series, and Eiji Yoshikawa's Sangokushi.
What's the most interesting thing in your room?
My sofa.
Tell us what your best school subject was back when you were a student.
What I loved most was Japanese History.
Is there anything that you usually enjoy doing but haven't gotten around to lately?
June 18th is "Onigiri Day!" If you were on a picnic and brought two onigiri with you, what would they be?
Salmon and plums.
What's something you've experienced for the first time recently?
Used a smartphone.
What foods come to mind when you think of a tasty combination?
Meat and rice.
What are you doing to prepare for summer?
Considering buying cucumbers.
What are your goals for the second half of 2022?
Rumiko Takahashi did not appear in this issue.
What's an important lesson you learned as a child?
I learned the lesson, "Things aren't all good or evil, just art" from reading Hisao Maki's manga.
August 1st is Buffet Day! When you go to a buffet what is something you absolutely have to eat?
Eggs, sausage and bacon are what I grab first.
Tell us your favorite bowl served over rice!
Is there anyone you'd wnat to meet at least once in your lifetime?
I'd like to admire Lu Bu from Romance of the Three Kingdoms from afar.
If you could relive your elementary school summer vacation once more, what would you do?
August 31st is Vegetables Day! What are your favorite vegetables and how do you eat them?
Stir fried pepper cut into thin strips with soy sauce flavoring.
What comes to your mind when differentiating between an "aroma" and a "stench"?
An aroma is curry. A stench is chameleon plant.
September 14th is "Gourmet Day!" Can you talk about what foods you make room for even when you're stuffed?
Japanese soba.
If you got a single day that had 25 hours instead of 24 what would you do with the extra hour?
Read books and I guess flip through Twitter.
I often forget things at school. Do you have any "bad habits" you'd like to share?
I attempt to do too much at once and forget everything I was doing.
Autumn is the season for a good appetite! Could you tell us what is on your autumn plate and how you eat it?
Mackerel pike with graded radish.
It's tough getting used to living alone. What are some household chores you're good at versus ones that give you a hard time?
I don't know if I'm particularly good at it, but I cook. What I'm not so great at is cleaning up after myself.
What's a side dish htat upon seeing it brings you joy?
If you could be young again for a single day, when in your life would you return to?
I'd return to being 18 so I could go to buffets and eat whatever I want.
I'm going to be an adult this year!! When was the first time you started thinking of yourself as an adult?
When I started paying taxes.
Tell us a food you ate on a trip and thought was tasty!
Chilled Chinese noodles in Iwate.
November 16th is "Good Colors Day!" What's your favorite color and why?
Yellow, because of Hanshin.
Did you have any New Years resolutions that you made this year but haven't yet done or been able to do?
Tis the season for tasty hotpots (nabe). What are some of your favorite ingredients?
Yosenabe. To is an essential incredient.Webmasters' Note: Yosenabe is a pot of chicken or seafood cooked in a dashi broth.
I'm worried about what to ask Santa for. What's the best gift you've ever gotten for Christmas?
It's finally the end of the year. What are some wordly desires you want to be freed from as the new year begins?
Eating late at night.
I started a diet! What are some things you've started recently?
It's been so cold, I've been eating hot pot alone.
What's an item you can't bear the depths of winter without?
Hand cream.
Tell us what you consider to be the single best movie scene!!
When Olivia Hussey made her appearance in the 1968 film adaptation of Romeo & Juliet.
If you could go to anyone's house and hang out there, whose house would you choose?
Versailles Palace before the revolution occurred.
If you could be the manager of a store for a day, what store would you choose?
A store that sells folk craft and other things.
Tell us a work (be it a movie, manga, novel or anything else) that never fails to warm your heart!
I read Chiikawa everyday.Webmasters' Note: Nagano's Nanka Chiisakute Kawaii Yatsu or Chiikawa for short is a Twitter manga that has been serialized since January 2020.
Are there any lines that you find yourself unwittingly repeating? If so, tell us!
Tom Brown's "No!"
Do you hava something that gets you thinking, "As long as I have this, I can do anything"? If so, tell us!
Tezuka's works, especially W3 and Dororo. Also Fujiko-sensei's Perman.
What's something that inadvertently ends up in your shopping cart when in the convience store?
Natto maki.
Thinking way back, what's the oldest memory you have?
I have a memory of my mom holding me and chasing my brother who was peeking at us from outside the room.
What's something you've laughed at the hardest lately?
Wasteland's "The first time being arrested!" line.Webmasters' Note: This is referring to the comedy group Wasteland and their performance at the M-1 grand prix, a comedy competition.
What's something you can't bring yourself to throw away?
Character merchandise.
Tell us what background music you have on while working.
I usually work while watching various movies on DVD.
What's the number one major lie you've told (or told someone) on April Fool's Day?
I can't lie.
The new school season is upon us! What subjects would you study if you could go back to school?
Japanese history.
Are there any unconscious actions you take due to superstitions?
I eat fish before working on my storyboards.
Who do you think to yourself, "This person's life would make a great manga?"
I wouldn't draw it, but Yoshiko Kawashima.Webmasters' Note: A Qing dynasty princess and female spy for the Japanese Kwantung Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
What's something you've thought to yourself, "I really gotta own one of those someday!"
Jusaburo's Shin Hakkenden doll.
If you were to compare yourself to an animal, what animal would that be?
A bull that tills agricultural fields.
Who would you consider an awesome person?
The Yorois from Chikawa.Webmasters' Note: Chikawa is a manga series by Nagano. The Yorois are a trio made up of Ponchette, Rodo, and Ramen. Takahashi has mentioned that the Shonen Sunday editorial department got her some character goods from Chikawa for her birthday.
Now's the time of year to travel. What's an unforgettable memory you've made while traveling?
Rumiko Takahashi did not appear in this issue.
Tell us what books you loved during your adolesence?
All of Yasutaka Tsutsui's works and Kazumasa Hirai's Wolf Guy series.Webmasters' Note: Takahashi has frequently discussed her love of Tsutsui's works and often cites his humor as being particularly influential on her own work. She also wrote an autobigraphical manga on him. Takahashi has also illustrated novelizations of Wolf Guy and conducted a lenthy interview with Kazumasa Hirai.
Give us your top answers to the question, "What's the one thing you'll absolutely need to have on a deserted island?"
Rumiko Takahashi did not appear in this issue.
What would you say has the most healing effect on you nowadays?
Crashing on my sofa.
Can you tell us what was the most luxurious time in your life?
In my thirties I stayed in a high class ryokan that was across from the Nara hotel used by the imperial family.Webmasters' Note: Shiishihi/Takahiro Arai of Te No Geka answered: "When I met Mitsuru Adachi and Rumiko Takahashi, it was a real "pinch me, am I dreaming?" moment.
Tanabata is coming soon! Could you tell us what your favorite romantic movies are to mark the occasion?
West Side Story (1961 version).
What's a gesture that others do that makes your heart skip a beat?
Rumiko Takahashi did not appear in this issue.
What's a saying or phrase that you understand best?
"All's well that ends well."
What's something you're waffling on buying or not buying?
A new display case.
When you think of summer you think of ghost stories! What's the most terrified you've ever felt?
There was a vase in the bahtroom window of the house next door, and the shape changed every time I saw it.
Is there any past advice you regret not listening to?
Upgrading my cell phone to a smart phone. Mine is still a flip phone.
August 25th is Instant Ramen Day! Please share with us your favorite type of ramen or favorite ramen shop!
Lawson's frozen chicken stock and soy sauce ramen.
It's been so hot lately that I've been eating a lot of ice cream. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Anything refreshing and sweet.
It doesn't matter if you can't remember, what was the first manga you ever read?
Rumiko Takahashi did not appear in this issue.
Who is a manga character that you'd like to be friends with?
Chuu-san from Night Watch Cat (夜廻り猫/Yomawari Neko).
What do you usually eat when you're hungry?
I'll pick up some sweets while I'm working.
If you could cast a single spell only once, what kind of magic spell would you cast?
Tidying up magic.
What was the moment in your life when you felt the greatest sense of accomplishment?
When I finished drawing a long manga.
What is your routine for keeping yourself motivated?
I take a nap and then when I wake up I drink a Pepsi Zero.
What have you bought on impulse only to regret it?
Spiritual amulets that didn't have any explanatory text.
Sensei, when do you start feeling like "it's autumn".
When I eat saury.
November 1st is "Sushi Day" what is your go to order when you go to a sushi restaurant?
Medium fatty tuna.
Tell me about a person whose life you'd like to experience.
I'd like to see other people's lives from the outside so I don't have to experience them myself.
What parts of the figure to you pay the most attention to when you are drawing someone?
The eyes to ensure that they seem lively.
Do you have a favorite game from your childhood?
Hyakkunin Isshu.Webmasters' Note: Hyakkunin Isshu (百人一首) is an anthology of 100 Japanese poems by 100 different poets. The game aspect of this is the karuta card game version where someone reads out a line from the poem and the players see who can grab the matching card that has the rest of the verse or associated image on the card. This was mentioned before in an interview between Rumiko Takahashi and Takarazuka actress Maki Ichiro.
December 1st is Movie Day! What is your favorite movie or the most interesting movie you've seen lately?
Welcome to the Occult Forest: The Movie (オカルトの森へようこそ: The Movie)
Please tell us your recommendations for local specialities and gourmet foods.
Mikazuki's "Italian".
What was your favorite subject when you were a student?/i>
Japanese language and Japanese history.
Please tell us your favorite memory of 2023!
My memories of Hanshin.
Are there any lessons you'd like to take now that you're an adult?
What apps do you use on your smart phone other than messaging tools?
I look at Chiikawa on X.Webmasters' Note: Nanka Chiisakute Kawaii Yatsu or Chiikawa for short is a Twitter manga that has been serialized since January 2020 by the mononymous Nagano.
Is there a ride that you absolutely must ride when you go to an amusement park?
If there's no age limit on it, then the roller coaster.
What piece of furniture in your room do you pay the most attention to?
The chairs and sofa.
What person (or character) makes you think, "I wish I had a voice like that?"
Rumiko Takahashi did not appear in this issue.
Please tell us your favorite chocolate sweets!
Rumiko Takahashi did not appear in this issue.
What do you take with you when traveling for long periods of time?
My smartphone.
Please let us know what you've recently ordered and eaten?
I'd like to order some curry.
Do you have a favorite "smell" or "fragrance" that you can't help but enjoy?
The scent of garlic from an Italian restaurant.
What side dish would you like to have in your bento box?
Fried egg.
What kind of committees were you involved in back during your student days?
It's been so long ago that I've forgotten.
If you could try another job just for a day, what would you like to do?
Rumiko Takahashi did not appear in this issue.
Have you gotten any "small luxuries" lately?
I rode in "gran class" on the shinkansen for the first time.
Please tell me about any works (manga, movies, etc.) that make you feel refreshed?
Indian movies like Baahubali.
Please tell us what sweets you'd like to bring on a field trip!
Is there any musical artist you'd like to see live?
Hideki Togi.
Now that you're an adult, what is a work (manga, movie, etc.) that has stuck with you?
NHK's puppet show Shin Hakkenden.Webmasters' Note: Shin Hakkenden (新八犬伝) was a puppet show adaptation of that ran on NHK for 464 episodes between April 2, 1973 to March 28, 1975.
Are there any foods that you realized were delicious after you became an adult?
Daikon radish.
If you were on a school trip right now, where would you like to go?
I'd like to go to Kyoto again.
Out of all the animals you've seen at the zoo or aquarium, which would you like to keep?
A penguin.
What film or other work would you like to visit like a pilgrimage to a sacred place?
Tomoyo Harada's The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.
Which manga character would you like to have as your younger brother or sister?
Zhuge Liang from Sangokushi.Webmasters' Note: Zhuge Liang, also known as "Kongming", is an actual historical figure, but Rumiko Takahashi cites his appearance in Mitsuteru Yokoyama's 1971-1987 Sangokushi (三国志). Takahashi wrote a tribute to author Mitsuteru Yokoyama upon his death in 2004.
What is your favorite anime song?
Rumiko Takahashi did not appear in this issue.
Please tell me the best side dish to accompany rice!
Kashimaya salmon chazuke.
What was the last thing that you bought that made you feel "this was a good purchase"?
A lens processed pendant I bought on Miyakojima.
Please tell us about a scary experience you had recently!
I forgot to take my change from the self-check-out twice (expensive).
The Paris Olympics are about to start, are there any sports you're interested in?
What kind of manga food from a manga or anime would you like to try?
The spaghetti and meatballs from Castle of Cagliostro.Webmasters' Note: Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro (ルパン三世 カリオストロの城/Rupan Sansei Kariosutoro no Shiro) is the second Lupin III film. It was released in 1979 and was directed by Hayao Miyazaki.
What are some items or moves from anime and tokusatsu that you'd like to use?
Death Note.
Tell us something good about being a manga artist?
I guess meeting other manga artists.
What's your go-to summer song?
Katte ni Sinbad.Webmasters' Note: Katte ni Sinbad (勝手にシンドバッド) is a 1978 song by the Southern All-Stars.
Today is "Violin Day" is there an instrument that you have wanted to learn to play?
The ukulele.
Tell us about a life hack that has helped you recently.
The smell of fish on your hands can be removed by touching the stainless steel of your sink (I saw this on TV too).
If you had to head back to school now, what club would you like to join?
The manga research club, the literature club and the art club.
It's autumn, the season for reading! What is the most memorable line from a manga that has touched your heart?
"Let's get married" from Aozakura was very straightforward and I liked it.Webmasters' Note: Aozakura Bouei Daigakukou Monogatari (あおざくら 防衛大学校物語) is a manga by Hikaru Nikaido. It has run alongside both Kyokai no RINNE and MAO in Shonen Sunday since 2016.
Which prefecture would you like to live in at least once and why?
I like Tokyo the most.
What did you want most as a child?
A canopy bed.
What was the one piece of work that made you think "they really nailed it!"?
Netflix's The Queen of Villains was really fantastic.Webmasters' Note: The Queen of Villains (極悪女王/Gokuaku Jouou) is a Netflix series focused on the career of professional wrestler Dump Matsumoto. In an interview in the 1980s Takahashi-sensei had professed that Dump was her favorite wrestler.