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Volume 2

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Chapters Originally Published in:
Shonen Sunday 1978 Vol. 51, 1979 Vol. 15 - 19, 37, 43

Urusei Yatsura Vol 2

Chapter 10: お雪
Megane, Kakuragi, Perm and Chibi decide to pay a visit to the Moroboshi house and check up on Ataru, who's been feeling sick lately. When they realize Lum isn't there, they waste no time in pounding Ataru. He tells them that Lum has gone to visit her friend on Neptune Suddenly, an avalanche of snow erupts from Ataru's closet burying him deep below. Everyone begins digging, but when they find him, he is in the arms of a beautiful girl. Cherry tries to attack her, but the boys come to her aid and volunteer to escort her home. Once they follow her back through the closet, they find themselves face to face with Lum on Neptune. They soon learn that the girl they followed is Oyuki, the Princess of Neptune, and one of Lum's best friends. Oyuki tells them that she created a portal in order to get rid of excess snow from the planet. After Ataru sees Oyuki disrobe, he falls for her and sneaks away from Lum and Shinobu to have some fun with her. As he pins her down to her bed, a monster erupts from behind a wall and begins chasing Ataru. He jumps through a portal and goes back home, but the monster follows and wrecks havoc on Tokyo.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1978 Vol. 51
  • Urusei Yatsura Tankobon Vol. 2 ch. 1
  • Urusei Yatsura Wideban Vol. 1 ch. 7
  • Urusei Yatsura Bunkoban Vol. 1 ch. 7
  • Urusei Yatsura Shinsoban Vol. 2 ch. 1
Publication Date: November 22, 1978
Pages: 29 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • This chapter features the first appearance of Oyuki.
  • This chapter was collected as the tenth of the collected tankobon, but in the original publication order it was the seventh chapter.
  • This chapter features the first time that Megane, Perm, Kakugari and Chibi are all shown together in the manga.
  • The phrase that Cherry is referring to is "Baka wa kaze wa hikanai," an idiom that means "Idiots can't catch colds." One explanation is that idiots are not in tune with their bodies and therefore don't even realize they're sick.
  • In Japanese culture, one superstitious belief dictates that if you sneeze, others are talking about you behind your back.
  • Some of the magazine's in Ataru's bookshelf include Shonen Sunday, the manga magazine that Urusei Yatsura originally ran in.
  • The snow goddess is an iteration of the Yuki-onna (雪女) or snow woman spirit that appears in Japanese folklore- often in stories involving marriage with a human man.
  • Oyuki's name means "snow" in Japanese.
  • In the original manga, Ataru says, "Namusan!" whicha is a Buddhist incantation that literally means Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. This word is used casually as an exclamation of surprise or frustration.

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Chapter 11: 性
While being forced to cut the grass on the sport's field Ataru finds a strange egg and decides to keep it. Everyone at school is facinated by it, but after Megane shows Ataru his porno mag the egg seems to get bigger. In fact, everytime Ataru has a strong emotional reaction the egg grows. Soon the egg grows so large that it shatters and it's two tiny guardians appear to explain everything. The egg was feeding on Ataru's vices and it has now created a world populated by an Ataru-like oni, mountains in the shape of women, and grass that tries to pull up girl's skirts. Soon everyone is searching for a way out, only to learn the world will stay this way until Ataru changes his ways.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1979 Vol. 15
  • Urusei Yatsura Tankobon Vol. 2 ch. 2
  • Urusei Yatsura Wideban Vol. 1 ch. 12
  • Urusei Yatsura Bunkoban Vol. 1 ch.12
  • Urusei Yatsura Shinsoban Vol. 2 ch. 2
Publication Date: March 14, 1979
Pages: 20 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • None
  • Mothra is a giant moth goddess that first appeared in the 1961 flm Mothra. She is the most common recurring monster in the Godzilla series besides Godzilla himself.
  • Kobito (小人) or Korpokkur (コロボックル) as they are known in the All-Star guidebook literally translates to "little people" and refers to mythical dwarves. The two Korpokkur are also obvious parodies of the Shobijin (小美人) the race that worships Mothra in the original film and many sequels.

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Chapter 12: 系図
Ataru wakes up late for school, and his mother rushes him out the door. Lum watches from a distance and then calls out to Ataru that she can help get him to school faster. At first he refuses to have anything to do with her gadgets, but when she connects the device to one end of a large pipe he sees Tomobiki High on the other side and proceeds through. Once he arrives he sees Megane, Chibi, Perm and Kakugari in class, but they are all adults. He then notices that this is his class's 10th Year Reunion. Ataru storms off and berates Lum for sending him to the future, and then the two find a lost child. The little boy, Kokeru is a real pest and it soon becomes obvious that the lost child is actually Ataru's son. When Ataru returns the boy to school he is shocked when he discovers who the mother is.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1979 Vol. 16
  • Urusei Yatsura Tankobon Vol. 2 ch. 3
  • Urusei Yatsura Wideban Vol. 1 ch. 13
  • Urusei Yatsura Bunkoban Vol. 1 ch. 13
  • Urusei Yatsura Shinsoban Vol. 1 ch. 3
Publication Date: March 20, 1979
Pages: 20 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • Kokeru Moroboshi debuts in this chapter. His name is a pun connected to Ataru's name. "Ataru" means "to hit" while "Kokeru" means "to fall".
  • Zashiki warashi is a house spirit that's fond of mischief and believed to bring great fortune and riches to those whose house it haunts. If appears as a ghostlike child with a blushing red face who looks about five or six years old. In Rumiko Takahashi's works, the most famous example of a Zashiki warashi is in her short story Extra-Large Size Happiness.

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Chapter 13: あやつり人形
Ayatasuri ninyou
As Ataru helps his mother clear the dinner table his body experiences some sort of spasm, and he drops all the plates. After his mother yells at him he heads upstairs to see Lum playing with a little doll that bears a striking resembalance to him. She tells him that these little dolls are all the rage on Planet Oni and allow her to control Ataru's body as she pleases. She gives a quick demo and then lets Ataru make one of his own. He decides to pay Cherry back, but Lum explains the doll won't work without a strand of the victim's hair. Ataru's revenge scheme gives Lum the idea to make a Shinobu doll, so she heads off retrieve a lock of her hair. Ataru desperately tries to stop Lum from harming the bathing Shinobu.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1979 Vol. 17
  • Urusei Yatsura Tankobon Vol. 2 ch. 4
  • Urusei Yatsura Wideban Vol. 1 ch. 14
  • Urusei Yatsura Bunkoban Vol. 1 ch. 14
  • Urusei Yatsura Shinsoban Vol. 2 ch. 4
Publication Date: March 28, 1979
Pages: 20 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • This chapter features the first appearances of Mrs. Miyake and Mr. Miyake.
  • This was originally published in an extra large Spring Break special issue of Shonen Sunday.
  • The Buddha from Shake Your Buddha can be seen singing on television again.
  • This chapter was published at the very end of March, while the calendar on the Moroboshi's wall identifies the month as April.
  • Ataru is holding a straw effigy and hammers a nail into it. He is performing a modern-day version of ushi no kaku mairi, which literally means "ox-hour shrine visit" and refers to a specified method of cursing someone. Traditionally, this practice occurs between the hours of 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. (a.k.a. hours of the ox according to the Chinese zodiac). and it is performed by a woman dressed in white wearing an iron crown set with three lit candles in it. Within Rumiko Takahashi's other works, Hikaru Gosunguki from Ranma 1/2 is most associated with this practice.

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Chapter 14: いまだ浮上せず
Imada fujou sezu
(Still Waters Run Deep)
On a class fieldtrip Ataru manages to get Shinobu off alone and tries to get things hot and heavy. Shinobu refuses until they find the dried up remains of a kappa. Elsewhere Megane, Perm, Kakugari and Chibi are spying on a woman in the hot spring who winds up also being a kappa. She is overjoyed when she sees that Ataru has found the dried up kappa and quickly brings him back to life by submerging him in water. As thanks Ataru is taken to the Dragon Palace. He is very disappointed by everything he sees there, and demands to be sent home. The Kappa agree and give him a mermaid for his trouble. When he floats back to the surface hours later everyone assumed he was drowned by the kappa, but are enraged that he has picked up another woman.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1979 Vol. 18
  • Urusei Yatsura Tankobon Vol. 2 ch. 5
  • Urusei Yatsura Wideban Vol. 1 ch. 15
  • Urusei Yatsura Bunkoban Vol. 1 ch. 15
  • Urusei Yatsura Shinsoban Vol. 2 ch. 5
Publication Date: April 4, 1979
Pages: 20 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • The song title used for the chapter title here is from ペニーレイン (Penny Rain).
  • Pachinko is a type of arcade game that resembles an arcade pinball machine with its steel balls. It is associated with gambling where the winner eventually trades prizes for cash in a roundabout way. Gambling for cash is illegal in Japan.
  • Kappa are mythological creatures who are said to carry a dish moist with water on their heads. If the dish gets dry, they become immobilized. The kappa's favorite food is cucumber.

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Chapter 15: 幸せの黄色いリボン
Shiawase no kiiori ribon
(The Yellow Ribbon of Happiness)
While talking with Cherry one day, Ataru mentions that he wishes he could find a way to take away Lum's powers so she couldn't hurt him anymore. Later that day a letter from Cherry arrives with a yellow ribbon inside. If placed on Lum's head the ribbon will make her just like an ordinary human. Ataru proceeds to give the ribbon to an overjoyed Lum, who thinks Ataru is finally doing something nice for her. Megane and Chibi decide that the now powerless Lum will need help to keep Ataru from taking advantage of her during the dead of night. Unfortunately the thought of a powerless Lum seems to have the same effect on the two of them. Ataru finally realizes that Lum will never go back to her UFO without her powers and will never leave him alone, so he decides to remove the ribbons. Once Lum discovers what they were doing, she makes Ataru pay for his trickery.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1979 Vol. 19
  • Urusei Yatsura Tankobon Vol. 2 ch. 6
  • Urusei Yatsura Wideban Vol. 1 ch. 16
  • Urusei Yatsura Bunkoban Vol. 2 ch. 1
  • Urusei Yatsura Shinsoban Vol. 2 ch. 6
Publication Date: April 11, 1979
Pages: 20 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • This chapter title is taken from the song by the American group Tony Orlando and Dawn.
  • When Ataru is hatching his scheme to tie the yellow ribbon on Lum's horns to sap her of her powers we briefly see him speaking with two tongues. In Japanese being double tongued (二枚舌/nimaijita) means you are double-dealing or lying. Rumiko Takahashi used this same joke in her autobiographical manga Kemo Kobiru no Nikki.
  • Ataru's mirror has "Touen Rice Shop" written on it. This can be seen as early as chapter 2. These mirrors were sold by shops as a means of advertising, but were rarely seen in private homes. Thanks to Ryou for help identifying these two.

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Chapter 16: 女になって出直せよ
Onna ni natte denaose yo

(Become a Woman and Start Over!)
During a school camping trip, everyone is marvelled by the shooting stars streaking across the sky. One star actually winds up being an alien spacecraft. Out of the ship comes a small crow creature who Ataru revives by funneling alcohol down it's throat. The drunken creature believes Ataru to be the most handsome man he has ever seen and takes him back to the ship to be the bridegroom for his princess, Kurama. Ataru is repelled by the idea of mating with a little crow woman, but is overcome when he sees the beautiful sleeping beauty in her cryo-tube. Ataru wakes her with a kiss, but Kurama is not pleased. She ultimately decides to take on the challenge of making Ataru a man worthy of her conquest, but a botched feminization laserbeam winds up bringing out Ataru's feminine side.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1979 Vol. 37
  • Urusei Yatsura Tankobon Vol. 2 ch. 7
  • Urusei Yatsura Wideban Vol. 1 ch. 19
  • Urusei Yatsura Bunkoban Vol. 2 ch. 4
  • Urusei Yatsura Shinsoban Vol. 2 ch. 7
Publication Date: August 15, 1979
Pages: 24 (black and white)
Anime Adaptation:
  • This chapter is the first appearance of Kurama.
  • This chapter title comes from a song by Goro Noguchi.
  • Though this was originally published after chapters 19 and 20 it was placed earlier in the collected volume releases. This was done a number of times to ensure multi-chapter storylines were not split up across books. In some cases the widebans restored the original release sequence.
  • Skylab fell on July 11, 1979, and this chapter was published shortly after on August 15th.
  • The legal drinking age in Japan is 20, so the fact that Ataru brought beer on a High School fieldtrip is an excellent example of what a problematic person he is.
  • Karasu tengu are crow goblins, mythological birdlike creatures with wings that inhabit the mountains.
  • The tengu crows wear outfits that those typical of the Japanese folklore tengu, though more specifically they wear the raiments of the "yamabushi" (山伏), an ascetic order of mountain-based spiritualism known as "shugendo" (修験道). You can read more about shugendo in the cultural notes section.
  • The poster on the wall behind Kurama has the kanji characters for "demon" on the first two lines, "woman" on the third, "child" on the fourth, and "achievement" on the last two.
  • "Anima" is a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung as a part of his ideas on the collective unconscious. It is the representation of the feminine side of a man. It's companion is animus, or the masculine side of a woman.
  • Rumiko Takahashi also drew the Sunday Gag Post in this issue.

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    • Interior Chapter Note: Even after the serialization ended, I received so many supportive letters from you telling me to continue Urusei Yatsura. I will be doing about one story a month and will do my best to go at this pace until I graduate from university in the spring. Nice to meet you.

Chapter 17: 思い過ごしも恋のうち
Omoi sugoshi mo koi no uchi

(Obsession is a Part of Love)
As part of Kurama's plan to make Ataru a more suitable mate, she tries to tutor him in the ways of her people. Shinobu, Lum, and Cherry do their best to keep him away from her, and everyone at school is angry because he is blowing off his cleanup duties to go and see her. Kurama makes a dimensional door that makes Ataru's worst nightmares about women seem real. Suddenly no one remembers him and then the women in his life put him on trial and sentence him to die. Ataru emerges from the door a seemingly changed man, but once he realized none of it was real, he goes back to his old ways.

Published In:
  • Shonen Sunday 1979 Vol. 43
  • Urusei Yatsura Tankobon Vol. 2 ch. 8
  • Urusei Yatsura Wideban Vol. 2 ch. 1
  • Urusei Yatsura Bunkoban Vol. 2 ch. 5
  • Urusei Yatsura Shinsoban Vol. 2 ch. 8
Publication Date: September 26, 1979
Pages: 29 (red tint)
Anime Adaptation:
  • As with chapter 16, this chapter originally was published after chapters 19 and 20 in Shonen Sunday. Urusei Yatsura had gone on hiatus and Takahashi published Wasted Minds in the monthly publication Shonen Sunday Zokan for the next few months during this time.
  • The title of this chapter comes from a song by the same name by the group Southern All-Stars.

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